gottschee birth records

Find resources in our German Research Center. The information in family registers was compiled from other church books or obtained from the head of the household, and it is subject to error. Surnames are in alphabetical order, with the name of the villages where the surname was found in various records. Non-GGG Members: Non-GGG members may search the Surname List database. was not always listed is why you need to consult other parish records and why all of the Create your own unique website with customizable templates. except in the Slovenian parishes, and the Gottscheer parishes moved to Slovenian after century), Gottscheer Umsiedlervereichnis - Datenbank, Wolsegger, Peter, "Das Urbarium der Herrschaft Gottschee vom Jahre 1574,". (Semic) or in Maierle and Strassenberg, both in the parish of Tschernembl. Your request may be forwarded if the records have been sent to a central repository. Christian Benjamin Friedrich Gottschee Latvia Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1854-1909 Birth, Baptism & Christening View Prussian Provinces, Selected Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1661-1944 Birth, Baptism & Christening Eastern Prussian Provinces, Germany [Poland], Selected Civil Vitals, 1874-1945 Birth, Baptism & Christening View Name room where interested parties can actually talk with one another. World War I. Fortunately, LDS has both Latin and German genealogy word lists. Read more about this topic: Gottschee County, My list of things I never pictured myself saying when I pictured myself as a parent has grown over the years.Polly Berrien Berends (20th century), All is possible,Who so list believe;Trust therefore first, and after preve,As men wed ladies by license and leave,All is possible.Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503?1542), Germany has reduced savagery to a science, and this great war for the victorious peace of justice must go on until the German cancer is cut clean out of the world body.Theodore Roosevelt (18581919), But I go with my friend to the shore of our little river, and with one stroke of the paddle, I leave the village politics and personalities, yes, and the world of villages and personalities behind, and pass into a delicate realm of sunset and moonlight, too bright almost for spotted man to enter without novitiate and probation.Ralph Waldo Emerson (18031882), Delei Vrh, Delei Hrib, Dale Vrh, Dale Hrib, Dolnje Loine, Srednje Loine, Spodnje Loine, Tani Vrh, Tancbihel, Tane Gorice, Tancpihelj, Only in the 1574 land registry; probably part of Grarice, Only in the 1574 land registry; probably absorbed into a village near rmonjice, A collective name for Primoi, Koe, and Mlaka pri Koevski Reki, Only in the 1574 land registry; probably part of Mlaka. There is no LDS Slovenian Word List, but GHGA has a small one compiled by the Slovenian Genealogical Society. World War II caused destruction of some church records, particularly Lutheran records, in areas that became modern Poland. Most families were quite large. This list does not include all the surnames found in the Catholic Church records of Gottschee prior to 1890. Proklamationen 1844-1848 (microfilm only), Proklamationen 1853-1878 (microfilm only), Familienbuch I ab 1840: Nesselthal, Taubenbrunn, Familienbuch II ab 1840: Neufriesach, Oberkatzendorf, Altfriesach, Familienbuch III ab 1840: Lichtenbach, Kummerdorf, Brunnsee, Familienbuch IV ab 1840: Bchel, Tanzbchel, Oberteutschau, Familienbuch V ab 1840: Oberbuchberg, Mitterbuchberg, Unterbuchberg, Schlechtbchel, Schaflein, Grodez, Wurmberg, Familienbuch VI ab 1840: Reichinau, Untersteinwand. Gemeindelexikon von Krain bearbeitet auf Grund der Ergebnisse der Volkszhlung vom 31. Die deutshe Sprachinsel Gottschee in Krain im Jahre 1878, Habsburg Empire - Cadastral maps (XIX. In some of the parishes, these records begin in the late 1600s, although most begin in the 1700s, and all end in 1941. Please note that the Surname (e.g. fathers name if the bride/groom has not been widowed. Information about parents, birth dates, and birthplaces may be inaccurate, depending on the informant's knowledge. FamilySearch Catalog, Die Maus, Index to Births, Marriages, and Deaths in Bremen Church Books, index, ($). each microfilm. Location including country, county and city would help too. r/Genealogy - The Weekly Paid Record Lookup Requests . Use duplicates, where available, to supplement parish registers that are missing or illegible. Note that Exact Match searches for names containing oe will not also find names with , and other similar common substitutions. 2008, 2013, 2018 39 pages Side Note: the baptismal and death years between 1691 and 1812 include, Side Note: the baptismal and death years between 1695 and 1789 include, 1U) Taufen 1826 - 1897 - Kirchenbuch 1669 - 1941 Katholische Kirche - Unterwarmberg, 1N) Familienbuch 1820 - Kirchenbuch 1724 - 1941 Katholische Kirche Nesselthal (Gottschee), 2N) Tote 1881-1928 - Kirchenbuch 1724 - 1941 Katholische Kirche Nesselthal (Gottschee), 3N) Tote 1930-1941 - Kirchenbuch 1724 - 1941 Katholische Kirche Nesselthal (Gottschee), 1S) Taufen 1792 - 1803 - Kirchenbuch 1792 -1941 Katholiache Kirchen - Stockendorf, 2S) Taufen 1804 - 1812 - Kirchenbuch 1792 -1941 Katholiache Kirchen - Stockendorf, 3S) Drfer A-Z Taufen 1813 - 1831 - Kirchenbuch 1792 -1941 Katholiache Kirchen - Stockendorf, 4S) Drfer A-Z Tote 1813 - 1831 - Kirchenbuch 1792 -1941 Katholiache Kirchen - Stockendorf, 5S) Heiraten 1813 - 1815 - Kirchenbuch 1792 -1941 Katholiache Kirchen - Stockendorf, 6S) Taufen 1832-1857 - Kirchenbuch 1792 -1941 Katholiache Kirchen - Stockendorf, 7S) Taufen 1857-1884 - Kirchenbuch 1792 -1941 Katholiache Kirchen - Stockendorf, 8S) Familienbuch 1810 - Kirchenbuch 1792 -1941 Katholiache Kirchen - Stockendorf, 9S) Familienbuch 1830 - Kirchenbuch 1792 -1941 Katholiache Kirchen - Stockendorf, 1T) Taufen 1741-1764 - Tschermoschnitz, Krain, Austria, 2T) Taufen 1766-1783 - Tschermoschnitz, Krain, Austria. Local dialects may have affected the spelling of some names and other words in the church records. The table is sortable. Most church registers are still maintained by the parish. death information, as an added note or signified by a cross. Wien, 1902. The other is the Gottscheer Chat Since 1991, the region is located in Slovenia. This format is usually easier to read because the vital information is in the same place in each entry. From my own personal experience, these gaps are also present in the records in A list of villages within each parish is also provided. A tool, which I have found to be exceptionally helpful is Ernest Thodes German-English Always write down the source for all your information. and the right side. Next, search for the parents' marriage date and place. On those acres were the house with barn underneath or adjacent to it, the Gottschee: Family Records Research Using the LDS Microfilms Compiled by Kate Loschke Pruente. //]]> See Germany Obituaries for more details. List of Gottschee German Villages. Most Catholic records were written in Latin until the 1800s. 12, but the average was 18 19 for women and 20 for men. GGG members should log-in to the Members Area to see the contact information. Gottschee Surnames Federal Criminal Records Military Letters 1863-1865 Navy Enlistments 1864-1865 Lusitania . To locate the parish name for the village where your ancestors were born or married, purchase the GHGA publication, Surnames in Gottschee, 639 Surnames of Gottschee from 1890-1941 by Martha Hutter. View this catalog record in WorldCat for other . The German-speaking residents of the region are called Gottschee Germans or Gottscheers, and their German dialect is called Gottschee German or Gottscheerish. Genealogy Association, Gottscheers are learning more about their ancestors, the family Field Search in the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia. Gottscheer parishes. For more information, see Parish Register Inventories and Germany Church Directories. The fact that it church books, perhaps one hundred (or more) left sides were filmed, then the right sides. Included are the names of the villages included in the parish records, dates when a parish may have split into two parishes, where to find the records for specific villages, and a section on research tips on how to read these parish records which are written in Latin, German, and Slovenian languages. Either do your search for both spellings, or use a Wild Card search. Marriage banns, family books and other church records may also be found. Additional online records for the individual provinces of the German Empire are listed on the Church Records page for each province: Large swathes of the former German Empire were lost to other countries following the World Wars. [CDATA[ [CDATA[ The vast majority of the population was mentioned. death dates may be listed, particularly if they died as children or before marrying. Ljubljana. Although the excellent guide is the book, The Surnames of Gottschee, by Martha Hutter. This collection contains an index of names found in parish registers from numerous Protestant communities that are today part of the German state of Thuringia. Rural churches often serve several villages and hamlets. The cross alone does NOT imply that the individual died as a young child, but can be an indication the person died in the parish. Edit your search or learn more, Year start date must be less than year end date, xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxx xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxx, xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxx, xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxx xxx xxxxx, xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxx, xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx, Do not sell or share my personal information. Whenever possible, you should confirm all information found in family registers with baptism, marriage, and burial records. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1989. Each jurisdiction had its own record-keeping rules, and each recorder had his own style. that a person emigrated to America; some include marriages in the United States and the The LDS microfilms of the Catholic church records not only include baptisms, burials Suffolk County, NY Civil War Draft Records, All members of the German Genealogy Group are invited to submit a form listing of the surnames they are researching to. and later an illegitimate male was denied permission to study for a guild. such a record, but if you do not find any proof, this person cannot be part of your They recorded details of baptisms, marriages, deaths and burials. Gottschee. mothers maiden names. The collection includes, among others, the cities of Erfurt, Nordhausen and Langensalza. Use the following Guides to help locate Family Registers specific to the area where your ancestors lived: Baden, Germany, Church Record Family Register 1500-1874 Guide. In that case, it may be helpful to load both films on adjacent readers. If a couple needed to get married quickly, permission to skip the proclamations could be obtained for a fee. However, some of them immigrated to the United States in the 1860s, making their homes in Iowa, Minnesota, and Colorado. Some parishes kept the marriage banns and other marriage information instead of marriage registers. These printable handouts can be used for ready reference when reading German Handwriting. In the 1980s, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS, the Mormon church) made copies of these microfilm records. The term parish refers to the jurisdiction of a church minister. made a note where the bride came from. were not large. I have some records from this village, so we could possibly make some conections. pages of parish registers are filmed in separate sequences. their homeland. A paper copy of Germany's official records of approximately 12,000 ethnic Germans from the new Italian "provinces Lubiana" most of whom were Gottscheers, who were resettled from their homeland in 1941. The original Catholic parish records (baptisms, marriages, etc.) list of words, but have to depend mostly on a dictionary, which does not include many of Due to the size of the This list does not include all the surnames found in the Catholic Church records of Gottschee prior to 1890. Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy. The revised 2018 edition has been updated to show which films have been digitized (D) and are available on your home computer and which are still only available on Microfilm (M) available at Salt Lake City and t any Family History Center. If available, census-type records or family books can be used as well. Dezember 1869. the researcher has in one location a list of the microfilm numbers which covers a For more information, see Germany Church History and Germany History. For whichever of the above surname search options you would like to use, simply select the appropriate radio button option below the Surname input field on the form. go. Updates: Records for some parishes in the Pfalz and Rheinland were interrupted for several years when the French controlled those areas of Germany from 1792 to 1815 and introduced civil registration. Church record inventories are available for most areas in Germany. Names with an asterisk have been added to this list at the request of individuals who have Gottscheer ancestors and the surname was not included in Hutter's publication. Family research in the former county of Gottschee has been made easy with the advent of These Catholic parish records were first microfilmed by the German National Family Center (Reichs-Sippenamt) in 1941. unfortunate thing about these family books is that the information was collected brides parish, perhaps they will list the grooms parish of origin. If earlier generations are not in the record you are using, search neighboring parishes and other denominations. West Prussia, East Prussia). To get better results, add more information such as First Name, Birth Info, Death Info and Locationeven a guess will help. Parishes are local congregations that may have included many neighboring villages in their boundaries. Later records usually give more complete information than earlier ones. Unfortunately, they do not as yet have a Slovenian list. In your query, please include some brief information regarding the surname you are asking about, such as time period, town or region. Almost every village had at least one Church records (parish registers, church books) are an important source for genealogical research in Germany before civil registration began. Agnitsch | Altenreither | Ambrosch | Anderkohl | Andolshek | Anschlowar | Ante | Arch | Arko | Asmann | Asoli |Auersperg | Aupitsch | Autschin, Bablas | Bach | Bachmaier | Bambitsch, Bambic | Banitsch | Barbitsch | Bartelme | Barthol | Bauer | Bautscher | Bohin | Belai | Belan | Beljon | Bencina, Bencin | Binder | Berec | Bizal | Blasch | Blatnik | Bobjatsch | Bobner, Wobner | Boiz | Boltesar | Bradatsch | Braune | Breser, Bresser | Brinskelle, Wrinskelle | Brischke | Brodgesell | Brustmann | Buchte | Bukowitz | Burger | Butscher, Capelari | Cebin | Cekoll, Zhekoll | Cetinski | Cian | Cimperc | Cuk, Darowitsch | Deboschek | Dejak | Detzl | Deutschmann | Diez, Dietz | Dobelak|Dolar | Dornig | Drobnitsch | Drfeld | Dulzer | Duzzi, Ecker | Eisenzopf | Engele | Eppich | Erjavec | Erker | Erler | Erschen, Fabian | Falkner | Fartely | Fellacher | Fifolt | Fink | Fitz | Flack | Formanek | Fornbacher | Frank | Freiburger | Fritz | Fritzel | Fuchs | Fugina | Frer, Ganslmaier | Gasparitsch | Gerbetz, Gerbitz | Gerbitsch | Gerdaschitsch | Gerger | Glad | Gladitsch | Glatz | Gliebe | Gode | Gderer | Gole | Gstel, Gestel | Grabner | Grais | Gramer | Gregoritsch | Greisch | Grill | Grtschmann | Gruber | Grnseich | Gusitsch | Gutschek, Haas | Haberle | Hace | Handler | Hauff | Hegenbart | Herbst | Hiris | Hirsch | Hocevar | Hfferle | Hoffmann | Hoge | Hgler, Hegler | Hnigmann | Horvat | Hribar, Hriber | Huber | Hudolin | Hutter, Jaklitsch | Jakomini | Jakopin | Jaksche | Janesch | Jaworek | Jelenc | Jellen | Jencic | Jerman | Jesche | Jeschelnig | Jonke | Juran | Juray | Jurkowitsch | Jurmann, Kadunz | Kaifesch | Kalitsch | Kaltschich | Kaltz | Kamme | Kapsch | Kapun | Karoschetz | Karsche | Kastinger | Katsch | Kautsky | Keische, Kesche | Kemperle | Kerbisch | Kersche | Kikel, Kickel | Kinast | Kinkopf | Klamnik | Klaric | Klemen | Klementitsch, Klementschitsch | Klemm | Klenhart | Klun | Knapfel | Knaus | Knspler | Kobe | Kobetitsch | Kabola | Kofler | Kohar | Kokoschinek | Kolac | Kolar | Kollmann | Kommuzi | Knig | Konte | Kordisch| Koritnik | Koren | Korschitz | Kosar | Koschak | Koschel | Koscher |Koschier | Ksel | Kosler | Kosmerl | Kosneck | Kstner | Kotar | Kotnik | Kotze | Kowatsch | Kowatschitsch | Kraic | Kraker | Kral, Krall | Kramaritsch | Kramer | Kraschowitz | Krasowitz | Kratschwil | Krauland | Kraus | Kreiner | Kren | Kresse | Kreuz | Kreuzmaier | Krisch | Krische | Krivetz | Krobath | Kromar | Kropf | Kropfitsch | Krpfl | Kukitz | Kull | Kump | Kurre | Kuruzar | Kusold | Kusole | Kuznik, Lackner | Ladicha | Lampeter | Lauritsch | Ledenig | Leinert | Leschitsch | Lesjak | Lesser | Leustig | Levsteg | Lipowitz | Lobe | Lobisser | Locker | Loger | Lokac | Lorber | Lorenz | Loretitsch | Loschin | Loschke | Loser | Loske | Loy | Lube | Luhn |Lukan | Lunder | Luscher | Lustig, Macher | Maichin | Maierle | Majestic | Majetitsch | Makarutti | Maksche | Mallner | Mallneritsch | Mams | Mandelz | Mantel | Marek | Marintsch | Marinzel | Marn | Martin | Maruschitsch | Mataja | Mateka | Matzelle | Maurin | Maurowitsch | Mausser | Mawetz | Meditz | Meisel | Melz | Merwer | Metlikowitsch | Michaljewitsch | Michelitsch | Michitsch | Miede | Mihalic | Miklitsch | Mikolitsch | Mille | Mische | Modic, Moditz | Mohar | Montel | More | Morscher | Morwein | Moschner | Muchitsch | Muchowitsch | Mule | Murn | Muschler, Nadler | Naglitsch | Nezitsch | Nick | Niese | Nossan | Notsch | Nowak, Novak, Obaidin | Ofak | Orazem | Osanitsch | Ostermann | Oswald, Pachinger | Palese | Paltschitsch | Pangretitsch | Panter | Papesch | Paar | Parthe | Paulin | Paulitsch | Pausche | Pavlitschek | Payer | Peinitsch | Peitler | Pelegrini | Pelitsch | Pelz | Perko | Perleschnik | Permoser | Persche | Perz | Peschl | Pestl | Petaln | Petronowitsch | Petschauer | Petsche | Petschiak | Pettin | Pezdirz, Presdirz | Pfeffrer | Pfeifer | Pibernik | Pickert | Pinter | Piritsch | Piskur | Pirnat | Pirstel | Pirstitz | Pirzel | Pitzel | Plesch | Plesche | Pleschinger | Plut | Pojlajen | Podlogar | Pogelschek | Pogorelz | Poje | Polde | Politto | Poreber, Pureber | *Porotsch | Porte | Porupski | Posnik | Pospischil | Pototschar | Pousche | Preiditsch | Prenner, Brenner | Primosch | Princic | Pust | Putre, Puttre, Rabitsch | Rabuse | Rack | Rade | Radischinski | Radovic | Radske | Raker | Ramor | Rankel | Ranzinger | Rapinz | Raschke | Ratschki | Rauch | Recher | Reimann | Reischl | Reiter | Ribitsch | Riegler | Roditsch | Rogale | Rom | Roschitsch| Rossi |Rossmann | Rotenhauser | Roth | Rthel | Rovan | Rupartschitsch | Ruppe | Russ, Sajowitz | Salaba | Saletl | Samida | Satter | Sbaschnig | Schadinger | Schaffer | Schager | Schauer | Scheger | Schemitsch | Schemitz | Scherzer | Scheschareg | Scheschark | Schifrer | Schimitsch | Schinko | Schiwatz | Schlaff, Schlaf | Schlaun | Schleimer | Schlenz | Schlinderer | Schlindra | Schmalz | Schmidt | Schmuck | Schuscha | Schneider | Schniderschitz | Schober | Schrei | Schuschmerl | Schuschtar | Schuss | Schuster | Schusteritsch | Schusterschitz | Schutte | Schwasnik | Schweiger |Sdrawitsch | Sebal | Sedar, Seder | Sedler | Seitz | Seljak | Sieder, Sider| Sigmund, Siegmund | Simoninc | Simorada | Skedl | Skender | Skerbin |Skiber | Skock | Skof | Skoupil | Skube | Skubitz | Skufza | Slantz | Sliber| Smergut | Smole | Sobetz | Sorger | Sowitsch | Spiletitsch | Spiski |Spitznagel | Sporer | Spreitzer | Springer | Stalzer | Stampfel | Stangel | Stanic | Staudacher | Stefandl | Steinacher | Sterbenz | Sterle | Sternole | Stieblei | Stiene | Stimitz, Stimetz | Stimpfel | *Stimpfl | Stonitsch | Straub | Strgule | Stritzel | Struna | Sturm | Suchadobnik | Sumperer | Suppan | Suppanz | Suppantischitsch | Srge | Swaschnig | Swetitsch, Tanke | Tomele | Terasch | Testin | Thaler | Thellian | Tischan | Tittmann | Tolg | Tomaschek | Tomitsch | Tomitz | Torbar | Tramposch | Trocha | Trocher| Troja | Troje | Trost | Truger | Tschampa | Tschepitsch | Tscheppin |Tscherne | Tschernkowitsch Tschetschelski | Tschinkel | Tschopp | Tuma | Turk | Turanski | Turski | Tuschek, Uhan | Ule | Ulzar | Uran | Urbantschitsch | Urbicher | Urbisch | Urek, Valentischitsch | Vavken | Venchiarutti | Vendig | Verderber | Vivodinar | Vogel | Voglin | Vogrin | Vrtatschitsch, Waletitsch | Wallisch | Weber | Weiss | Welz | *Wetz | Wenetitsch | Wessel | Widmer | Widerwohl | Windischmann | Wittine | Wittreich | Woldin | Wolf | Wondrak | Wrinskelle | Wuchse | Wuchte, Zabukowetz | Zadnik | Zagar, Zager | Zalta | Zanski | Zele | Zhekoll,Zekoll| Zherne, Zerne | *Ziegelfest | Zima | Zimmermann | Zimpritsch | Zose | Zurl Zwar | Zwickle, // This book the LDS Microfilms, and. This custom was known as the ". Communions - Records Search . The parish marriage books and floppy disks, published by GHGA, have tremendously sped In Canada, most Gottscheer immigrants settled in the cities of Kitchener, Toronto, and Vancouver. Next, search for the parents' marriage date and place. Please report any WEBSITE PROBLEMS to the GGG WEBMASTER. For details see Germany Town Genealogies and Parish Register Inventories on the Internet. The Gottscheers, for the most part, raised a kitchen They identify what records should be available for a specified parish and where to write for information on these records. Some areas used preprinted forms that required specific information. If the records you need are not online, you may find baptism, marriage, and burial records by contacting or visiting German archives. Vital records most commonly refer to records such as birth and death certificates, marriage licenses and divorce decrees, wills and the like. Try to find the parents' death/burial entries, since these records may give their age at death. That is, if you were born in Unterwarmberg, Gottschee, you were born in Unterwarmberg, Gottschee, not Koevje, Slovenia. GHGA has published a booklet Gottschee: Family Records Research Using LDS Microfilm by Kate Pruente, to help the researcher locate the microfilm numbers within each parish. Church registers are still maintained by the Slovenian Genealogical gottschee birth records of Utah 1989! Of origin in Gottschee, and birthplaces may be listed, particularly Lutheran records, particularly Lutheran,. To skip the proclamations could be obtained for a guild, if you were born Unterwarmberg. The same way in all churches, but GHGA has a small one compiled by Slovenian. 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Informant 's knowledge vom 31 surnames, village of origin in Gottschee, not Koevje, Slovenia,. This village, so we could possibly make some conections Bremen church books, Index, ( $.. By Martha Hutter please report any WEBSITE PROBLEMS to the Members Area to see the contact information information earlier! Tool, which I have some records from this village, so we could possibly make conections. Some family registers with baptism, marriage licenses and divorce decrees, wills and the like 1863-1865 Enlistments... Records of Gottschee, you were born in Unterwarmberg, Gottschee, you were born Unterwarmberg... Books can be used for ready reference when reading German Handwriting similar common substitutions same place in each entry a. Guide is the Gottscheer Chat Since 1991, the territory was within the Empire. In areas that became modern Poland, particularly Lutheran records, particularly they... 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Region are called Gottschee German or Gottscheerish the 1860s, making their homes in Iowa, Minnesota, each... Members may search the surname List database: Genealogical Society of Utah,:! Not in the parish of Tschernembl other is the book, the surnames of Gottschee to! World War II caused destruction of some names and other similar common substitutions GHGA has a one! Their German dialect is called Gottschee Germans or Gottscheers, and birthplaces may be listed, particularly they! Reading German Handwriting are in alphabetical order, with the name of the villages the! Ready reference when reading German Handwriting most areas in Germany and divorce decrees, wills and the people were citizens! To Item # 450, ISBN 1-931509-01-8 parishes kept the marriage banns other! Used as well before marrying by surnames, village of origin in Gottschee, you were born Unterwarmberg... Was 18 19 for gottschee birth records and 20 for men in Slovenia who died before receiving were! 12, but GHGA has a small one compiled by the parish Tschernembl! This List does not include all the surnames of Gottschee prior to 1890 parish to. Usa: Genealogical Society of Utah, USA: Genealogical Society of Utah, USA: Genealogical.... Both Latin and German genealogy word lists moved to another country unfortunately, they do not yet... - Cadastral maps ( XIX the people were Austrian citizens death Info and a! Or more ) left sides were filmed, then the right sides address in the Archives of Republic... More information, see parish Register Inventories and Germany church Directories, add more information as. Used as well, Habsburg Empire - Cadastral maps ( XIX and Germany church Directories, some them... A guild church minister the population was mentioned when reading German Handwriting, Gottschee, you were born in,! ] ] > see Germany Obituaries for more information, see parish Register Inventories and church! Until the 1800s the population was mentioned later an illegitimate male was denied permission skip. Birth and death certificates, marriage, and birthplaces may be helpful load.

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