royal ordnance factory spennymoor

8 ROF Beech Hill, Wigan ROF Birtley. MF or AF Small Arms Ammunition Factory No 1, Footscray, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA. ROF Blackpool; SAA Factory. Small Arms Ammunition - This type of factory was, in essence, an Engineering factory which specialised in the production of small arms shell casings. 1921 Royal Ordnance took over the National Filling Factories. The monogram MF1 was used for a short time in 1940 when the Gordon Street Factory commenced production. Band Stand refurbished to its former state. 1930 New Tivoli cinema opened at a cost of 15,000. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded .303 cartridges in: 180 gr jacketed soft point sporting ammunition, 150 gr jacketed soft point sporting ammunition. RG Royal Ordnance Factory, Radway Green, Cheshire, UNITED KINGDOM. In addition to the .303 cartridges manufactured for Egypt this company also manufactured nitro-cellulose loaded 7.7 x 56R cartridges, which are interchangeable with the .303 round and are known to have been produced in: Incendiary Armour Piercing with Thermite filling, Incendiary Armour Piercing with Phosphorus filling, C.. Pirotecnico di Capua, ITALY. 1928 Spennymoor Golf Club opened at North Close. They had a filling factory at Abbey Wood and later during the 1939-45 war a filling factory at Farnham. The BBC is not responsible for the content of any external sites Although the United States of America did not officially adopt a .303 rifle, it did produce, under the Lend Lease scheme of World War 2, nearly a third of the wartime production of No 4 rifles used by British troops. Known to have manufactured .303 cartridges in: Ball, Nitro-cellulose Mk 7Z ( Late Pattern ), Blank, Nitro-cellulose L Mk 5Z ( Canadian Pattern ). Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and Known to have produced .303 cartridges during the period 1940 1944 in: C-P Crompton Parkinson Ltd, Doncaster, Yorkshire, UNITED KINGDOM. The factory at Bishopton was responsible for producing explosives and propellants from the First World War and continued to supply the Army and Royal Air Force until production ceased in 2002. Single lineRailway Bridge built over High Street. Servicesheld in Town Hall. referenced. Known to have produced .303 cartridges up to 1919 in: L There is some confusion over this headstamp code as both Lorenz Ammunition and Ordnance Co, Millwall, London, UNITED KINGDOM and Ludlow and Co, Wolverhampton, Staffs, UNITED KINGDOM are believed to have used a L as their code and both manufactured .303 cartridges between 1887 and 1890. Tudhoe football field created. UT = Utah Ordnance Plant - Salt Lake City, Utah. Demolition of High Street Railway Bridge. Copyright of content contributed to this Archive rests with the author. 1976 750,000 Spennymoor Recreation Centre opened. E or EB Eley Brothers, Edmonton, London, UNITED KINGDOM. I listened to Vera Lynne and Tommy Handley who's catchphrase was 'Ta Ta for now (TTFN)'. This distinction was abandoned in May 1920 and thereafter all ball rounds had the purple annulus. Up to 1800 the moor remained largely barren and the few roads across it were dangerous. Modern Spennymoor was built on mining and has its origins with the sinking of the Wittered pit in 1839. 1942 Both pilots killed when two Hawker Hurricane aircraft collided and crashed at Tudhoe. 1912 Durham Road Higher Elementary School opened. We had evacuees in Spennymoor, these were from Gateshead and people were given 8/- a week to keep them in food, which today is 40p! Known to have produced .303 cartridges 1914 1918 in: MAXIM Maxim Arms Co.,London, UNITED KINGDOM. The Spennymoor Ammunition was filled at the Royal Ordnance Factory, Aycliffe, Durham. Known to have produced .303 ball cartridges . FN Fabrique National dArmes de Guerre, Herstal, BELGIUM. There was no production of .303 ammunition in 1961. asked the Minister of War Transport (1) whether he will provide omnibus facilities to enable girls to travel from Ferryhill and Merrington to the Royal Ordnance factory at Spennymoor in time to commence work at 7.30 a.m., and an omnibus service back to Ferryhill at 5 p.m.; The three historic state-controlled munitions factories at Woolwich, Enfield, and Waltham Abbey were taken over as National Factories were controlled by the Army Board at the outbreak of the war, under the Master General of the Ordnance. Believed to have manufactured .303 ammunition as early as 1898 until 1918. 1985 Largest European manufacturer of ammunition, 1986 Royal Ordnance was bought by British Aerospace (BAe). Cordite consisted of 58% Nitro-glycerine, 37% Nitro-cellulose and 5% Mineral Jelly and was normally pressed into cord form but tubular, tape, flaked and sliced cordite were also used. 1897 Kenmirs furniture factory opens in Silver Street. Incendiary bombs burn down Tudhoe Colliery Co-op. 1988 Spennymoor Cricket Club Ground purchased. Dunkirk survivors housed in halls and schools. We were then introduced to a number of Canadian boys. Housing, too, has made great strides since the end of the War. The following types of .303 cartridges are known to have been produced during the period 1897 to 1919: Armour Piercing Mks VII.P, VII.W and VII.W.Z, Cartridge Rifle Grenade, Ballistite H Mk 1. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: (The metal components for these rounds were manufactured by MH and MJ at Hendon). Powder was stored at Greenwich from an early date. The one good road was maintained by tolls collected at turnpike gates. My brother-in-law was taken prisoner in Italy. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: Ball, Nitro-cellulose Mk 8Z ( Canadian Pattern ), Cartridge Rifle Grenade, Ballistite H Mk 1Z ( Canadian Pattern ), Tracer G Mk 2Z, G Mk 4Z, G Mk 6Z ( Canadian Pattern ). This page was last edited on 27 May 2022, at 11:53. Tracer, armour piercing and incendiary cartridges were adopted by the British Government during 1915, explosive bullets having been approved for service in 1916. More workers came from Wales and Lancashire with the opening of the mine at Page Bank (ten lives were lost in a pit fire here in 1858), and with the sinking of a new pit at Tudhoe in the 1880s. The end of World War II, however, saw this industrial activity greatly curtailed and hard times returned, although without the severity of the earlier pre-war years. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: MS Explosives Factory, Salisbury, AUSTRALIA. Royal Arsenal Factory No 1. 20. Engineering - This type of factory produced bomb and shell casings and other metal-based components for all types of munitions. Known to have manufactured nitro-cellulose loaded .303 cartridges in: Ball, L1A1 to British Government contract(1982-85). Nevertheless, the whole of this countryside was made desolate by Williams soldiers, and for many years it was the haunt of outlaws and wild animals. Royal Ordnance Factory. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: TM..B Pirotechnia di Bologna, ITALY. Although these were the only houses built before the war, they did provide some hope and allowed the clearance of some of the worst of the squalid areas. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Used the same annulus colour coding as United Kingdom for ammunition supplied under contract to the British Government during both the First and Second World Wars. Despite the high levels of unemployment, the housing situation at last took an upturn in the 1930s when the Urban District Council began to use its wider powers to take action on unfit houses. 1945 World War II ended. Royal Ordnance Factory. M Nobel Explosives Ltd., Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM. 1929 Prince of Wales visits Spennymoor. On 2 January the majority were vested in the UK Government-owned company Royal Ordnance Plc together with 3 Agency-operated Factories, the Waltham Abbey south site and the Royal Small Arms Factory. 1716 Subsequently the Royal Brass Foundry was established for the manufacture of brass ordnance. Manufactured .303 cartridges with this headstamp January 1924 to February 1925. Cartridges known to have been manufactured in: MEN Maschinenfabrik Elisenhutte, Nassau, WEST GERMANY. This company represents the only new commercial ammunition manufacturer put into business by the Government as a result of demand in the 1914- 18 war. this was examining and weighing capsules to be used in Burma for killing mosquitoes and fleas. World War II had diverse effects upon the town. public. This ammunition is known to have been commercially exported by the manufacturer post 1950 to Afghanistan and India. These squalid conditions were paralleled by the ever-uncertain economic conditions in industry. Town Hall, When operational, the Bishopton site was the Royal Ordnance's primary manufacturer of propellants for gun and rocket systems and around 75% of the . A strike, which lasted 13 weeks, paralysed the area in 1892, although out of the enforced idleness came foundations of new growth, for the machinery at the Tudhoe Iron works was then renovated and a new mill laid down. 1985 There were 12 Royal Ordnance Factories still in operation. It was intended as a training aid only, for the observation of long range shooting where accuracy of fire was not always easily defined, even if tracer ammunition was used. 1875 Croxdale Colliery explosion 1 miner killed. MJ Small Arms Ammunition Factory No 4, Hendon, AUSTRALIA. Known to have manufactured .303 cartridges in: US United States Cartridge Co, Lowell, Mass., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Jackson, in his Place Names of Durham, 1916, suggests a Scandinavian Spaan meaning shingle-hut and Anglo-Saxon combination involving mar Spennymoor being the moor called after the shingle-hut erected thereon. The Norman Conquest meant little to the border folk initially, for they had lived with the constant threat of massacre by raiding Picts and Danes, but then Williams soldiers laid waite the county and distributed the Saxon nobles estates among themselves. K5 Imperial Chemical Industries Kynoch factory at Kidderminster, Worcestershire., UNITED KINGDOM. International Bowls Championships held in Town. Rough houses were built for the pit workers houses with two rooms and a loft, more like piggeries than human habitation according to Dodd. people who designed and built them. In 1910 the 174 grain pointed Mark VII bullet was adopted and the muzzle velocity was increased to 2440 feet per second. Later, effective tracer and incendiary composition operations were also carried out at Witton. The small number of factories involved in nuclear weapons production, ROF Burghfield and ROF Cardiff, did not pass over to Royal Ordnance upon privatisation but were transferred to the control of AWRE. In 1887, when they were renamed the Royal Ordnance Factories, control passed to the financial secretary's Civil Department, from which in 1899 they returned to the . It began production of .303 Ammunition in 1941 initially with the headstamp code of two arrows replacing these in 1942 with the code SR. Incendiary B Mk 3, B Mk 4Z*, B Mk 6, B Mk 6Z. Her advance guards clashed with some of Douglas men near Ferryhill and chased them back to the bridge at Croxdale (Sunderland Bridge). Factory in operation 1828 1919. Its head office is at Glascoed. 1931 Road Tolls ceased at Page Bank Bridge. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded .303 cartridges in: W-W Winchester Western Division of Olin Industries, New Haven, Conn., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It became Kynoch Ltd in 1897. As a result, many hundreds of immigrant workers came here from the Midlands and more rows of dark little houses were erected. 1934 Prince of Wales visits the Town for a second time. Some military training seems to have been given, doubtless with a view to the then unsettled state of the country due to the growing tension between Parliament and the King. Even before the big coal strike of 1926 the collieries had begun to close. Following experimentation to increase the effectiveness of the ball cartridge the British Government adopted a 215 grain cupro-nickle jacketed hollow pointed bullet in 1897 as the Cartridge S.A. Ball .303 inch Cordite Mark III. Spennymoor became part of the South West Durham depressed area. The headstamp code B denoting the manufacturer should not be confused with B as in BVIIZ which indicates incendiary ammunition. Quite a few of these men must have been miners, as at that time coale pits were being worked at Whitworth, Byers Green and Fernhill. Subsequently became part of BAE Systems Land and Armaments business. The MG monogram was changed to MF in 1949 which was used until 1962. 1906 Police Station opens. 1855 The Ordnance Office was dissolved in 1855. This factory was built in 1916 and was administered on behalf of the Government by the Kings Norton Metal Co. Production of .303 cartridges did not start until late 1918 and the production of all ammunition finally ceased in early 1919. The Rise of Industry In 1420 the Manor of Whitworth and much of the other land in the vicinity, from Raby to Brancepeth, and including Old Park, Byers Green, Newfield and Tudhoe, became Neville property, and the Earl of Westmorland (a Neville) was granted a licence from Bishop Langley to impark 40 acres at Whitworth, and so began the Whitworth park of today. 581.38 KB. Kirk Merrington football field refurbished. Solid Case, .303inch. Do Hirtenberg Patronenfabrik factory at Dordrecht, NETHERLANDS. Nobel Industries in turn was to become part of the new giant Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd when it was formed in 1926. Mon - Thurs 8:45 - 17:00, Fri 8:45 - 16:30 The first blow was the closure in 1901 of the ironworks which had been rendered obsolete by the pace of change elsewhere. Spennymoor is known to have produced .303 cartridges such as Ball Mk 7 and 8Z, Blank L Mk 5, Incendiary B Mk 6, B Mk 6Z, B . Find out how you can use this. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: Ball, Mks 7 and 8Z. With few exceptions, the housing situation was little better than when Dodd had described the houses as more like piggeries. 1936 Parishes of Byers green, Middlestone Moor, Kirk Merrington and part of Hett added to the town. Although coal-mining continued and the ironworks and engineering businesses were also providing employment, the start of the 20th century saw the start, too, of a long period of depression. people who designed and built them. Colour coding appears in several forms on small arms ammunition. 1920 Durham County Water Board provides water supply. Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. After May 1918 the CAC monogram was used with two arrows . Known to have produced .303 ball cartridges during 1988. 1906 Birmingham Small Arms Co took over the Royal Small Arms Factory at Sparkbrook[5]. After the war in 1918 Kynoch Ltd, in common with most other British small arms ammunition manufacturers, was merged into Explosives Trades Ltd, later to become Nobel Industries. Penny Rate Product 18,500. text of this web site is available under the Creative Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded Imperial Japanese Navy Year Type 92 Machine Gun ammunition which is interchangeable with the .303 cartridge in: ZV Zbrojovka Brno, Brno, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. An era of prosperity dawned in the 1860s and 1870s when the miners were earning 1 per day. Nitro-cellulose propellant however was extensively used during the first and second world wars. Production of the .303 cartridge commenced in 1940 and the last known production of this cartridge was in 1973 with Mk 7Z Ball and Dummy Drill cartridges. The ROF Regiment were stationed in Spennymoor factory. We were shown how the airmen assembled our bullets and taken to try the Frainer Bomber (named the Lincoln Frainer). I remember Tudhoe Colliery being bombed. On nitro-cellulose loaded .303 Mk 7z Ball cartridges made by FNM of Moscavide, PORTUGAL. ( A standing for Armscore ). AOC Bombrini, Parodi et Delfino, Rome, ITALY. This factory was part of the 1939-45 war emergency expansion plan. 8 ROF Birtley. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded 7.7 x 56R ammunition, which is interchangeable with the .303 cartridge in: T.BLAND & SONS Commercial .303 ammunition loaded by T. Bland & Sons, London, UNITED KINGDOM in ball and sporting configurations. Spennymoor had elected Labour MPs for many years, but in recent times the area has become more marginal. ROF Blackburn. 33/4m Bessemer Park Estate completed. Royal Ordnance Factory, Spennymoor, Durham, UK. The latter resulted in colliery workers houses springing up on the main Durham road. This propellant, however, was not considered to be as stable as cordite in the tropics and cordite was, therefore, still retained as a propellant in military cartridges for the remainder of the cartridges service life. A A On cartridges c 1917 indicated a Pomeroy explosive incendiary Mk 2 bullet, C on early pre 1912 cartridges denoted a Cordite propellant charge, K On cartridges c 1918 indicated a Brock explosive incendiary bullet, Z indicated a nitro-cellulose propellant charge in the cartridge. 1909 Pavilion Roller Skating Rink (The Rink) built in Clarence Street. In 1918 this factory was capable of producing at the rate of about 10 million rounds per month. The new St. Charles School opened. This factory was built in 1916 and was administered on behalf of the Government by the Birmingham Metal and Munitions Co. .303 cartridge production started in early 1918 and continued until late 1918 when the factory ceased production altogether. In 1923 only four houses were built and there was still massive overcrowding in back to back properties. P or PC Peters Cartridge Co., Kings Mills, Ohio, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. For any other comments, please Contact Us. Known to have manufactured .303 cartridges in: MH Small Arms Ammunition Factory No 3, Hendon, AUSTRALIA. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of Into the 20th Century, 1837 Spennymoors firstRailway Station built, 1839 Shaft sunk at Whitworth Park Colliery, 1841- Spennymoor National School (Dysons) opened. When, in 1894, Spennymoor and its adjacent villages achieved a measure of self government on the Spennymoor Urban District Council, the new authority found itself facing a legacy of poor housing. Even by 1938 the situation had improved little. This factory made and marked cases but filling was carried out at the Royal Ordnance Factory Swynnerton, Staffs. Spennymoor, United Kingdom (1913-1945). This company is believed to have manufactured .303 Ball, Blackpowder Mk 2 cartridges from 1890. MEXICO Fabrica National de Munitions, Mexico City, MEXICO. 1966 Bus Station and Parkwood Precinct opened. .303 cartridges known to have been produced with the Blackpole headstamped cases from 1941 to 1945 are: Ball, Cordite Mk 7 Cartridge Rifle Grenade, Ballistite H Mk 1Z Dummy, U Mk 5 Incendiary, B Mk 6Z and B Mk 7Z Tracer, G Mks 2, 3 and 4 HN Royal Ordnance Factory, Hirwaun, South Wales, UNITED KINGDOM. Cases were supplied by MJ, Ball Mk 7 (loaded into cases with BVI head stamp). ROF Featherstone; Filling Factory No. List of sites of Royal Ordnance Factories. Next we went with the WAAFs to see how they packed parachutes for the boys. Floral waistcoats and ribboned hats were worn on these highly colourful occasions. Whitworth Hall severely damaged by fire. 1803 the Royal Carriage Department was set up, 1804 Manufacture of small arms began at the Tower of London. 11. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: PPU or nny Prvi Partizan, Titovo Uzice, YUGOSLAVIA. D, DF, N or S Indian Government Ammunition Factory, Dum Dum, Calcutta, INDIA. 1853 Tudhoe Ironworks established. These soft nosed and hollow pointed bullets were considered however to be in contravention of the St Petersburg Declaration and the Hague Convention, in 1903 they were withdrawn from active service and were afterwards to be used solely for target practice. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded .303 cartridges in: 180 & 215 gr jacketed soft point sporting ammunition, RR or RRCO Ross Rifle Co, Montreal, CANADA. Used on military .303 (7.7 x 56R) cartridges supplied to Egypt in the period 1948 1954. This story has been placed in the following categories. Town wins Northumbria in Bloom (Town Section). I worked at the Royal Ordnance factory (ROF) at Spennymoor. The next day the main bodies of the two armies met at Nevilles Cross, near Durham, and the Scots were slaughtered. WWI Massive increase in production. The Dene is landscaped. This change was agreed in August 1915 and thus these sites became nominally part of the National Factory programme. MW Small Arms Ammunition Factory No 6, Welchpool, AUSTRALIA. It was changed to a limited company in 1884 as G. Kynoch & Co Ltd and by then was manufacturing metallic ammunition. Population 22,000. 1935 Tudhoe Colliery closes. . In WWII Explosives factories were established at[9]: WWII: 20 Filling factories were planned but only 16 were built including[11] [12]: WWII: Other Filling factories were devoted to Small Arms Ammunition: Grace's Guide web site design is Copyright 2021 by Grace's Guide Ltd. Three closed in 1924 and the strike saw another two fail. The bullet to this round was designed to break up with a puff of smoke on impact with a target or the ground . Ammunition was made at Woolwich long before the adoption of the .303 cartridge in 1889. U = Utah Ordnance Plant - Salt Lake City, Utah. Known to have produced .303 ball cartridges c 1934. Jubilee Park new Bowling Green created. Both firms are believed to have manufactured .303 Blackpowder Mk 2 Ball Cartridges, L-E or U Remington UMC, Bridgeport, Conn., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: Tracer G Mk 2 (Australian Pattern) (projectiles were filled by MS at Salisbury). Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded .303 cartridges in: AE Arsenal do Ejercito, Lisbon, PORTUGAL. Skip to main content Hansard UK Parliament Hansard Whitworth Park Golf Club (9 holes) opens. In 1962 the Metals Division of ICI was reorganised as a separate company known as Imperial Metal Industries (Kynoch) Ltd. During WW1 Kynoch produced in excess of 2,373 million .303 cartridges. These factories were given the designation Royal Ordnance Factories (ROF). Although these days of rapid industrialisation and rapid growth of population were days of ignorance and squalor, they also saw the 19th century drive for education and religion. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded 7.7 x 56R ball ammunition which is interchangeable with the .303 cartridges. DAL or LAC Dominion Arsenal, Lindsay, Ontario, CANADA. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded .303 cartridges in: K or KYNOCH Kynoch & Co, Witton, Birmingham, UNITED KINGDOM. The following .303 cartridges are known to have been produced by Kynoch: Armour Piercing Mks VII.S, VII.P, VII.W, W Mk 1 and W Mk 1Z, Ball, Nitro-cellulose Mk 8z with Aluminium Case, Drill, D Mk 6, D Mk 8, D Mk 9 and D Mk 10. This factory was set up as part of the 1939-45 war emergency expansion plan. The Cleveland iron trade, which used the coal and coke produced at Spennymoor, was depressed. HXP Greek Powder and Cartridge Co, Athens, GREECE. They are known to have manufactured .303 cartridges in: GA Grenfell and Accles Ltd, Perry Barr, Birmingham, UNITED KINGDOM. VE Cartoucherie de Valence, FRANCE. 1940 German H.E. With the creation of the Ministry of Munitions, it was a logical step for that Ministry to take over supervision of these factories and co-ordinate their production with that of the other National Factories then being established. EGYPT is known to have produced .303 ball ammunition at the Government Arsenal Shoubra, United Arab Republic and Factory No 10 at Alexandria, Egypt. The comparative isolation of its moorland situation ended too with the opening of a branch railway from the mainline at Ferryhill in 1876. Object details Category Weapons and ammunition Related period Second World War (production), Second World War (association) Creator Royal Ordnance Factory Spennymoor (GB & Durham) Production date 1973 Spennymoor Town Council created a Successor Council. Production gap from Jan 1921 to March 1921 after the factory was leased to the Government Known to have produced during 1920-21 the .303 cartridges in: CP Crompton Parkinson Ltd, Guiseley, Yorkshire, UNITED KINGDOM, although filling took place at Doncaster (see below). SIP - Royal Ordnance Pension Scheme - 2022. Originally colour markings arose from the need to make a quick visual check of the arrangements in a machine gun belt and they are now almost universally applied. The Cleveland iron trade, which used the coal and coke produced at Spennymoor, was.. S Indian Government ammunition Factory No 6, Welchpool, AUSTRALIA examining and weighing capsules to used. Pirotechnia di Bologna, ITALY giant Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd when it changed... Types of munitions became part of the Wittered pit in 1839 the monogram MF1 was used until.. Per second of prosperity dawned in the 1860s and 1870s when the miners earning... 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