the speaker's primary purpose in the passage is to

C) an intentional shift in the level of diction C) were able to condemn the foolishness that they discovered within their societies B. reliance on extended metaphor Many of the symptoms a woman may experience during menopause itself have their onset during the time of perimenopause. Each of the other answer choices offers a method of changing or maintaining the existing celebration of Black History Month, rather than abolishing it. The passage also does not delve into a lengthy comparison of perimenopause and menopause, eliminating option D. This article clearly encompasses a general description of the condition, making C the correct choice. Also, the early Romans were known to have developed many grape varieties. QUESTION 2 Choice C is the best answer. This dual reality creates two worlds for Park and increases his sense of uncertainty with regard to his place in society. Although it is sometimes referred to as premenopause, perimenopause is also often considered to include the year after menopause occurs. The purpose of the speech was to mobilize the residents of Virginia into taking action against the British rule and to convince the state of Virginia that they could never achieve peace in any circumstances. Required fields are marked *, UNESCO The speaker's tone in the passage can best be described as which of . D) executioners Report an issue. Too narrow: A choice that accurately reflects the purpose of a sentence or a paragraph in the passage, but is too narrow to be the primary purpose of the entire passage. by Charles Lamb. Perimenopause usually takes place between the ages of 45 and 55. Which of the following phrases could best be substituted for the phrase "he was" in line 40 to make the meaning more explicit? G\mathbf{G}G a series of arms-control agreements. Based on the tone and content of the passage as a whole, its author is most likely (1A) answer choices. a creature or even an object. A) cruel comment on a popular assumption 3. The timing and progression of the changes varies between individuals, depending on a number of factors including genetics and family history. a worthy goal." Thus the main purpose of the passage is to argue that one way to reduce the negative environmental effects of traffic is to make driving less agreeable. The bank set out to rid the country of the debts it had accumulated during the American Revolution. De Quincey is not proposing a change (A), describing a process (B), criticizing the taste of readers (D), or praising a work . The speaker's primary purppse the passage is to The phrase functions primarily as The attitude of the entire passage (or parts of the passage) is one of . (c) He is going to Natalya to inform her of the proposal that Lomov has brought. of the story - something itting to the novel 5 Reading Strategy: P.I.E.S. What were its limitations? As you read, underline the clue words in the text to help you get a better idea. The primary purpose in the passage is to answer choices A. account for the transmission of culture during a period of global change B. explore the artistic traditions represented in native artifacts C. dispute persistent myths about colonial life in New Spain D. define the motivations of Mexico's European colonizers Lymie's father, with whom Lymie's relationship seems somewhat strained. C) a prime example of the effect of a nurturing environment on human character . 0 The speakers primary purpose in the passage is to explain an idea (C). It explores the why. This piece was written to analyze the works by Chang-Rae Lee and the themes presented in his most famous novels. (d) Joy. There is also evidence linking an early onset of perimenopause to factors such as smoking, early childhood cancer, hysterectomy, and women who have not had children. The speaker's primary purpose in the passage is to. Persuade, Inform, Entertain, Share an experience or feeling Identify the author's purpose and support it by returning to the text for details and information. The passage implies that the primary enemy of the "beautiful coloured canvas" and the "wavering, insubstantial phantom" (lines 3 and 4-5) is the . In the third paragraph, the speaker's primary purpose is to (A) assert her own qualifications (B) develop an argument for more honesty in writing . D) had more substantive ideas that do writers in democratic republics The symptoms of perimenopause are a normal manifestation of the aging process and do not ordinarily require treatment. Throughout the passage, the word literature means E, written works in general. Literature does include all the remaining. 2. If a central bank had control over the finances of individual states, then the people who owned the bank would profit from the states in the future. There have been some studies of invertebrates in the area, but there is not enough information to know how many species occur specifically in the parks. Preferred Graphics Processor Missing, Tenga en cuenta que no asumimos ninguna responsabilidad por el acceso a dicha informacin que pueda no cumplir con cualquier proceso legal, regulacin, registro o uso en el pas de origen. . Women who have experienced excessive premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms in the past are also likely to experience severe symptoms during perimenopause. E) appear initially uncertain about matters on which a firm stand is later taken, In context, "headsmen" (line 1) is best understood to mean The best distracter is E because the, as literature of power, but the prompt asks for the speakers primary purpose not for the, PTS: 1 DIF: Easy MSC: 71% answered correctly, 14. A) I only While he constantly feels like an outsider looking in, he also feels like he belongs to neither world. The speaker's primary purpose in the passage is ____ (a)to responses describe a series of unprecedented events - 29740962. magiese7397 magiese7397 12/05/2022 English College answered expert verified 4. Computer System Validation Roles And Responsibilities, A Muslim scholars were unaware of other scientific measuring devices. Everyone has a short temper from time to time, but current statistics indicate that between 16 and 20 percent of a schools population suffer from a psychological condition known as oppositional defiant disorder, or ODD. In the context of each passage as a whole, the questions in lines 25-27 of Passage 1 and lines 67-69 of Passage 2 primarily function to help each speaker (A) cast doubt on the other's sincerity. Therefore, options A, C, and D are incorrect. The first sentence of the passage, prepares for the central topic by dismissing another topic as less promising (E). all of the above**. a. works of poetry and prose fiction. A) pain can be pleasurable B) stimulate the reader's interest by progressively expanding the focus of attention Option D is correct because the speaker is comparing her life to South Australia's chronological development. E) citations from well-known authorities, The "master" quoted in lines 14-27 refers to His interests in these themes no doubt stem from his firsthand experience as a kid growing up in a Korean household while going to an American school. The entire passage makes the argument that Black History Month should be abolished, offering various reasons why this is the best course of action, as in answer choice B. Pending the question on final passage, the Speaker entertained a motion to adjourn ``as preferential and in order'' pending the putting of the question on final passage for the second time. A: argue for the importance of self-government . We can eliminate D. This answer sounds a little vague, but we should note that the conflict of this passage was between the author and other . Readers form a relationship with the text in order to be persuaded by it. Technically speaking, a purpose can be defined as why something exists, how we use an object, or why we make something. In the first paragraph, the speaker suggests that "the man of lettered leisure" (sentence 1) has a answer choices A) tendency to avoid conflict B) choice regarding his attitude toward involvement C) fundamental altruism that influences his actions D) desire to become better than he is E) valid reason to hold himself apart from others Question 5 (D) link a clear sense of purpose to success in writing (E) imply that Terry's weakness in writing is her tendency to . In the early 1950s, Senator Joseph McCarthy relied heavily on . To persuade the reader to pay close attention to blind spots. . Themes of identity, race, and cultural alienation pervade his works. This passage explores numerous facets of ODD and is meant to inform the reader about this psychological condition. Title of book Local species include the gray fox, bobcat, striped and spotted skunks, black bear, wood rat, pocket gopher, white-footed mouse, California quail, scrub jay, lesser goldfinch, wrentit, acorn woodpecker, gopher snake, California king snake, striped racer, western whiptail lizard, and the California newt. criticize the use of in-ground burial.D. D) critics of the government Direct link to Victor Diaz's post The primary purpose quest, Posted 3 years ago. B. seek restitution for wrongs committed against him. Read this passage from your science course. On the blank provided in each of the following sentences, write an appropriate predicate adjective. The speaker's primary purpose in the passage is to A.) Which of the following best describes the words "wealth, rank, power and honors" as they are used in lines 28-29? Too strong: Be wary of extreme words like always and never. As a single man, I have spent a good deal of my time in noting down the infirmities of Married People, to console myself for those superior pleasures, which they tell me I have lost by remaining as I am. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. In the above passage, what is Fitzgerald s primary purpose in using the guillotine metaphor? D. a spirit of revenge E. actions that eventually lead him to prison E The tone of this passage can NOT be described as A. self-aware B. decisive C. fervent D. reflective E. laudatory B In this passage the speaker's purpose is to A. analyze the causes of slavery B. argue in favor of states' rights C. criticize individual states On 19 November, we commemorate the anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address in 1863.. A A Lakota folk tale that encourages youth to emulate an important elder B A cultural analysis that reveals the mythology of. E) exposing the speaker's uncertainty about his judgment of the American political system, The argument used by the speaker demonstrates the truth inherent in the paradox that Various types of therapy are helpful in treating ODD, and some drugs can treat particular symptoms. Something you probably have not seen in a long time without the aid of a mirror is your nose. To explain the importance of a strong central government. A) illustrate an assertion I. Under normal circumstances, this is unnecessary. In addition to being unnecessary, the idea that African-American history should be focused on in a given month suggests that it belongs in that month alone. Perimenopause is a normal event in the process of aging, and indicates that the reproductive years are coming to an end. F increased trade with communist China. D. challenge a widely accepted explanation. C) ominous 3. As you move your head closer to the O, the X will disappear as it enters the blind spot caused by your optical nerve. While many people considered this offer to be a good financial deal for the states, many states were uncomfortable with the arrangement because they saw it as a power play by the federal government. . In the third paragraph, the speaker's primary purpose is to (A) assert her own qualifications (B) develop an argument for more honesty in writing . A number of animals live in this area year-round; some breed here, while others winter here. C. confinement Following the Japanese attack on Dec. 7, 1941, at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered a monumental speech addressing the events of the day, which he famously said would . 21. The speaker's tone in the passage is best described as. Pretend you're a U.S soldier fighting in the trenches of the west from, Your Staff Sargent has just handed you a piece of paper and a pencil . The speaker's admiring tone in lines 63-69 As our world grows smaller with increasing technological advances, these themes in Lees novels become even more pertinent. Norway speaking at the Primary Purpose convention in Oslo, Norway Quality: 32kbit. The first political parties developed in the United States as a result of conflicting visions of the American identity. Henry Park is confronted with this reality in the very beginning of the novel, which opens: Upon separating from his wife, Park struggles with racial and ethnic identity issues due to his loneliness. In context, the phrase "having regard to his manner with men" (lines 44-45) indicates that James Brudenell, The phrase "productive of astonishment and mirth" (lines 50-51) is best described as Second, there is a paternalistic flavor to the mandated bestowing of a month in which to study African-American history that is overcome if we instead assert the need for a comprehensive curriculum. 7. Many of the parks caves contain invertebrates, some of which exist only in one cave and are known nowhere else in the world. 400. establish the foundational thesis for the speaker's forthcoming argument. *jail the speaker's primary purpose in the passage is to (3 points)argue that money is a necessary evil in life and one which provides mixed blessingsdefend the argument that desire for money is a misguided aspiration in one's lifeexplain why those with money are guaranteed to enjoy the finer things in lifeillustrate how lack of money greatly and The speaker's primary purpose in the passage is to (3 points) argue that money is a necessary evil in life and one which provides mixed blessings defend the argument that desire for money is a misguided aspiration in one's life explain why those with money are guaranteed to enjoy the finer things in life 7. d. criticize the taste of readers. B) the Fugitive Slave Law does not apply to foreign-born residents such as Hossack. It is one of the most iconic speeches in American history. He urges us to consider the role of borders, as well as why the idea of opening up ones borders is so frightening. Suggest that African-American history should be taught in two months rather than just one. Underline the Clue Words. Chang-Rae Lees award-winning debut novel Native Speaker is about Henry Park, a Korean-American individual who struggles to find his place as an immigrant in a suburb of New York City. These same disagreements fueled the tension that erupted into the Civil War over half a century later. Q. e. praise a work of literature ____ 14. Jonathan Edwards's purpose in this sermon is to make his listeners take seriously the prospect of their own damnation and arrive at a more genuine and powerful expression of Christian faith.The . A. justify the need for class structures in the modern world. The purpose of the text: The primary intention of the text and what the text hopes to achieve. The subordinate that are (E) best clarify the meaning of the second sentence. B Warrior societies. A: inquisitive. H\mathbf{H}H a peaceful end to the war in Vietnam. )Speedalso called average speedis an idea you live with every d ay. E: egocentric. D) shift the focus from personal experience to objective analysis B) triviality Q. C) arouse expectations about a character which are proved to be false In the play Crossroads: A Sad Vaudeville, the use of stage directions better helps the reader to. D) balanced sentence structure B refute a belief held by some linguists. To illustrate one of the themes in the novel. Throughout the passage, "literature" is used to mean. Conflict in the story 4175 0 obj <>stream Enumerate the symptoms that women may experience when going through perimenopause. The office of each function is either to give knowledge or give power; they do not perform on the behalf or depend on, the each other (A). . This passage does not choose one point of view on the issue, so only choice B is in keeping with the passages purpose, which is to explain the disagreements between the earliest political parties in the United States. Grapes are one of the oldest cultivated fruits. The speaker's primary purpose in the passage is toa. characterize an idyllic era C.) portray an unusual character D.) depict an equitable situation . a volume within a series of books. For most women, the onset of menopause, the period of life when they no longer experience menstrual periods, is gradual. . A) critical of monarchical political systems Tips for Answering Author's Purpose and Perspective Questions Questions about the author's purpose ask you to determine why an author wrote a particular passage. of the passage, why did the author write this? A Lakota politicians were contemplative while Lakota warriors were men of action. THE AUTHOR'S PURPOSE 1: PERSUADE. The speaker's primary purpose in the passage is to argue that money is a necessary evil in life and one which provides mixed blessings defend the argument that desire for money is a misguided aspiration in one's life explain why those with money are guaranteed to enjoy the finer things in life Scroll down to see a transcript . D) enmity can be a form of admiration A. give a complete summary of the demographic features of Japan. hb```b````2@Y80`.`IoA,!9gvq1dba&>7NFC,m"^~eNLjY8@{sMr 4p0\;`aL00F]6;`21dm=.6/N',M$Yu,8Xn'oM\y:+9+\nL5GkI_[Y,[f Z@G`9S]pU7e#Qf4ko2 A) willingness to defend James Brudenell Inform the reader about this complex condition. The Propagandist's Purpose Propaganda, like advertising, aims to make us forget reason. The speaker suggests that the primary purpose of the passage is to a. analyze the harmonics of jazz b. describe the advantages of a methodology c. probe for an appropriate association d. compare jazz music and birdsong e. explore the influences on Parker's musical style c. probe for an appropriate association Choice A is incorrect because the author introduces the claim that efforts to reduce traffic actually increase traffic as a supporting point, not as the main purpose of the . a prose poem from a compendium of verse. There are a few styles to think about: Content-rich speaker. However, if bleeding is extremely heavy, lasts longer than a week, or occurs between periods, a medical professional should be consulted. B) arouse sympathy for James Brudenell A woman whose mother or grandmother experienced perimenopause early is likely to do so as well. The author does not attempt to persuade the reader or prove a particular viewpoint. B) caution the reader that statements in the first paragraph may be misleading third person limited. The distinction is made by the speaker between literature's purposes of knowledge or power. Direct link to Brent Holmes's post don't know it. As Detroit Free Press columnist Rochelle Riley wrote in a February 1 column calling for an end to Black History Month, I propose that, for the first time in American history, this country has reached a point where we can stop celebrating separately, stop learning separately, stop being American separately.. A Lines 610 emphasize the victories of the reformers. 26. The primary purpose of the passage is to (A) support an alternative to an accepted methodology (B) present evidence that resolves a contradiction (C) introduce a recently discovered source of information (D) challenge a widely accepted explanation (E) argue that a discarded theory deserves new attention. to emphasize that the barber is hostile towards Bernice to make the act of the haircut seem more ominous to foreshadow how the haircut will affect Bernice to introduce the barber as a dangerous man answer choices. Most symptoms can be managed through a combination of diet and exercise. Therefore, they are incorrect. The Bank of the United States, however, wanted to assume these debts and pay them off itself. C) falsehoods can be true the foreword to a museum catalog. Lees novels address differences within a nations mix of race, religion, and history, and the necessity of assimilation between cultures. Most women are not immediately aware of the changes their bodies are going through as a result of these hormonal fluctuations and will become aware of changes in the schedule of their periods as the first indication that menopause is at hand. The United States Constitution, adopted in 1789, left the boundaries of suffrage undefined. don't know it. D) skeptical of the ability of a democratic republic to control the individual It does provide information, as in option D. However, the writer goes beyond straightforward presentation of facts and into analysis of the details and underlying meaning. In the third paragraph, the speaker's primary purpose is to oassert her own qualifications .deve10p an argument for more honesty in 8. writing create an elaborate analogy introduce a new topic for consideration establish a hypothetical situation for analysis As used in line 46, "wanting" is best interpreted to mean desiring ) capturing Sometimes you want to know how fast something is moving or can move. Perimenopause is the time leading up to menopause, an interval when menopause-related changes begin to be noticed. The speaker does not introduce an argument. establish the speaker's confidence for the future of a unified country. The primary purpose of the passage is to: (A) inform (B) entertain (C) persuade (D) refute (E . . Because hormones influence a wide spectrum of body functions, women may experience a variety of symptoms during this process. Botched Gynecomastia Surgery, E. investigation of a claim, The final sentence of the passage (lines 58-64) moves from The primary purpose of the passage is to Well lets look at the passage and try to understand its primary purpose. Throughout the passage, "literature" is used to mean a. works of poetry and prose fiction b. books that are likely to become classics a. propose a change. Answer: (a) The speaker is Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov, a rich landowner. Nor are you aware of the artery that runs right down the middle of your retina. b. a parent can i cancel boxycharm and keep premium; azure devops dashboard api; new nfl playoff format bracket 0. Although parental frustration is noted, it is not the primary focus, making option A incorrect. The author's purpose for sharing this information is likely twofold. D) the ruling power of a democratic republic 2. The event that brought this disagreement to the surface was the creation of the Bank of the United States in 1791. A analyze an interesting feature of the English language. The Primary purpose of the first paragraph (lines 1-26) is to. Apagard Royal Vs Premio, B) a circumlocution for "appearing ridiculous" Let's close with one of the classic instances of repetition, from a speech The attitude the writer conveys about the paragraph's subject. observe the movements of a character. Argue that Black History Month should not be so commercial. A. demand for immediate action school, Sunday | 22 views, 2 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Tucker Presbyterian Church: Sunday School Hour February 5, 2023 A particular viewpoint as Hossack piece was written to analyze the works by Chang-Rae and. The above passage, `` literature '' is used to mean extreme words like always never. A. justify the need for class structures in the world has brought relied heavily on Fitzgerald s primary in. 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