While he clearly portrays a divine providence behind the history he presents, the narrator refrains from the miracle stories and other legends found in 2 Maccabees, which deals with much of the same material. Judas's Maccabee title is generally tied to the Aramaic word maqqaba ("makebet" in modern Hebrew), "hammer" or "sledgehammer", in recognition of his prowess in battle. In fact, it is "a thoroughgoing pro-Hasmonean . The author, probably a Palestinian Jew, is unknown. He either used or reconstructed primary sources such as letters, poetic accounts, and possibly court histories. VERSE 24. It has traditionally been considered highly trustworthy, although it is to some extent the "official" version of history according to the Hasmoneans and from the Maccabean point of view. for the second, on the basis of the information given in the first letter they refer to (2 Mace. 2 Maccabees falls more into theological history, in other words the attempt to reflect on Gods role in the events described. 25) gives testimony to the existence of an original Hebrew text. 1 Maccabees is a deuterocanonical book written by a Jewish author and included in the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox canons of the Bible. An unknown editor, the "Epitomist," used the factual notes of a historian . [43], While the book holds all the Hasmoneans in high regard, it praises Simon Thassi in particular, the person who would pass the High Priesthood to his sons and establish the dynasty. When Simon died he was succeeded by his son John Hyrcanus, who became the founder of the Hasmonean dynasty. Jonathan's capture in 143 BC, having been double-crossed by Diodotus Tryphon, is recorded in 1 Maccabees 12:48. And at the doors of the houses and in the streets they burned incense. The author exhibits a personal interest in the events, but presents them as accurately as possible given his own commitment to the Maccabean dynasty as instituted by God. The 1643 Westminster Confession says that the books "are of no authority in the Church of God, not to be any otherwise approved", for example. It purports to be a historical account of the repression and miraculous salvation of Egyptian Jewry during the reign (221205 bce) of Ptolemy IV Philopator. The words "God" and "Lord" never occur in the text, always being replaced by "Heaven" or "He.". 1 Kings. I Maccabees is the only contemporary source for the civil wars in Judaea, and the only surviving one for Judaean-Syrian relations after the reign of Antiochus IV. More. The author of I Maccabees, likely the Hasmonean court historian, wrote his history during the high priesthood (135/134104 bce) of John Hyrcanus I, son and successor of Simon. And the saying was good in their eyes. [48] Bezalel Bar-Kochva praises it as among the better military historiography of the period. Read more . ISBN links support NWE through referral fees. VERSE 31. The name Maccabee, probably meaning "hammer," is actually applied in the Books of Maccabees to only one man, Judas, third son of the priest Mattathias and first leader of the revolt against the Seleucid kings who persecuted the Jews (1 Mc 2:4, 66; 2 Mc 8:5, 16; 10:1, 16).Traditionally the name has come to be extended to the brothers of Judas, his supporters . 1 and 2 Maccabees are stories that reflect on oppression and resistance. Check our glossary of terms. 2 Maccabees recaps some of the story (until the events of 161 bc) and adds in details about Gods intervention into the events reports. As a surname it was also applied to his brothers and, by extension, to the seven martyred brothers (2 Macc.7). The author was an enthusiastic a supporter of the Maccabees who shows little sympathy with either their Jewish or Greek opponents. 1 Maccabees was probably written in Hebrew originally. (1 Maccabees 2.62-64). It became part of the deuterocanon in early Christianity. That is, his heart became proud and arrogant (NAB translation). In the town of Modein, the priest Mattathias finds the situation intolerable. First and Second Maccabees help us to realize that God watches over his own, and they show that Israel always wins victory over its enemies when it stays true to the Covenant. VERSE 34. Mattathias's son Judas Maccabeus (Judah Maccabee) takes over the revolt and the rebels as a group are called the Maccabees; the book chronicles in detail the successes and setbacks of the rebellion. It is not known whether Josephus's copy of 1 Maccabees was missing the final three chapters, or he simply found a better source for that era of history. He interprets the Maccabean victory not as a miraculous intervention by God, but rather as God's using the instrument of the military genius of the Maccabees to achieve his divine ends. [40] Jews who complain about Judas's activities "bring to the king an accusation against the people". Given its exactness of dates, places and documents and its enthusiasm for the Jewish cause, 1 Maccabees must have been written by a Palestinian Jew who witnessed the events he describes; the author of 2 Maccabees was more likely an Alexandrian Jew and a Pharisee, given what he has to say about resurrection. [20], During the Crusades, Pope Urban II and other church leaders used 1 Maccabees 2 to justify the concept of holy war against the Muslim kingdoms controlling the holy city of Jerusalem. The rabbinical sages of this period had learned from experience that revolt against the Gentiles (in this case the Romans) brought disaster. [43] Rather, the author interprets events as God using the military genius of Judas Maccabeus and his brothers as the instrument to achieve the liberation of Judea. 1 The Simon mentioned above as the informer against the funds and against his country began slandering Onias, insinuating that the latter had been responsible for the assault on Heliodorus and himself had contrived this misfortune. In 168 BC, he desecrates the Temple by setting up an "abomination of desolation" (establishing rites of pagan observance in the Temple, or sacrificing an unclean animal on the altar in the Holy of Holies). VERSE 6. 1:7 So Alexander reigned twelves years, and then died. 1 and 2 Maccabees are set during the reign of the Seleucid Greek empire (the part of the Greek empire that found its roots in Syria). It tells the story of how the Greek ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes attempted to suppress Temple worship and to destroy the practice of Jewish law. It includes such fundamental texts as that which states that God created all thingsex nihilo, out of nothing, not out of things which existed (7:28), and those which make it clear that the sacrifice of martyrs is a voluntary form of atonement which placates Gods anger (7:36, 8:5). However, this original Hebrew has been lost, and the work only survives in translation in Koine Greek contained in the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Jewish scriptures. That is, about 168 BC. Compare 1 Maccabees 10:65. 1 and 2 Maccabees reflect on this question in slightly different ways. Antiochus makes Judaism illegal. 1 Maccabees 1. John R. Bartlett argues for somewhere between 11090 BCE. [5] The entire work is generally considered to be a unity composed by a single author on both philological and thematic grounds, although there are occasional short passages sometimes contested as potentially being added at a later date. Chapter 2 1 1 In those days Mattathias, son of John, son of Simeon, a priest of the family of Joarib, left Jerusalem and settled in Modein. The Seleucid ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes eventually comes to rule over Syria. A supporter of the Hasmonean dynasty. 4:59). Friend. they made themselves uncircumcised. VERSE 40. Alexandra was succeeded by another son, Aristobulus II. 1 Maccabees 1:54. Pope Damasus I's Council of Rome in 382, if the Gelasian Decree is correctly associated with it, issued a biblical canon identical with the list given at Trent including the two books of Maccabees. But they did not belong to the family of those men through whom deliverance was given to Israel. This work no longer exists, but is the basis for 2 Maccabees.) Another is that, while they were included by the Jews of Alexandria in the Septuagint, they may not have gained much popularity in Jerusalem. Eusebius, in his book Church History, quotes Origen of Alexandria who says the original title of the work was Sarbth Sarbanael,[note 3] an enigmatic Greek transliteration from a putative Hebrew original title. ALEXANDER THE GREAT. Although the author of the first book devotes a lot of space to wars and political intrigues extending over a period of forty years, his primary purpose is a religious one. The king will require Jews to reject their Covenant with the One God. The festival of Hanukkah is instituted (1 Macc. It is a deuterocanonical work in Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox tradition, and apocryphal in Protestant tradition. 1 a After Alexander the Macedonian, Philip's son, who came from the land of Kittim, * had defeated Darius, king of the Persians and Medes, he became king in his place, having first ruled in Greece. In 1 Maccabees, those dissatisfied with the Hasmoneans "hated their nation"[39] as a whole; the Hasmoneans were equated with Judea itself. Uriel Rappaport calls it emblematic of Hasmonean politics in general: that the Hasmonean state was an explicitly Jewish one that sought to separate itself from polytheism, yet was pragmatic and sought allies where they could be found.[9]. The people, in turn, must worship the Lord alone and observe exactly the precepts of the law given to them. He forbids observance of the sabbath and the offering of sacrifices at the Temple. [41] The book dismisses a defeat suffered by other commanders named Joseph and Azariah as because "they did not listen to Judas and his brothers. It gives detailed accounts of the Maccabean revolt led by Judas Maccabeus, as well as the martyrdoms of Eleazar and seven brothers. 2 He undertook many campaigns, gained possession of many fortresses, and put the local kings to death. It describes the promulgation of decrees forbidding traditional Jewish practices by King Antiochus IV Epiphanes and the formation of a rebellion against him by Mattathias of the Hasmonean family and his five sons. 1 Maccabees is a historical book, concerned to relay the events of the period as closely as possible. These include four laments and three hymns of praise. It was included in standard printed Christian Bibles in the deuterocanon section. [11][12], The title "1 Maccabees" is not the original title of the work. 2 Samuel. VERSE 43. and many of Israel consented to his worship, and sacrificed to the idols, and profaned the Sabbath. The first two books only are part of canonical scripture in the Septuagint and the Vulgate (hence are canonical to Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy) and are included in the Protestant Apocrypha. At first, it was used to describe the martyrs described in 2 Maccabees. 1 Maccabees is the most extensive source of information on events in Judea from 175 to 135. Did you read anything in the book that touched you, expanded your faith or made you think more deeply about your life and how you live it. And the women that had circumcised their children they put to death according to the commandment. And after two full years the king sent a chief collector of tribute to the cities of Judah, and he came to Jerusalem with a great multitude. VERSE 1. He was familiar with the traditions and sacred books of his people and had access to much reliable information on their recent history (from 175 to 134 B.C.). He even attempts to force Jewish leaders to sacrifice to pagan idols. 2 Chronicles. Chapter 16. Ptolemy supposedly threatened the Jews with loss of citizenship after Palestinian Jews refused to permit him to enter the sanctuary of the Temple of Jerusalem. This article abides by terms of the Creative Commons CC-by-sa 3.0 License (CC-by-sa), which may be used and disseminated with proper attribution. He also forbids circumcision and possession of Jewish scriptures, imposing the death penalty for those who disobey. He also confirms alliances with both Rome and Sparta (1 Macc. St. Augustine wrote in The City of God that they were preserved for their accounts of the martyrs. Many observant Jews flee from the capital, but others readily accept Antiochus' policies. by Daniel R. Schwartz. After Jesus redeemed mankind by dying on the cross, the just of the Old Testament were enabled to enter heaven, and thus the ancient people of God became the new Israel, which is the Church. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. His severest condemnation goes, not to the Seleucid politicians, but to the lawless apostates among his own people, adversaries of Judas and his brothers, who are models of faith and loyalty. Prefixed to the book are two "festive" letters (1.1 - 10a and1.10b - 2.19), sent from the Jews in Jerusalem to the Jews in Egypt. 1 Maccabees, also known as the First Book of Maccabees, First Maccabees, and abbreviated as 1 Macc., is a deuterocanonical book which details the history of the Maccabean Revolt against the Seleucid Empire as well as the founding and earliest history of the independent Hasmonean kingdom.It describes the promulgation of decrees forbidding traditional Jewish practices by King Antiochus IV . That is, each nation should abandon its religious customs. Jonathan A. Goldstein argues that the book was not imitative of older scriptures merely in linguistic style, but also in content; that is, the author adjusted or invented events to make them fit Biblical parallels better.[51]. [44] Notably, the author makes no reference to the idea of a bodily resurrection, which the Sadducees opposed. The book 2 Maccabees, preserved right next to 1 Maccabees in the Septuagint, provides a striking contrast in theology, and the works are often compared. There is a faithful remnant. The works main religious theme is that the martyrs sufferings vicariously expiated the sins of the entire Jewish people. 2 Maccabees is a summary of Jason's five-volume work. The Book: 1 Maccabees is a deuterocanonical book of the Bible which was written by a Jewish (pre-Christian) author, probably about 100 BC, after the restoration of an independent Jewish kingdom. First Maccabees can be divided as follows: Copyright 2019-2023 USCCB, please review our Privacy Policy. 2 Maccabees, curiously, says nothing about thisdespite its . To keep the Law of Moses would mean being put to death. Purpose of The Book of 1 Maccabees: The purpose in writing 1 Maccabees Book is to record the deliverance of Israel that God worked through the family of Mattathias (5:62) - especially through his three sons, Judas, Jonathan, and Simon, and his grandson, John Hyrcanus. Unless otherwise noted, all Bible quotations on this page are from the World English Bible and the World Messianic Edition. Through a series of events, Tobit goes blind and sends his son on a journey accompanied by the angel Raphael disguised as a human. First Maccabees covers the efforts of the Jewish people to regain their freedom following the desecration of the temple by Antiochus IV Epiphanes. First Maccabees gives a detailed account of the struggle in Palestine over a period of fifty years, from the time Antiochus IV Epiphanes came to the throne up to the death of Simon, the last of the Maccabee brothers (134 B.C.). These two books tell you a lot about Jewish self-definition in the second and first century bc. Collins 2000 discusses 2, 3, and 4 Maccabees in this study of Jewish identity constructions in the diaspora in the Hellenistic period. He plays one faction off against the other, obtaining various benefits for the Jews in exchange for his military support. His son, Ptolemy III Euergetes, extended his empire into Persia. 1 Maccabees covers this entire 40-year period. Talk about how this story might have inspired the Jews of Jesus day in the light of their oppression by the Romans. Were there any parts of the book that you disliked or which troubled you? And the land was moved for the inhabitants thereof, and all the house of Jacob was clothed with shame. Many Jews adopt a policy of accommodation with him in the interest of maintaining peace with the Gentiles, and others openly embrace the Hellenistic culture he introduces. This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/topic/The-Books-of-the-Maccabees, The Catholic Encyclopedia - The Books of Machabees. Demetrius' death is reported in 1 Maccabees 10:50, and Ptolemy VI Philometor and Alexander Balas, claimant to the Seleucid throne, enter into an agreement under which Alexander marries Cleopatra Thea, Ptolemy's daughter (1 Maccabees 10:58). Thus 1 Maccabeesas well as the other books of this genrefaced a major political obstacle to their acceptance. In those days rose up Mattathias the son of John, the son of Simeon, a priest of the sons of Joarib, from Jerusalem; and he lived at Modin. Later Jewish leaders thought poorly of the rule of the Hasmonean dynasty for several reasons, and a document so openly celebratory of them was problematic. Judas's brother Simon Thassi is declared High Priest by will of the Jewish people. 6 summary 1 john chapter 5 usccb irregulars chapter 5 1 mangakakalot com family affair vol 1 chapter 5 w mangairo com 1 maccabees chapter 5 usccb chapter 5 determining income and calculating rent 5 1 hard times book the first sowing chapters 5 8 summary ch 5 where s all my stuff the witcher gamefaqs jane eyre volume 1 chapter 5 shmoop chapter . VERSE 58. [14][15] Various reconstructions have been proposed: Gustaf Dalman, meanwhile, suggests that the title is a corruption of the Aramaic "The Book of the House of the Hasmoneans". [20] The book is not written in colloquial "common" Koine Greek of the 2nd century BC, but rather a more archaic style of Greek consciously imitative of the style of older scriptures. they chose to die. If you like what I write, become my partner by donating. What did it mean to be Jewish in a predominantly Greek culture? From Alexander to Antiochus. Antiochus forbids both circumcision and possession of Jewish scriptures on pain of death. When we first meet Hiro Protagonist, he delivers pizzas for the mob in L.A.; he's also a brilliant hacker and sword-wielding genius, but his plays-poorly-with-others personality means he needs a day job. The author seeks to promote the view that the Hasmoneans were indeed God's new chosen and would-be rulers in line with heroes of the Hebrew Bible. The big question from this period is the question of self-definition. Antipathy toward the Seleucid-friendly Hellenizing Jews is unsurprising, as they were enemies in war, but 1 Maccabees extends criticism to internal Jewish opponents of the Hasmoneans as well. He also requires Jewish leaders to sacrifice to idols. VERSE 37. That is, a gymnasium. "[45][46] Even if "heaven" is merely shorthand for "God in heaven", 1 Maccabees is remarkably secular in its depiction of the conflict. Protestants and Jews regard it as generally reliable history, but not a part of Scripture. VERSE 23. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). The book covers the whole of the revolt, from 175 to 134 BC, highlighting how the salvation of the Jewish people in this crisis came through Mattathias' family, particularly his sons, Judas Maccabeus, Jonathan Apphus, and Simon Thassi, and Simon's son, John Hyrcanus. And he fought many battles, and won many strongholds, and killed the kings of the earth. When Mattathias died, the revolt was led by his son Judas, or Judah Maccabee, as he is often called. He achieves semi-independence from the Seleucid Empire and gains recognition of his rulership from the Roman Senate in 139. The doctrine expressed in the book reflects traditional Jewish teaching, without later doctrines found, for example, in 2 Maccabees. And he called his servants, which were honorable, which had been brought up with him from his youth, and he divided to them his kingdom, while he was yet alive. [47] No angels or miracles come to save the Jews; rather, it is the divinely-approved firm leadership of the Hasmoneans that leads to victory.[9]. Pride goes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall. She, having offered God the lives of her sons, then offers herself in sacrifice, giving an example of fortitude and also of that faith in which she had reared her children. According to the first book of Maccabees, one of the Hellenistic kings defiled the temple, forbade circumcision, and even set up altars to his gods. Acts of the Apostles. 3 And they laid hands on them, and put them in hold unto the next day: for it was now eventide. [33], Proposed alliances with Rome and with Areus of Sparta are covered in 1 Maccabees 12:123. They are in the Public Domain. Mattathias proclaimed a holy war; Jewish armed resistance operated from the wilderness with great success under the successive leadership of three of Mattathias sonsJudas Maccabeus, the undisputed leader of the Jews (3:1-9); Jonathan (9:28-12:53), and Simon (chap. Finally, after Matthathias dies, his son Judas succeeds in liberating the Temple precincts and reconsecrating the Temple itself in 165 B.C.E. 2 He had five sons: John, who was called Gaddi; 3 Simon, who ; and the Seleucids, who took over large parts of the Middle East and moved into Palestine in 200 B.C. And they put there a sinful nation, transgressors of the law, and they strengthened themselves therein. 1 Maccabees 10, Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, One of over 125 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary was originally compiled by priest and biblical scholar Rev. The later Jewish historian Josephus most likely used some form of this text in writing his account of the Maccabean revolt. Rabbinic Judaism generally disapproved of the rule of the Hasmonean dynasty, but the book is openly pro-Hasmonean, one of several factors for a lack of enthusiasm for the book within later Judaism. 3 He advanced to the ends of the earth and . [21][22] The English equivalent would be writing new books in the style of the King James Version. were recognized by the Fathers as inspired, there is an interim stage where souls are purified. It is considered one of the most accurate accounts of Jewish history for the period which it covers. And from the people were gathered together to them many, every one that had forsaken the law; and they did evil things in the land; VERSE 53. and they made israel to hide themselves in every place of refuge which they had. Traditionally the name has come to be extended to the brothers of Judas, his supporters, and even to other Jewish heroes of the period, such as the seven brothers (2Mc 7). Snow Crash Summary. In an effort to enforce unity, he attempts to suppress the public observance of Jewish religious laws. They establish a gymnasium, where men socialized in the nude. Even in stories set during the Maccabean period, references to Judas by name were explicitly removed to avoid hero-worship of the Hasmonean line. There is one complete loss of a thousand Jews (men, women, and children) to Antiochus when the Jewish defenders refuse to fight on the Sabbath. 12:1-23). Credit is due under the terms of this license that can reference both the New World Encyclopedia contributors and the selfless volunteer contributors of the Wikimedia Foundation. The Writer gives his final summary. Friend and confederate. 1 and 2 Maccabees are set during the reign of the Seleucid Greek empire (the part of the Greek empire that found its roots in Syria). Thus did they in their might to Israel, to those that were found month by month in the cities. Not only the leaders, but also circumcised infants and their mothers are killed as a warning to others. The author propagates "Hasmonean propaganda" in the sense of upholding the righteousness of the Hasmoneans and their just claim to rule the Hasmonean kingdom. his heart was lifted up. When, therefore, you see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand). Modin. VERSE 7. [27], In chapter 8, Judas seeks an alliance with the Roman Republic, aiming to remove the Greeks. 16:1 Then John came up from Gazara, and told Simon his father what Cendebeus had done against their people. 1:8 And his servants bare rule every one in his place. 15:11). After successfully invading the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Antiochus IV captures Jerusalem and removes the sacred objects from the Temple in Jerusalem, slaughtering many Jews. The origin of the word "maccabee" is unclear; it may derive from the Hebrew word maqqabi (= hammer)a reference to Judas' physical strength and exploits. And it was the chief propaganda instrument of those non-practicing Jews who were trying to introduce Gentile customs into Israel. In the Church of England's lectionary of 1922 in the Book of Common Prayer, 1st Maccabees is appointed annually to be read in late summer/early autumn. A Palestinian Jew, is recorded in 1 Maccabees is a deuterocanonical book written by a author! Where souls are purified many battles, and put them in hold unto the next day: for was! Led by his son John Hyrcanus, who became the founder of the,... ; s five-volume work gains recognition of his rulership from the World English Bible and offering. And he fought many battles, and killed the kings of the houses and in the book reflects Jewish... Troubled you Catholic Encyclopedia - the books of this text in writing his account the... 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