kara and mon el fanfiction fluff

Kate got Sophie and Mary back. Home. The cherry Chapstick. Alex, she starts, causing her sister to look up at her as she walks. A green glow radiates from the blisters and cracks in Karas skin, burning her now on the inside. I asked him if he liked me, if he wanted to pursue me. Youre a face, Kara. Kara and Mon-El finally get together at the end of 2x13 (Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk). Those arent the right words, but-, I know what you mean, Kara helps. Karas eyes close, melting into his tone. News vans and media trucks roll up on the scene, reporters and large cameras aimed directly at her. His mother tried that on him, didnt she, when she was busy invading Earth. Kara approaches, staring with wide eyes, wanting so desperately to hug the woman who gave her a start. Please consider turning it on! Why are you late?. She looks it over carefully, finding hundreds of small dents and a few holes decorating it. Her eyes are a deep red with dilated pupils. It seemed as if they were getting nowhere. I think so.. In the finale 2x22 (Nevertheless She Persisted), Superman destroys the positron-cannon, and thinks Kara is his worst enemy. Lena sighs, the exchange between them making her feel like a weight had been lifted. Run! Alex shouts, urging her sister forward. Dont you dare say any of that shit to me. POV Kara and Lena; Minor Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015) Minor Lucy Lane/James "Jimmy" Olsen; Past Sanvers; SuperCorp; Happy Ending; Androgynous Kara; Lena Luthor Needs a Hug; . Whatever it takes. His hand runs along the red word, then he stops, quickly ripping it away. I didnt even hear you, she gasps, mumbling against him. Hes lucky I took him back after all that.. You okay? Kara asks, her hand still on his arm. Hes afraid of you., Why do you think he made so many weapons to defeat Superman? Please, he says, gladly turning over the bottle. Kara had finally been allowed back to work at the DEO, or at least, Supergirl had. Her fingertips land on Mon-Els and she grins at him. And it kills me to wonder how things might have been., Kara nods slowly, then gestures to the gun. And you didnt make me do anything. Of course, he did not know if he would be back tomorrow, or in just twenty minutes from now. There would always be the people who were rotten to the core. Ill join. The water rushes over her hands, cascading and enveloping the bullet. She turns to her sister. The green fires, dust, Lexs name on the bomb, its all his doing. Their complementing colors make her heart ache, her mind filling the open space on his chest with her house symbol. Alex yelps as well. I get enough of that at work. Kara flinches at his words and he wants to take them back and apologize for scaring her. Someone! But hes Lex Luthor! Kara says, throwing an arm at her. Oh! Something happened that allowed me to piece some events together. I dont know if itll work, but I can give it a try.. She brings it down into the sink, then turns on the faucet. You have Winn., Alex tilts her head, pursing her lips. Luthor. How will his family help him through it?. Okay, I think you had a little too much to drink, Kara says, settling her in and standing back up. Standing in the middle of Lenas penthouse favoring one leg, observing her closely. Kara had almost killed herself trying to get it back, and she succeeded in that mission but failed in death. A small, curved, strange piece of wood is jammed beneath his pointer finger. Saving the world? Nia mustve heard me say his name and I ran over to him before I realized it wasnt him. I didnt know you were back! While we were out there I thought I saw Mon She cant say his name. She would not be like her brother. Shes stabilized, Lena announces with a monotone voice. And her confidence in herself was thriving. A made-up one from your subconscious. Kara nods, looking back at the screen. His cape folds around them and she melts into him, wrapping an arm around his middle. Kara Danvers; Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015) Veronica Sinclair; High School; possible superwondercorp; probable future smut; Fluffy; angsty kara; Bullying; Self-Harm; Shy Kara; Diana's got balls; veronica is a bitch; Mon-el is a temperary bad guy; Summary. With social media rising, her printed magazine is struggling to keep up, and so is her body., Mxy stands, rounding her desk and pointing at it. In 2x01 (The Adventures of Supergirl), Kara finds his pod when he lands on Earth, still unconscious. It's my first fan fic ever. She kneels, wrapping her hands around Karas leg. I find it all very noble. It was his third time enjoying the company of her little family, and the more he learned about Kara Danvers outside of work the more he grew close to her. Brainy shakes his head slightly. Thats why Im going over to Lenas to talk with her., Kara rips her head from her shoulder, staring with wide eyes at her sister. Kate had decided she would hang around for just a few more hours, learning about Karas planet. But he was still alone. Lillian and Hank, take Lena to safety but leave Kara and Mon-El, on the ship the President has ordered to be definite grated by the positron-cannon in the DEO. Why isnt she waking up? Alex asks frantic, pounding her palm against the glass. He winks, then picks up the dice and rolls it onto the board. Fine! And your parents ship was right above us Her teeth clench. Both of you. She looks between them. Like magic, Kara floats down from the sky, landing on the concrete and knocking on the door frame. He had found a roll of police caution tape in Alexs junk drawer in her kitchen, as well as some heavy-duty Duct tape. I can play them, too.. You almost kill her on multiple occasions, but she risks her life to save the people, and you know that. The Supers chest wasnt rising and falling. Kara?. Hi, William. She smiles, a finger trailing across his nose to his lips. But to who? That got her moving. Shes already on the press list to interview her on it. Alex tapes up the gauze, stepping away and putting frustrated hands on her hips. Jonn, Alex begins, glancing over at him as he watches the monitors for her vitals. He knits his eyebrows together, straightening. Panting, both sisters sniffle, staring down at Karas body. She glances down at her outfit, her ratty pajamas. Okay, Alex starts, closing her eyes and rubbing the bridge of her nose. The hero of National City? It was inevitable.. Please, Alex, she tries. Supergirl, he says, gesturing to a spot in the center of the mat. Kate wipes a tear out of her eye. Open up., Damnit, Kara, do it yourself. Her fridge is covered in pictures depicting her perfect life. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works It helps me organize my words. Thats what she was trying to keep from you, Lena. The girl sends her a mischievous glare and says A wise woman once told me I shouldnt be making conversation with a stranger much less tell them my name. she finishes in a teasing tone. But he dips back into the infirmary before she can see his tears, returning dutifully to a smiling Imra. Why the hell not? Alex screams, her tears welling in her eyes at how useless she feels. Its been a while, hasnt it?, Arent you supposed to be dead? The Luthor brother simply shrugs his shoulders. Do you understand? Lena nods, a tear falling. Lenas face hardens and her gaze settles on Kara. He looks at her, at her puffy lips and where his hands are placed, and gets off the couch. Kara only nods at her and Alex takes the alien into containment. You know,I keep asking myself the same question. It wasnt my job., Kara finally gets it, shaking her head and giving a frustrated smirk. Anyway, he wrote himself in as one of the Paragons. Winn, Alex, and Jonn were trying to help him in that area, spreading the word that he much the wiser, but it was moving slowly. I didnt know what the spider wanted. Alex! A voice from outside the room shouts at the director. How exactly did Supergirl change in the future? She asks it slowly, nervous for the answer shes going to get. But there was one person who was taking Lexs death a little harder than most. Mon-El and I have been having Troubles lately., Alexs eyebrows raise. Karas voice breaks as she says this, coming to terms with the fact that she is going to give in to this man. Would you like the Mxyzptlk you know and love?. The confidence. I needed you, he says slowly. He sighs, crawling forward and sitting beside her. It wasnt as intimate as holding her hand, but it wasnt completely cold as not touching her as they walk. Monitors that show his vitals and images of his wounds rest on a cheap desk, and they are old. And even better that she still cant tell Alex who she really is, not with Haley still breathing down her neck. Lenas brow furrows, walking over to her. Kate tilts her head, her mask-free face able to sweat easily without the leather that sealed it to her skin. Im sorry, Im just not.. Will you ever send the file?, Yes, Lena responds to her AI. But talking with her and learning more, I think I know how we can help her.. Because you are Alex Danvers, goddammit. Alex chuckles, letting Kara smile. She glances down, checking on him. The next time she opens them, she is in the infirmary. At that moment, Karas eyes open wide and she gasps for air. Alex tsks at her, then pulls back her arm and connects her knuckles with Karas mouth. She doesnt stop holding his hand, and hes thankful for it. Never had she seen Kara drunk. Im gonna miss you so, so much, she cries, holding him tighter. I still care about you, Nia. Yes, and you have met her countless times before., Alex stops, wagging her finger at Kara. And I know, I forgave you for that, but now Im scared. Shes her past. Shes out cold.. Kara is what keeps her sane, what keeps her at bay and tethers her to something real. Alex nods, then takes a daunting step forward, breaking into a stride as she crosses the floor. Her? Kara and James share a look. Another one? I do. To finally be with him once again. Wont do this one. Lena grabs her legs, trying to help her sister move the body of the one they care about most but finding her too heavy. Shes at home with Maggie and Ellen. It all made sense to her now. Youre a different kind of complicated. Are you okay?, Lena looks her over, eyes widening at the blood that has stopped leaking from her stomach, the red that isnt pouring out of her mouth. I have some imperative forms that need your approval. Hey! Lena tilts her head to the side. When I learned that you had lied to me about being the Prince of Daxam She cocks her head, fighting. Shes really in her old office, restored from Andreas drab decor. Not the hero the entire world looks up to. I think thats my answer then. Shouldve contacted Alex or Supergirl. No, not that kind of nostalgia. I havent seen you in so long, I didnt know if you wanted space after Lex or what, but She trails off and puts her phone in her purse, setting it down beside the chair in front of Lenas desk. Twenty or so more minutes. Kara cocks her head at her. Ah! She pulls up a voice recorder, hits play, and sits down in front of her, pen and pad at the ready. Thank you for respecting me., Of course. She pulls away, afraid she misread the situation, but he wraps a hand around her back to keep her to him. Tell Kara, the DEO-. Kara glances at her, the inhales deeply. Hey! Kara calls, walking over to them with her hand stretched out in front of her. Do you believe she still loves me? She was never supposed to die. Ah! As always, this affects everyone around him too. Paint chips and pieces of drywall crumble around her, her peripheral vision showing her the insulation of the loft. Thank you for letting me come, Lena. Why cant she visit her niece and sisters? That hes been so consumed in his life with Imra he forgot the one he shared with her. Well, you see, since there is no crime, essentially no evil forces threatening humanity or the world, L-Corp simply has no motivation for creativity. Then the people took her for granted. Imra, theres theres something I need to tell you., She nods. Kara finally smiles. Lena hums in annoyance, pinching her temples tighter. Kara makes her way to the balcony, waving over her shoulder as she bursts into the sky. Youre not allergic to anything, are you? Afterward, he tells her that he was worried about her and that he still cares about Kara. Alex told me the first thing you did was-. She pulls out of her daze and returns her eyes to Lenas. No, no, no. Maybe for Kara to speak or fly away or anything. All members of the team had earpieces on the same private network, courtesy of Alexs stealthy swipe from the DEO. Turns out that his Daxamite people didnt all die when Krypton exploded and they were going to take over Earth for themselves. She lost so much She is unable to finish her words. You will still be Supergirl, the loving hero that would never abandon her city. So do not play any tricks with me, Kara Zor-El. She passes it to him and he raises it to his lips, foam bubbling to his mouth causing him to spew. Hardly. She sets down the tablet, cracking her knuckles and putting her hands on her hips. Tell Yvette I say hello and I wish her well. The window is still open from when she entered a few days ago, and the sound of the city is the only noise she allows. And I dont think you have to worry about telling that to Karas face because you just did.. You need to relax and remember who you are. I thought being with her was worth more than being in the army. Alex clomps down the stairs behind Jonn, who both steal her away from Mon-El and hug her. In this time, there is no wife. I am terrified of you, Lena. A green glow emulates from inside the ice, causing Karas skin to burn and her body weakens. And she didnt know if that was appropriate. I better get back, she lies, needing to get out of the office that was so heavy with her guilt. She let herself get pushed around and tripped and spit on and cussed at. But it wasnt. Marsdin grins at her, looking her up and down. Clothes, pictures, trinkets. She could finally be herself. I dont think Id ever tell her to her face, but from how she described the whole situation, this Lena woman kinda sounds like a bitch. what if the hero's from earth-1 had came to help supergirl in the battle against reign, and in order to get kara out of her coma she had to watch her past to the current time. No. She looks at her. So she lets her sleep, and soon they are both snoring on the couch,Funny Face playing quietly in the background. Kara hangs her head shamefully, hopping back over to Jonn and jumping up on the bed. She looks up at her, face pink. Of course, he thought it would happen sooner than this, but she would still return. Give in to him enough that she is going to work for him, sacrifice herself to save her family. I cant forgive that., Do you know who you are speaking to? Stop this experiment. You wont need Alex to call you. Her legs are folded over one another and her arms are crossed tightly against her chest. And just as quickly as the warm thoughts of her fantasy family arise, Mxys blue magic swirls around her, taking the crib and pictures of her life with it. There is a gasp and the sobs stop. The doorbell rings and she jumps, dropping the Chapstick into the box and closing the drawer. Kate drums her fingers on the doorframe, planting her foot across the border. He laughs nervously, looking between her and James. Just, take them off and follow me. She shakes a hand at his feet and she rounds the car to stand beside him. I understand your actions and what happened between you two to make you want to devise this scheme. You did this. Now, a smile spreads across his face. What happened to my sister? Alex asks, grabbing her by the shoulders and stalling. "So whales are incredibly rare. I cant believe I didnt recognize you, Alex says, tears streaming from her mistake. I just never thought you would tell her. Alex! Kara snaps, hobbling over to her and dropping to her knees harshly in her restrictive dress. Shes been better. You, he growls, sliding a hand up her thigh and to her waist. The villain on my Earth had taken her and I needed to be there.. I still care about you. His mouth was searching for the words I still love you, but he knows better than to say them now, at least not yet. Maybe that was the wrong question. It sounds like shes underwater. Im excited to see what youve found.. Im calling to ask if you could allow Kara Danvers today off. Kara and Mon-El start off rocky as they are from rival planets. Distract it long enough to get it off Supergirl!. The sound of Alex saying her name after so much time brings a tear to Maggies eye. She respected and trusted her far more than Lena ever had. The rest of the doctors copy her. This time with both hands. Fun, right? Its okay, I can take it. I do remember. Well, hah! Not in my eyes.. How deep had Haley dug her talons? To be honest, I dont even know how I stayed friends with you. She would recognize that voice anywhere. Yes, I am. And I really dont want to bring you to the DEO as a prisoner rather an ally.. Olivers death had sent a shockwave through the unconventional family, however. but he knows better than to say them now, at least not yet. Lena clicks on a selfie of Kara. I hurt you in ways I cant even imagine, but youre starting to sound like Lex and I know thats the last thing you want., Maybe youre wrong, Lena snarls, her hand squeezing the grip. Receptionists answer calls, reporters bustle with overflowing files, assistants carry hot coffees. To tell them the world is not a perfect place. Okay Winn says hesitantly. Her eyes widen at the doppel and her mirror smiles at her, displaying two rows of porcelain teeth. Alex shakes as she tries to force air into her stubborn lungs. You will be AWOL to everyone in the DEO except for the citizens and me., He pouts, thinking. You arent necessary for this next part.. Almost as if she knew they were coming. He already knows shes watching him, he can feel her eyes. That tree. It seems so weird, I have things on my mind and this- she gestures to the DEO, -helps me think. She looks around and squints, searching for a special someone. Oh, yeah. And now the same is with Lena. Im surprised to see you still here., Kate smiles at her formality. And that was what she learned. We all did. Alex arrives late to Karas loft for their regularly-scheduled Sisters Night. The more he wants her. That time on the plane, when we were going to Kaznia. Mon-El briefed me on your background, he didnt understand it either. When Mon-El and Kara arrived in the room, Mon-El said. But also Lena. I think so.. Wow. She nods and walks away to find Alex. You? She leans her head on his massive chest, thankful someone knows her identity. He had been the solemn-looking, beaten down man that was feeding them information about the World Killers like a robot. She watched as her friend flew to her in normal clothing, in Karas clothing, and she cant wrap her mind around it. Sure, world domination wouldve been nice for him, but killing the Supers? How had she not noticed that her best friend was Supergirl? I wish I didnt.. Reminisce., She draws a shaky breath in, swallowing around the lump in her throat. The doorbell rings and she jumps, dropping the Chapstick into the box and closing the drawer. Then I met you. His eyebrows pinch. I dont want to take that away from him., Alex nods. He walks up next to her, resting his arms on the railing close enough that he could touch her without it being overly noticeable, yet left some space so he didnt come across as eager. I hate that she always has to be the one to put herself in danger for the good of humanity. She knows what she has to do. But its what has to be done. The people who cared about her couldnt even see she was hurting. But that doesnt give you the right to threaten her like you did, Alex says, stepping closer and crouching next to Lena. A simple wood textures the stick painted with a yellow varnish. Kara notices and limps over to the balcony doors she entered from, shutting them. Her arms drop to her sides, turning around so Kara doesnt see the tears springing to her eyes. Looks like well have to share. At that moment, Hope decides to show her face. That they have a child who will soon be another super. Her best friend betrayed her just like everyone else in her life, and the only way she knew how to handle it was to get back at them. Give her the one thing shes showed us the most. Kara slumps, breathing and bleeding, focusing on her vision that slowly returns. The sheer strength radiating off her. Misses Alex, the bar, Jonn. Nice one, her sister shouts, waving at William over her shoulder. And her heart drops at the sight of his silhouette. Why do you want me to stop? Tell me about reporting. William had been invited back for game night at Karas loft. She didn't know why. And he wanted to stay. She took his mind off the loss of his friend, reminded him of his purpose in the world. Right. Ms. She can feel her life draining, her vision beginning to cloud. Its more than just me and Lena, you know., Or course. I dont think Ive ever met someone with your concern for manners.. It drips, intestines and multiple colors of skin melting off it. Usually, its a fear or phobia, but Karas Hers is simply not fighting at all. He shakes his head and looks down, thinking. I mean, Lex is hes Lex.. The Luthor opens the door almost immediately, as if she was watching for her. But, Im afraid I cant disclose what that product is quite yet. Theyre fixing her up right now, almost done. She was with him. Kara shrugs innocently. By some form of seriously messed up nature. Alex looks down, scraping the ground with the heel of her boot. What do you mean?, The Monitor brought him back to help. Hesitantly, she pulls herself from Mon-Els arms and stands, looking down at him. Because class 1-A can't get through the week without some sort of calamity befalling their class, this week's victim: Shoto Todoroki. In 5x13 (It's a Super Life), Mon-El talks to Kara in a flashback scene, telling her that she should be shown the same compassion she shows others. Gracefully. Lena clicks her tongue, shaking her head. I should have been more careful. Hes about to set it down, but then curiously shakes it. I hear your pleas and your wishes of a perfect world. No, you dont ever get to tell me who or what I am again! Her thumb presses the button on the device she brought, and the automatic voice of the Fortresss alarm system comes to life around Kara. Are you here for James?, Lena chuckles. You say you loved me, and that may have been true, but not anymore.. They stand shoulder-width apart, firm and confident, inches away from her heels. The smell of several perfumes floats in the air as she couldnt make a decision, and a hot hair curler and warm flat iron cool on her bathroom counter. You did Nothing., Youre right, Lena cries. Kates knee sits in the middle of her back holding her arms behind her. Shall we? He drapes his arm over her shoulders, starting their path back to her loft. It wasnt real. Is he going to be her protector or the man that will eventually break her heart? She took the long route to her apartment, allowing herself enough time for a difficult phone call. I mean, you know how well she can hide her feelings. Cat was always busy, always in several places at once, but not like this. But, continue, appropriately., Kara grins at her, shifting the blanket. No, no, no! Alex screams, hunching beside her. He turns to Alex and holds out his hand. Shes just Lena. Its just I missed you., Cat scoffs, turning around to her desk. And suddenly I was, I am, this face and feeling of being secure and safe. Why didnt you tell me over the years? They would figure it out together, just like they always did. All that matters is that the ones I care about know who I am. Alex glances at the ground. She closes her eyes again, not able to come up with a good enough excuse. He smiles, gesturing for her to sit. But you cant say you didnt want this to happen.. Look at me like you know me. My sister is a human. With Lenas help, Rhea builds a portal for the thousands of Daxamites who survived Daxam's demise in 2x20 (City Of Lost Children). Her sister has put major trust into this woman. Maybe, she whispers. Unfortunately, that was me.. Not Luthor and Super., Kara wipes her tears, nodding furiously. He walks over to the island and picks up her tracker the DEO sewed into the seams. Times square, movie theatres, tech shops, anything with a screen was displaying Supergirls image. Lena cries out, wailing with regret as her hands cover her eyes. He shakes his head. But theres no fun in that. Kara cant bring herself to fly away. Kara tilts her head. She came in and stopped it, but she saw me.. Alex and James share a look before he stands and lets the sisters be, allowing for Kara to fall asleep in Alexs lap. Whats wrong?, Kara lets out a laugh, several new tears rolling down her face. Take it away. Lex grins, handing the gun to Lena. Once back at the DEO, she and Mon-El find Jonn for answers. She takes a deep and steady breath, closing her eyes and relaxing before opening it. Lena., You didnt have to wipe my mind because I never knew. He doesnt dare speak, he cant trust what might come out of his mouth. Its now that Kara gets a good look at her. Now, Alex demands, checking her over. She had known all along. Kara, you have time to deliver a message to the people to announce you will end this, Alex states, an ordering tone licking at her voice. Whats your excuse? James sulks in his chair, his head low. Wow! Lex shouts, walking towards her with a large gun now in hand. The team only realized this when her heat signature wasnt picking up on their radar. Kara looks over at her, an eyebrow raised. Her sister is not among the dead so far, and hopefully wont ever be. She knew she was watching, listening, observing. No more Supergirl. And the city may have been fine before me, but now its not. No, Mon-El. This takes place when kara is sixteen and Alex eighteen monel is also sixteen Lena lurks in the shadows in the alley beside the DEO, a specially enhanced pistol in her hand loaded with a poison Kryptonite bullet. Yes. Her sister grins, nodding and waving her forward. The world could never be good, pure. But the reporter lies there, unmoving. And that thirst was only quenched by seven glasses of red. But she doesnt take orders from a Luthor. Following her, he sits at the island, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Because I think I see a pattern, and if Im right, this isnt going to end well if we dont stop her soon., When Lex was the top Luthor, he and Superman were friends. Kara, let me go! she pleads, yelping in pain as the hero pushes her further into the wall. She takes Karas hand and her friend gives her a reassuring squeeze. To protect them. Coincidentally, you have always been the one to have a word with her when those occurrences come up., The number of times I could have died while you were with me is a very high amount, yet whenever danger struck you always seemed to flee the scene just in time for Supergirl to rescue me.. Giving me nothing to look forward to? he breathes, his words airy with lust as they whisper across her face. Obviously, Alex and Jeremiah and Eliza knew I was not human, but the students at my school didnt. What are we doing? She asks him. Every civilian in the city believes in her. And the Kryptonite still wedged in her chest doesnt help her. She had finally gotten the hang of things on earth but there was still a lot of stuff she still didnt understand. He lifts this one out of the box and gazes down at it, dragging his fingers along Karas messy cheek. We have his location. Kara I-. Alex places a hand on the side of Karas head. I cant Kara mumbles, trying not to move her mouth to avoid splitting her already split lips more. Kara, youre holding back. We know how we are going to track the doppel, take her down, and hold her, but how are we going to get the rifle and Kryptonite?, Lena steps forward, closing the small circle the four of them stand in. Desk, and she succeeded in that mission but failed in death cant what... Finger trailing across his nose to his lips, foam bubbling to his lips Hope decides to show face. Would always be the one thing shes showed us the most im just not.. will ever. Hobbling over to the balcony, waving at William over her hands, cascading and the! Tears springing to her loft work at the ready but Karas Hers is simply not fighting at.... I know, I am head low, wrapping her hands on her.. Tablet, cracking her knuckles and putting frustrated hands on her hips concern... Is he going to get out of the team had earpieces on the bomb, all! 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