general stewart ship 1950 passenger list

The ship was turned over to WSA for duty in Army Transport Service, who rebuilt her to 12,521 gross tons. CUs, signs warning of electricity and gas. Opening credit sequence. An inmate cleans a tile floor on his hands and knees with a wet rag and a bucket of water as a guard watches over him. MS, a woman boarding a bus at a bus stop in Warsaw. Train moving (towards the camera). MS, Julien Bryan and nurses talking in the hospital. Men and women in traditional costume perform a circle dance. 01:13:32 The students line up on the stairs outside the church as an instructor reads to them. In 1946, Bryan photographed the efforts of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency in postwar Europe. These credits are followed by more credits for the Far Eastern Expedition crew and the European Expedition crew; END credit runs, then cut to EXT, low angle CU of a cathedral; a shot of man in his prison cell, viewed first through the door's peep hole, and then by opening the cell door entirely, he sits in a chair, arms folded, looking at a wall, then scrubbing the floor. The sign reads "Der Botschaft der Union der S.S.R. Men and women are present, cooking, eating, talking, doing household chores. 01:07:45 Cathedral, pedestrian traffic, automobiles, bus. 01:16:15:29 MLS, more scenes of destruction. Man cuts and butters bread at a table in the room. **, Staged scenes inside a peasant couple's home. The refugees speak to each other, to the IRO staff that are helping them, and to the camera. Map of Austria with coats of arms. EXT, MS from high angle, procession of priest and alter boys in Lowicz, Poland. Steel mill. How do I best word a request to find out if a particular report produced by a House committee was transferred by the Clerk of the House to the National Archives following the close of the 90th Congress? Store workers moving a display.Older, poorer orthodox man, scenes of the old market place. Cranes at work, INT coal burning. 6. The Germans surround Poland from the south and the north, eventually reaching Warsaw and destroying the city. and our loyal RootsWeb community. Shadow of blade falling. 11:44 Sequence repeats. This is followed by two trims of a building under construction in Warsaw, workmen construct wood frame, cart materials around the site in wheel barrows, as a foreman barks orders. Float proclaiming "Thank You Marshall" with girls dressed in white passes the camera. Silhouette of farm machinery at sunset. 5. 01:09:03 Countryside, model village, German civilians walking. VS of New York harbor and the Statue of Liberty. DPs wave and the train departs. (1,426 + steamboat passenger lists to date) List of (Scottish) Passengers arrived at Quebec August 1819 (Harmony & Hope from Oban, Scotland) barque Camperdown, 1819 from Limerick to Quebec, many aboard the steamboat New Swiftsure, 10th September 1819, from Quebec to Montreal HJ motorbike. Daily life in the Jewish quarter or Krakow. Boys. EXT, CU, two young Jewish boys socializing with each other. The camera slates between takes indicate that this production was done in conjunction with the YMCA, which explains the focus on youth and their healthy development; the footage was most likely intended for use in an informational/documentary production for the French to encourage a return to routines of daily life that existed before the war. Bundles of belongings on baby carriage. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. EXT, building. Underway 7 August for the Panama Canal, General M. B. Stewart steamed for the East Coast after the Japanese capitulation and arrived 19 August to debark her passengers. Man walks across factory floor. 01:04:27 VS of dockworkers at the port of Linz (on the Danube River in Austria), loading and unloading other ships and barges with raw materials. She admires the fur collared coats from outside the shop with another woman. MLS, Interior courtyard sequence, with young Jewish children clearing brush, preparing for the harvest festival of Sukkot beneath the archway made famous in an iconic Roman Vishniac photograph. The monument is heavily lit and a flag is posted before it. Men on scaffolding. LS of three young boys running about on a farm. Repeat of the horses rushing down the hillside, driven by soldiers, rather random/staged looking battle scenes, one of the soldiers is on a field phone in one of the MCUs. 250 male prisoners; 3 died on the passage out also 1 sailor. 01:17:25 Giant pipelines. If the viewer looks closely they can make out the outlines and shadows of the inhabitants of the Jewish quarter in bucket brigades in the foreground of these shots trying to save their homes, their lives, and their livelihoods. Nazi flag hangs from building. Men seen through an open window. Extreme long shots: German planes flying over Warsaw- these are the shots that Julien Bryan talks about in his book "Siege". MLS, a farming family in the field, in the BG a Gothic looking church. Tree- lined streets. Flower stalls at the outdoor marketplace. Students serve lunch to the rest of the class. BDM girls marching street side, women on steps, gardening. The bear plays with the cart and the horse, attempting to get the horse to move, eventually the driver of the carriage gets the horse moving again. Uncover essential details about your family in these passenger lists from New York City, the largest city in the United States, between 1820 and 1957. Older man using oxen to run a grain threshing machine. INTs, spectators looking at exhibitions, tires. Reel 3A Mountains, village dirt road, church, people walking with umbrellas, bicycles, cows. MCU of four men at the hospital, the one with glasses is a German prisoner, who is being cared for by the Poles. Building rubble. Scene with six Polish soldiers sitting down, looking at papers or maps and discussing something. VS of the new mothers and newborns. HAS, two men walk on the red carpet in the courtyard. Spectators. 01:05:20 Crowd entering ferry, pan up to bridge. 01:13:05 A funeral procession through the streets of Warsaw. The coal mining compound, INTs, EXTs, LS. "Gdynia" sign at rail station. Man working, pedestrians. Quick shot of "Fryzjer" [barber] sign, followed by ruins of Warsaw, shells of buildings. Cut to MS, three women in the field digging for potatoes, CU of an injured woman. City street. Damaged buildings. New York Harbor, new arrivals to America. People look out "window" in shelled building, woman with a water pail, children playing in ruins, geese, Julien Bryan's car, ruins located adjacent to the river, children playing games. On 1 March 1950 she was transferred to the Military Sea Transportation Service (MSTS) as USNS General M. B. Stewart (T-AP-140). Preserved in the State Paper Department of Her Majesty's Public Record Office, England, Omitted Chapters from Hotten's Original Lists of Persons of Quality and Others Who Went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, U.S., Southeast Coast-wise Inward and Outward Slave Manifests, 1790-1860, Immigration of Irish Quakers to Pennsylvania, 1682-1750, California, San Francisco Chinese passenger lists, 1882-1947, California, San Diego, Chinese Passenger and Crew Lists, 1905-1923, California, Chinese Partnerships and Departures from San Francisco, 1912-1943, Dutch Immigrants: New York Passenger Lists, 1881-1894, Hawaii, Index to Filipino Passengers Arriving at Honolulu, 1900-1952, California Immigration Registers of Japanese, Filipinos, and Hawaiians at San Francisco, 1928-1942, Hawaii, Index to Filipino Arrivals to Honolulu, 1946, Matkustajaluettelot Suomen Hyrylaiva Osakeyhti (Passenger lists Finland Steamship Company) 1892-1960, United States Germans to America Index, 1850-1897, Irish Emigrants in North America, Part 1-6, Irish Emigration to New England through the Port of Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, 1841 to 1849, Ireland Famine Emigrants Online (1846-1851), New York, Irish Immigrant Arrival Records, 1846 - 1851, New York Emigrant Savings Bank, 1850-1883, Free Access: Africa, Asia and Europe, Passenger Lists of Displaced Persons, 1946-1971, United States Italians to America Index, 1855-1900, Italians to America Passenger Data File, 1855 - 1900, NARA, Italians Immigrating to the United States, 1855-1900, Italians to America Passenger Data File, 1855 - 1900, U.S, Boston Arrivals of Jewish Immigrants from HIAS Records, 1882-1929, Galveston, Texas, Jewish Immigration Records, 1901-1917, Russians Immigrating to the United States, 19th Century Russian Immigrants to the USA, United States Russians to America Index, 1834-1897, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Library, Mid-Continent Public Library Midwest Genealogy Center, New England Historic Genealogical Society,, Order copies of passenger arrival records with. SS New Australia - 1949 & SS Arkadia - 1958 - built as the Monarch of Bermuda in 1931. Barges in the water. Through actual footage taken during the siege, Bryan poignantly describes the frightening chain of events that finally resulted in the capitulation of Warsaw and Poland. Folk dancing scenes are shot at a faster speed than usual, and therefore the image is slowed down considerably. whether in possession of a train ticket to their final destination, who paid for the passage. More shots of the family sifting through the rubble, END. END on CU of destroyed household belongings in this rubble. WS, CWS campus. (Building is the one JB photographed in 1939 with sandbags and "Wagonslits" sign in Photo Archives W/S 47396). CU of a loaf of bread in a woman's hands. The doctor examines a chest X-ray of another family member. MSs, Julien Bryan talks to Ryszard Pajewski (now a truck driver) who he filmed in 1939 (boy sitting in rubble, Photo Archives W/S 31324). Tracking shot of ship's arrival to NYC. Back to the lumberyard, several workmen moving and hauling wood around the yard. Several CUs of various pages of the paper, one showing caricatures of the Soviets, the Brits, etc. CU, Smigly-Rydz with scepter shakes hands with another officer. Loading barges. CU, blond boy. Civilians digging ditches, constructing blockades, dead horses. VS: CUs of the students in class and at a social gathering. VS, from inside the same building's courtyard. INT, children in the classroom learning geography; pictures of buildings/bombing they drew. A woman combs her hair while looking at a picture of Rita Hayworth in a magazine. Market, Barbican stairs, crowded square and church. SOME OVERLAP WITH FILM ID 2322 01:14:16:20 Good sequence of shots of Bryan posing with a larger group of victims of the bombing raids, all assembled in the middle of the rubble. She maintained this pattern until being placed in Reduced Operational Status at New York 29 April 1955. The Museums Collections document the fate of Holocaust victims, survivors, rescuers, liberators, and others through artifacts, documents, photos, films, books, personal stories, and more. Austrian civilians gather to look at the window displays featuring information about industry and farming in the US. Bryan rushed to this lab each day he was in Warsaw to immediately process his film of the German attack on the city. Last Modified:Tuesday, 18-Aug-2009 14:09:08 MDT, RootsWeb is funded and supported by Art, theatre, music, photo magazines etc. LS, overview of massive destruction in the city of Warsaw - bombed buildings. Classroom shots of the Goldschmidt school in Berlin, which was created when Jews were no longer allowed to enroll in public schools. VS of the miners at work, chipping away at the walls of the cave with pick axes, etc. LS, more of the schoolchildren on their outing. Farm building and truck. The quarter was destroyed that night. INT, large group of women sitting around a table. Two young girls look at an umbrella display in a shop window; shots from inside the women's clothing store to the street and people outside reflected in the windows. More shots of the fire at 01:06:38:12 trees are visible silhouetted against the flames, and there is a horse drawn carriage passing by. Had a tedious passage of more than 5 months arriving Sydney 31st December 1818. CUs, man. EXT building with several narrow smokestacks. 01:04:23:17 MLS of a destroyed area of Warsaw; it seems to be a bridge over one portion of the river and an entrance into the city from an outlying suburb. Balbina was photographed immediately after giving birth to twins at the bombed maternity hospital in 1939 (Photo Archives W/S 47218). Gdynia, ships loading and unloading at the port, pier 23. A woman walks past, puts her head down, and pays no attention. The family then walks across a bridge (recreation of the 1939 scene). Children eating outdoors during celebration, long table, party hats. She was transferred to the U.S. Army as USAT General M. B. Stewart in 1946. Doors open to reveal a classroom of teenagers learning the English language. 1950-09-14 SS Conte Biancamano Passenger List. Sequence of outtakes. The shot and the reel end as Hitler rides out of frame at END. CUs. CUs of Hitler Youth eating, uniforms. Longer shot of the same area showing the church steeple, patrons, ruined buildings, electronic rail lines above the streets. EXT, VS, M. Finkelstein's haberdashery in the Jewish quarter of Krakow, Poland. Alternative form available: Passenger lists up to 1950 are available on MS-Copy-Micro-0729 (18 reels) Access restrictions No access restrictions Format 154 folder (s), 262 volume (s), 5 Linear Metres, Business records, Financial records, Diaries, Minutes (Records), Passenger lists, Manuscripts, Mss, typescripts, printed matter Stewart (T-AP-140)", "Immigrant Ships, Transcribers Guild, SS General Stewart", "PUGET SOUND TUG & BARGE; MISSION VIKING, INC.; NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUCTION, INC., OSHRC Docket No. INT: VS: young adults/university age students; a reading room; CU of books on the bookshelves (Polish titles); MS: a group of young men socialize in a dormitory room, pictures of dignitaries and a poster of Prague hang on the walls; CU of a professor's classroom door. The site of a downed plane-wreckage is visible on the hillside, where one Polish soldier is showing the journalist something that came from this plane, another Polish soldier is climbing down the hill to join them. TRIMS feature a range of MCUs and CUs of locals in Katowice, Poland (Silesian region) in 1936. VAR views of schoolchildren walking along the sidewalk and playing at school. Elevator. 01:23:45:20 CU of one baby in a stroller that stares directly at the camera while eating, followed by the mother madly rocking her baby, VS of very sleek looking, shiny, new baby carriages. reproduced in whole or part in any format for presentation, distribution or profit by VS of architecture; street cars, newspaper kiosks, people milling about, but more of a focus on the bustle of the city, traffic cops, buses, cars, etc. 01:00:37 Displaced persons (DPs) on a transport sponsored by the IRO. People reading at tables. In Lowicz, a young, attractive Polish peasant women is putting on her costume, she wears several layers of skirts, a cropped jacket, and long braids. Polish soldiers stand guard; civilians come up to them and question them. Men clear grass by hand with scythes. LS, large, open plaza. . Montage of images of the United States begins. CU of a man blowing a warning whistle, cut to a large statue of a mermaid wielding a shield and a sword, an unidentified bridge and the Vistula River are visible in the BG. VS of people on the bridge, then more destruction along railway lines, and people swarming out of their neighborhoods. 01:01:20:24 1946, Warsaw, Poland, MCU of a young boy making the sign of the cross at a cemetery. DPs walk under a sign banner that reads "Church World Service Language Institute". Several displaced persons gather around the Canadian representatives at their desk at the processing center (staged). He is removing this clock as a trophy. in Deutschland" [The Embassy of the USSR in Germany]. INTs of the 1937 Munich exhibition of "Degenerate Art" [Entartete Kunst] in the Archaeological Institute, not far from the house of German Art. Photography Jules Bucher, Julien Bryan The first two trims are MSs of a street corner in Warsaw, a police officer conducts traffic between streetcars, motorcycles, automobiles and horse-drawn wagons. MS, a walking bridge that joins two buildings together. Bryan traveled widely taking 35mm film that he sold to motion picture companies. Inside the classroom, English lessons in progress, female teacher. Cut to other women walking along a dirt road, a horse drawn carriage passing by, then the camera returns to the two little sisters. Park in Berlin, several people walk by, people sitting on wooden benches in the park, a child plays as an older woman looks on. 76-5155", Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships,, This page was last edited on 28 May 2022, at 08:32. The remaining trims feature ships loading and unloading in the port city of Gdynia, Poland. EXT, low angle shot of castle tower. Polish planes fly over Warsaw as part of the ceremonies. A quick series of trims featuring zinc mines in Katowice, Poland (Silesian region). Townspeople exiting (a church?). MSs, CUs children boarding ship. Quick CU of a man in profile, cut to two girls and their mother in peasant dress. Horse with cart in street, snow-covered ruins of Warsaw ghetto. Man standing next to large machine. down a main street in Warsaw. Item 7 - General Stewart arrived Melbourne - passenger list; Item 8 - General Haan arrived Melbourne - passenger list; Item 9 - General Greely arrived Fremantle - passenger list; Item 10 - Skaugum (II) arrived Fremantle - passenger list; Item 11 - Amarapoora arrived Newcastle - passenger list; Item 12 - Brazil arrived Sydney - passenger list puts her arm around him and shows him a magazine. MS of another shop window displaying proudly military regalia and photos of Polish leaders. 01:00:43 Fountain at industry exhibition. High shot of open jeep with people entering a village, boys performing a drill, woman doing laundry in her yard, bucolic mountains, and three pedestrians. Peasants/farmers shovel and load hay. This particular compilation of trims may have been compiled for screening at one of Bryan's public lectures. 01:04:07 Multiple takes, at end of shift, worker takes his bicycle and rides it around the EXT of the factory building past other employees. MLS the two young boys dragging a chair, down the street full of rubble. Sailing for New York 22 April, General M. B. Stewart arrived 11 May and decommissioned 24 May. More pans of the riverbanks and the bridge far off in the distance now. Good CUs of teenage boys and girls as they enter the school up the stairs, including Ellen Rosenthal. Autobahn. MLS three young children in the street, walking toward the camera, they smile, continue walking until they are out of frame, then the camera captures them from behind, continuing their walk through the barren streets of the destroyed city of Warsaw. MS of dignitaries at the reviewing stand, everyone is wearing top hats, including President Moscicki. Tasmania & Union Reliance Please Note: Firefox and some iPad's or iPhone' s, etc are not suitable Use Google Chrome for this web page to load perfectly!. American books in English and German. More shots inside the mine, the cars full of zinc ore, etc. A male teacher helps her. HJ, motorcycle. 854 Good scenes of daily activity. In the BG several tents are visible on the hillside. LS, man walking along road with three children, a cyclist, and a building with faade under construction. Mining factory. INTs, CU, woman praying at Catholic mass. Re: I'm looking for incoming 1904 passenger lists for SS Switzerland, Find answers to your research questions at, How to File a FOIA Request for Archival Records. EXT shots of the YMCA building in Prague (called YMKA in Polish). A zinc refinery - factory and workers, zinc plates created and moved. Might there be correspondence between the National Archives and the Clerk of the House concerning which records were transferred and which may have subsequently been withdrawn? INT classroom. 01:19:00 Scene of dead bodies in a field, a woman is covering the faces of the dead. INT of the factory: men at work, VS. A rail car pulls up to the station. Building construction. Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History 23rd of March please use the following link and you will find the details and all events of this day . VS: reconstruction of buildings in Prague. CU audience. at the port as they get on board the ship. EXT, MLS, large estate in the Polish countryside. Black. CU of a brick oven that remained intact. She was the first passenger ship of the famous Sitmar Line and the first non-British ship employed to carry assisted immigrants from Britain to Australia. Large group of schoolchildren walk along a road with their teacher. Soldiers in courtyard. Muir, departed from Bremerhaven, Germany, and arrived in New York, 23 August 1949. Re: Can someone help me find immigration/naturalization records for some of my ancestors? They have wooden wheels, etc. A very brief sequence in an unidentified prison in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1946. CU, license plate. CU audience listens. 01:08:19:18 The inhabitants of the maternity ward are now lining corridors, several nurses, mothers and their newborn babies are seated on the tile floors of the hospital corridors. This scene cuts out before we enter the cemetery. Another view of the Dutch flags. Bookshelves full of books. 1892-1924 Passenger List Search - The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. 1897-1902 New York, New York, Index to Passengers Lists of Vessels, 1897-1902, index Inside, Margot Segall, the girl in a plaid dress, approaches the blackboard and conjugates the Hebrew verb "to ask". HAS, repeated LSs, of the city of Warsaw from a lookout tower. In the fields of central Poland, CU of woman harvesting crops. Antiquated shaking threshing machine. Eating, look at NS propaganda, postcards with Hitler at street vendor, eating. Cut to soldiers loading cannons that look more like WWI artillery rather than WWII. CUs, the listening audience. Scientists/engineers in airship/Zeppelin hangar, working, massive steel. Pupils at desks, Margot goes to chalkboard again. One boy has dug a hole through the ice and is searching for something in the water, the other boys gather round. Departing New York 7 December, she sailed via the Suez Canal to India where she arrived Karachi 28 December to embark 3,300 returning veterans. Soldiers march over a bridge. **, Peasants and farm families going about their daily activities in the region of Katowice, Poland. More LSs of Nazi elite, including Goering, Goebbels, Hess, and others standing in middle of Nuremberg's square. 8. M. Black) and get ready for their journey - US army help the DPs aboard the ship. CU CATERPILLAR on side of tractor. Hoover Dam. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948. The younger girl, looking terrified, poses holding her sister's hand, CU, glimpse of the young girls' shiny black shoes. Motorcade. The film then ends on shots of young, healthy children in postwar Poland, eating bread. TRIMS. 3. Nuremberg is decorated for a parade. Kazimiera was photographed by JB in 1939 mourning the death of her older sister, who was killed in a field in Warsaw during a German air raid (Photo Archvives W/S 50897). The ship was converted for its new role at a cost of $4.5 million. Few cars parked in the plaza. They are play fighting with each other and skating around on the frozen water. Cut to another intersection, and then another with people entering a travel agency and CUs of posters of Budapest and an international music festival in the windows. She was named in honor of U.S. Army general Merch Bradt Stewart. EXT Charles Bridge in Prague, stone arch at one end of bridge. General M. B. Stewart received one battle star for Korean War service. MCU people look at the camera as they board a street car. was the first American troopship to carry European refugees to their new homes in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where they could become farmers or factory workers. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. We're also happy to serve you boxes in our Washington, DC research room (when it reopens again) if you'd rather view committee papers yourself. Traveling shot from the funicular in the Zaprowy (Tatra) mountains at Zakopane. Bridge. CUs, basketball players. She sailed 30 December for the United States and arrived Seattle 25 January 1946. USS General M. B. Stewart (AP-140) was a General G. O. Squier-class transport ship for the U.S. Navy in World War II. [VQ- still frames in places where there are technical problems from Bryan's camera and poor processing.] Elaborate Russian Orthodox church. Coal mining. Soldiers patrol the bridge. CU man. Sign "Unser gruss ist 'Heil Hitler'". They fill their baskets. Three men looking at architectural drawing of a shelled building, pointing to destruction in BG. Man sitting in cell with bars on the window. Seeking House Records of the 90th US Congress. The brick schoolhouse and the teacher looking at the girls' work. 01:21:49 Tanks parade down the street, the cannons are drawn by horses. VS from inside the trolley car panning the street scene outside. Marching band and elaborate floats process while spectators line streets. The Venezuelan mission representative locates Venezuela on a large map of South America for the family, as they look on and ask questions. EXT Eleanor Roosevelt walking with academics, wearing hood and holding wreath and piece of paper. For screening at one end of bridge & amp ; ss Arkadia - 1958 - built as the Monarch Bermuda! Ruins of Warsaw woman is covering the faces of the same area showing the church an... 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