potato kugel with frozen shredded potatoes

Prepare Manischewitz Potato Pancake Mix according to package directions and mix in sage. For more information about Sharon. Oh wait. Privacy Policy. This being Seder, the full meal following hard boiled eggs, gefilte for some, and matzoh ball soup, no one looked for seconds and it would have stretched to 12 for sure. You may want a forever puppy if you are used to smaller animals. Instead of grating your own potatoes, simply start with shredded refrigerated hash browns. And yet, like any pet, puppies grow up and turn into dogs. That might mean corned beef and cabbage, the standout dish stateside, or a lamb or beef stewthe entres those in the Emerald Isle are most likely to eat on March 17. If you cant find it, you can substitute extra-virgin olive oil. We like them a bit thinner. I made it for Passover and my husband, who grew up in Borough Park, could not get enough. Photo: Dianne. Compared to the old-fashioned ground potato version that I also made today, the. I made this kugel last night for our super-secular seder, along with your matzo ball recipe (which I follow every year, with a few additions). I ate the whole thing (an entire large squash). Put oil in 10-inch frying pan and place pan in oven to heat the oil (the oil should be very hot when added to the potatoes). You would expect a completely pulverized potato to turn pink/gray very quickly but its white like anything and I think its because the onion pungency is working some sort of magic. This is a really versatile recipe. been really getting into these smitten recipes lately! They're made with real potatoes, and they have a great flavor. The parts of the potato casserole that are submerged in the savory custard and baked become fluffy, with a melt-in-your-mouth texture; the top of the casserole crisps up like a latke, resulting in a delightful contrast of textures in each bite. Darn it! Step 3. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Get the latest & greatest Kosher Everyday scoop: Copyright 2023 Kosher Everyday All rights reserved. I think the culprit was likely my not so sharp grater blade on my food processor. Do you just have to move quickly with the grating/mixing/into the oven? Whether a hashbrown breakfast casserole or a dinner casserole, these recipes transform frozen hashbrowns into something truly special. Preheat the oven to 425F with a rack in the upper third. Can you make and bake the kugel a day or two ahead, then reheat on the day of the Seder, or will this compromise the crispness? Brilliant!! How do you keep the potatoes from losing color and looking gross? I substituted spaghetti squash for the potatoes to make it LCHF and it came out pretty well. By Also, would I defrost it first or cook it frozen?? Hi Deb, Is it okay to use butter? This was so delicious. This part is interesting: Potato Flour is heavy with a definite potato flavor made from the actual potato including the potato skin and will absorb large amounts of water because it has been cooked and contains the peel. I added 1 & half TSPS garlic powder & some fresh thyme its my favourite herb! Martha Stewart is part of the Meredith Home Group. Getting them out of the tins was a struggle, but they taste good. My food processor blade is thinner than yours, Deb, so my top crisped up a little bit more. Thanks! Doing it in a 913 metal pan. I cant figure out what Im doing wrong. Required fields are marked *. I have read your comments and plan to defrost it in the refrigerator and let it come to room temperature before reheating it. I also used an 8 inch square glass pan and heated the oil in the oven. Deb, can you indulge a caviar novice? Again,not my recipes & Im not tweeting these.But they do sound amazing so Ill take the credit. Transfer the grated potato to a large mixing bowl. Dice sweet potatoes into 1-inch cubes and mix onions and sweet potatoes in a blender until shredded or shred with a hand grater or food processor. Is it supposed to be? Might have to try this version, sure sounds easier! I think if you drain grated potatoes the liquid drains off and there is starch in the liquid. Should I double the recipe or 1 1/2 it? Its the best potato kugel Ive ever made. Heat the oven to 400F. Im in love with how brown and crunchy this turned out! Makes 9 x 12 ceramic deep dish . Deb, I would love a tutorial on cast iron. These five trees provide shade and foliage more quickly than other varieties. Just heat the oil first so its hot when the potato mixture lands in it. Do you thaw & drain the Simply Potatoes before mixing with other ingredients? And this is so so much better than moms. Top with chives; slice and serve warm. But I guess this wasnt the case for you. I do thaw them. When the skillet is dry, add a few drops of vegetable oil and swish it around the bottom of the pan to prevent rust. Sign up for our Nosher recipe newsletter! This however, seems right on. You drizzle it over the top before baking. This has and always will be my only potato kugel. Thanks so much for sharing them with us! Two years ago: Parsley Leaf Potatoes and Sweet Potato Cake with Toasted Marshmallow Frosting This looks so yummy! Its simple, not too sweet and delicious. Can I freeze this? Matzo meal is traditional. U.S. frozen potatoes are the best value around. I loved our neighbors noodle kugel! It is a bit too peppery, certainly for the under 18 set for seder tonight. I like a lot of crust, though, and I wonder if the ratio I love will be thrown off.. Yup, were having this tonight. My advice would be to get it closer to room temperature if you can because youre reheating at a high-ish temp and you dont want it to overly brown before the center is hot. oh wow, I might just have to make this instead of latkes to go with my Christmas brisket (your recipe, which is amazing). Made this again as per my comment above I used same variations 2. Kosher Everyday is dedicated to the memory of my father, Dr. Theodore Saltzberg - Tuvia Ben Nachum ZL and Mother Yetta Saltzberg - Yenta Bat Shmuel Nechemia Z"L, Look for additional information about Kosher Everyday at. The third is myWater Oat Challah Recipe. Anna Just because were not draining off the starch doesnt mean that the kugel cannot benefit from extra thickener. * Cornstarch works too. I need this in my life. YOUR KIDS!! Thanks for sharing the cast iron cleaning link. Hi Deb, I always use your recipes as my go-to for special occasions, and this is no exception! Russets and Idahos, which are russet potatoes grown in Idaho, are both floury. Pickup. Cant wait to try it! Sacrilege, supposedly, but I cant deal with not washing pans. But there's one important thing to remember: You should really only freeze cooked or partially cooked potatoes, as raw potatoes contain a lot of water. Nope. Think of kugels like a casserole. i want mine to look as pretty as yours! In muffin tins Id put some oil in each indentation and heat it in the oven until very hot before adding the potato mixture. 1/4 cup flour (can be 1:1 gluten free) 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt. In non-Semitic terms, think of the potato kugel as a massive hash brown with profoundly crispy edges, steamy-soft insides and the showstealing complement to a dinner roast or breakfast eggs. Hard to emphasize how good and how easy this is. Hee hee. Sweet potatoes Havent tested this recipe with them but dont see why it wouldnt work. Share a photo and tag us on Instagram we can't wait to see what you've made! it was hit served in my 32cm cotton Le Creuset buffet dish & looked exactly like yours. 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil. geometrically, 7 has half the area of 10, I will just say that 2 of us demolished 3/4 of this for dinner and that it freezes well. I also got calls and emails from people asking me where they could buy the Simply Potatoes because after the article appeared the local stores were sold out amazingand true! I havent tested it with, but Im sure it would be fine. But this looks great, and a lot easier than making latkes (which I hate to do). This looks, like you said, a giant latke..which I love! Also, is potato starch and potato flour the same thing? Pretty close to the recipe I use for potato pancakes that I fry in oil using my electric skillet. We flavored the spuds with sauted onions and a generous amount of rendered chicken fat (schmaltz) and added eggs to bind it all together. How to Freeze Potatoes: A Step-by-Step Guide - Allrecipes . Do season it well and then keep it well seasoned. Any thoughts? Ive looked on Amazon but couldnt find it. Yum! EVERYONE needs to own at least one cast-iron skillet! Made this for a vegan Seder last night and it was a hit! An avalanche of eggs (says the food critic Arthur Schwartz), an unholy amount of oil (says nobody who will admit to it), shredding not grinding, grinding not shredding, shredded by hand vs. shredded by machine (usually an intergenerational dispute), wringing the extra moisture out vs. nope, thats wrong, fresh from the oven vs. reheated for best flavor, with matzo meal vs. no matzo meal are you exhausted yet? And though everyone agrees on the ingredients (potatoes, onion, eggs and fat, usually schmaltz or rendered chicken fat, of course), and that the top must be browned crisp and the inside must be tender, if you really want to get people started, ask them how to best achieve this and see if any two agree. Only asking because I just bought it! Bake the kugel. timerId; Take a look at the website. Rosemary is a stronger flavor and that tastes good too. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My husband over stuffed himself joyously, as did I! It did not disappoint in terms of appearance or taste and everyone loved it. Made your potato kugel for the first Seder this year came out delicious with thecrispy edges that we all fight over! Thanks for the recipe! Ive been doing the same ever since! ); Heat remaining cup chicken fat in now-empty skillet over medium-high heat until just smoking. Do you only put oil in the pan? Thank you! Ore-Ida Frozen Tater Tots Seasoned Frozen Shredded Potatoes - 32oz. Thats the secret my mom taught me. I do, however, have a smaller skillet that Im willing to try. Might as well do it in 60 seconds on the stove. Julia is an experienced cook with a demonstrated history of working in the publishing industry. Cant wait to dollop it with sour cream, frill it with fresh dill, and pop the champagne. They dont have the slick surface of a truly seasoned pan, but they are the most non-stick pans I own. I made this recipe yesterday for Rosh Hashanah using skimmed chicken fat from my soup and matzo meal. Remove from oven and top with more pepper, chives and flaky sea salt. Are there anything else in them? About cast iron! Thanks! Another winner! Ive only carried on making noodle. 2 or 1? I will try it out this winter and then it will be back on teh menu for Pesach. Brush a 9x13-inch baking dish with the remaining 2 tablespoons of schmaltz or oil. Thanks for the recipe! Without a cast-iron Use a casserole baking dish. Bolder tones, like cherry red and deep olive green, will dominate in the heart of the home. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! I cant wait to make this for Passover! My question is the sameI accidentally bought Yukon gold potatoes to make this recipe. Happy Passover! Its in the recipe Bake in heated oven for 75 to 80 minutes. Is it time for me to buy a cast-iron skillet? I cant believe I made dinner out of the bag of potatoes on the counter, and with plenty to have friends over You literally made our evening. I love that you (living in NY) always know my favorite, even regional dishes! I personally love the taste of thyme (fresh or dried) with potatoes. Lots of freshly ground black pepper I am so happy with this, I am even more delighted that I will have plenty for leftovers! **Note Hash Brown Potato Kugel was originally posted on Kosher Everyday in September, 2012. OMG THIS WAS SO GOOD I ATE A QUARTER OF IT BEFORE THE SEDER. this debate was as heated as the hard vs. soft matzoh ball battle. With a food processor: Blend onions in food processor with regular blade until finely ground. This kugel looks so completely amazing that it is the final push I needed to purchase one so I can recreate this dish exactly as portrayed. let loadedWidget = false, I will try that!! The Right Way to Clean Every Part of Your Oven, From the Racks to the Door Glass. I think I may have to make a batch of this in muffin tins and make 1/2 savory (your way) and 1/2 sweet. My first kugel, thanks for this delicious looking one. Baked at 350 for 60 minutes. While the oven is heating, spray a 13x9x2-inch baking dish with vegetable cooking spray. Planning to pack 1 kugel muffin with sour cream, a hard-boiled egg, string cheese, and some veggies with dip. God bless Smitten Kitchen. Ingredients. There are some divine fish recipes in it. Transfer dried potatoes to the now-empty bowl. Directions. Perhaps you'd prefer bangers and mash or a Guinness pie packed with beef? Carefully, remove baking dish from . Hoping it tastes great! Step 1. Tasted identical to a potato latke without all the hassle. Preheat oven to 400F. Peel the potatoes, and place them in a bowl of water. Id use two large eggs. Used a mix of sunflower oil and butter for the fat. There are some breeds that stay small in size even when they're fully grown. I can see the promise of this recipe though! She is skilled in catering, food & beverage, event planning, and menu development. Grease baking dish. Or, I find this often with latkes. Please advise! I love your recipes they are my go-to every single week. Just take a look at this Fully Loaded Chicken and Potato Casserole. Early this evening I saw this post, showed the picture to my husband, and we both spontaneously decided that we were having potato kugel for dinner. Every so seldom I smear vegetable oil all over them. Auburny even! Fortunately the potato starch had no problem soaking all that up, but by the time the inside cooked up (took ~90 mins) the potato shreds became one large starch cake. . New here? If you are using another brand of frozen hash browns, make sure to completely defrost and drain them before using. You can make this recipe completely plant based by using an egg substitute such as Just egg. This was a huge miss for me. In a small . Its my favorite part (that I get to skip this). Pour the chicken or duck fat into a 99 inch glass baking dish. This looks perfect, almost as perfect as the little pink latke in the picture! However, Im not sure if this is correct all the time but Ive found that while these potatoes can get gray after being cut or grated, it usually disappears when you cook it. Weve always made it in a metal 913 dish, and we put it in the oven while its heating up, so the oil gets hot with no wasted time :). Add potato starch, the shredded potatoes, 3 . of punch, and call my hostessing work done! None in the potato mixture? It looked so good and it tasted amazing! directions. Holy Pierogi!! Transfer mixture to a large bowl. Shredded Potato Baskets With Cheese and Bacon. Whisk eggs, salt and pepper in a large bowl until frothy, about 1 minute. Spread single layer of frozen diced hash brown potatoes on a non-stick baking sheet, and bake for 7-10 minutes. Lacy mops of shredded potato and onion fried until steamy and tender inside and shatteringly crisp outside, you can have your home fries, theyre the only thing I want under my runny eggs, my son wants with applesauce and my husband wants with sour cream and caviar. First, wipe out as much of the oil or grease that you can with paper towels. Since you are not draining the potatoes why do you need to add more starch to the recipe? OMG giant hash browns! Thanks for the advice. I am doomed :(. Carefully pour off and discard liquid, leaving starch in bowl. thanks! Matzo meal is traditional. In a large skillet, saut bacon and onion until lightly browned and caramelized. Pour about 1/4 inch of oil into a heavy-bottomed frying pan. xo. This type of kugel is my favorite. I made these for dinner with some aging red potatoes we had sprouting in the cabinet, in mini muffin tin with the oil drizzled over each one. I guess as you might expect, scratch is best but if you need a terrific shortcut Hash Brown Potatoes is the answer. Im not a potato aficionado so Im out of my comfort zone, but have a lot of red potatoes on hand waiting to be usedCant wait to serve this to my potato-loving family! Wowza! Thats funny, since my family pronounced it as kuggely. 4.5 Years Ago: Spring Salad with New Potatoes. I am late to the discussion. I cut the recipe by a third and used a 1 lb bag of TJs shredded potatoes, a small onion, a tablespoon of flour, one egg, and eyeballed the rest. Thanks! Can this recipe be prepared the day before? Take these easy steps to ensure the strength of your relationship. You absolutely can freeze potatoes, and you should if you have an excess of spuds. I will try this over the weekend. Oh my god, your children are adorable! Shred onions in the food processor. This hashbrown recipe, sprinkled with bacon and green onions, creates a delicious dinner with a shockingly low amount of effort. Now edited. Fit food processor with the shredding disk. I HATED my mothers potato kugel. Kugel (pronounced KOO-gul) is a sweet or savory casserole that uses egg noodles, potatoes, or matzo meal to hold it together. Updated on December 21, 2021. Can wait to make this dish :). But then reheated it, covered, in a 300 degree oven for about 40 minutes before eating. styles: { Please note that this post contains affiliate links. The taste didnt suffer nor did the texture. I moved away from family and couldnt make it home this year. Thanks Deb ! I liked it, as did my family, but I will make a few changes the next time: 1. I just take care not to scrub off the seasoning. Know my favorite, even regional dishes 1 & half TSPS garlic powder some! 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