Duties assigned as punishment which are also intended to improve one's military knowledge. (2) In the Rules of the Nautical Road, a ship which must maneuver to avoid another ship is called the "give way vessel." Flag An admiral, aka "Flag Officer" because such officers are entitled to fly a flag denoting their rank. Condition 4 - A material condition of readiness commonly associated with peacetime steaming. Legal responsibility for safe flight and collision avoidance rests with the Air Traffic Control center, although a certain amount of legal and moral responsibility always rests with the pilot(s). Liberty call is a roller coaster of emotions. $30.00 San Miguel Special. That may be changing somewhat in these politically correct times, but to Bowdlerize the sailors language represented here would be to deny its rich history. Used extensively as an all-purpose cleaner/stripper for bulkheads, decks, brass fire nozzles, and pipes. Monkey on a stick - Derisive term for dish similar to satay chicken, served on skewers, by street vendors in any port of call. Field traps are particularly rough on the hook point, as it is common practice to touch down well prior to the gear and roll into it. A newer version, Goalkeeper, uses the GAU-8 30mm Gatling gun found in the A-10 Thunderbolt for increased range and destructive power. At Loggerheads A serious difference of opinion. Adrift (1) Not secured; scattered about; not properly stowed, or out of place. Refers to the brown boots or shoes which once were worn by aviation personnel with the Aviation Green uniform. Make Way (1) From the Rules of the Nautical Road, when a ship is making way she is proceeding under her own power, whether by engine or sail (or oars, for that matter). See also BROWN WATER. Double Nuts - Aircraft with side number zero-zero. Also seen as HPAC, pronounced "aitch-pack.". Strong. "Kate Smith". Boom (1) (aviation) Sonic boom. Other types of arresting gear, ashore and afloat, involve complicated braking mechanisms. Derisively, "Forever Fucking Gone.". Hook Point - The part of the tailhook that actually engages the wires. The BENO Box was notorious for long on-station assignments, during which time there would "Be No Liberty, Be No Women, Be No Nothing! Lower Deck Lawyer (UK) A know-it-all sailor. Liberty is regular time off. Kipper (UK) (1) Obsolete term for torpedo. Sometimes seen as B.F.E. Dolphins - The warfare insignia of the submarine fleet. Also seen as LPAC, pronounced "ell-pack.". Pipe to any meal: Pipe All Hands, followed by long Heave Around (Mess gear), and long Pipe Down. "Set Condition Zebra" is the command to close all water-tight doors, hatches, and fittings throughout the ship. "Ready to answer bells" means the engine room is ready for maneuvering orders. Get the best deals for us navy liberty cuffs at eBay.com. Cut of his Jib From the days of sail, when individual sails were made aboard the ship and a certain amount of individuality was expressed in the design (shape and size) of the sails. "Anchors aweigh" The anchor has left the bottom. More common in Air Force usage, refers to the backseater (pilot, non-pilot, or NFO) of a 2-place tactical aircraft, aka the bear, or the pitter' (the guy in the pit). Demurrage A fine levied for not unloading a ship on time. Mayday Distress call via radio, anglicized from the French Maidez (help me). On board, new folks assigned to duty in Taiwan. (2) (surface) A small ceramic frog used as a talisman to prevent loss of the load (see LOSE THE LOAD). Usually follows the call to GQ. Athwartships Moving or placed from side to side aboard ship, or straddling a particular position. Coffeepot - Nuclear reactor. Dirt Sailor A member of the Navys Construction Battalions (Seabees). (no polite form). See also ROLL. Geedunk, Gedunk - (1) Dessert/junk food/candy, or a place to buy same. ), or "Seaman Jones". Apes. Fritz (US Army, Marines) Term for the modern Kevlar helmet worn by US forces, which bears a strong resemblance to the helmets worn by the German military during WW II. Captain's Table - (RN) A disciplinary hearing. US . Bosuns Whistle (or Pipe) A small metal whistle used to signal the announcement of important messages, or for ceremonial purposes. Airdale, airedale - Naval aviator, aka 'BROWNSHOE'. Image: 80-G-244811: Aerial of SS Ceasar Rodney, Liberty Ship. Ex Short for exercise. Some forms: mobex (an evolution involving a mob, i.e. Cut and Run To leave quickly, from the practice of cutting a ships moorings in a hasty departure. Often used to detect SKIMMERs by their helpless laughter upon hearing the phrase. Food service personnel, especially nonrated personnel provided by the ship's other departments (non-Supply depts.) (2) Cross-training in another rate. Fist - (RN) To make a 'good' fist of something is to do it well. CAG - Carrier Air Group. During WWII, members of the Black Gang were issued black "Dixie Cups" instead of white ones, and were therefore sometimes called "Black Hats.". Hogging The behavior of a ship where the midships area is supported by the crest of a wave but the bow and stern are less supported due to the troughs of the wave. DACT Dissimilar Air Combat Training. Aka 'cylindrical sirloin', 'fillet of mule tool.'. It may be obstructed by a stuck shell casing, an entire round, or other unwanted foreign material. Call the Ball - A radio transmission to a pilot requesting that he report when he has sighted the BALL during approach to the carrier, or the action of reporting same. Word Passed: Fall in at your pay station. The etiquette of the wardroom, which is usually fairly formal, is also relaxed in the dirty shirt wardroom. Angled Deck - The landing area of a modern carrier, which is offset 10 degrees to port from the ship's centerline to provide for safe BOLTERs. USFK. ADMIRAL. Represented as two heraldic dolphins flanking the prow of a WW II-type submarine, gold for officers and silver for enlisted. Circular Run The result of a malfunction which causes a torpedo to return to its launch point. Broke Dick Non-functional. In this way, the FALL OF SHOT is walked onto the target. Bug juice - A substance similar in appearance to Kool-Aid which is served as a beverage aboard USN ships. Halfway Party A party celebrating the midpoint of a submarine cruise. Can have anti-surface modes as well, for use against small craft and the like. manner of speech. Expert solutions. Heave to In a sailing ship, to come into the wind and essentially stop, with minimum sail area exposed. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Keelhaul Ancient form of punishment from the days of sail, in which a sailor was thrown overboard and dragged under the ship to the other side with a line. The balls were stacked in a monkey, a metal frame which was laid on the deck to help contain the bottom layer of the pyramid of cannon balls. Liberty Call A Marine exchanges greetings with a loved one at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, Aug. 29, 2019, during liberty call, when families got to see new Marines before they. Often purveyors of curios, souvenirs, etc. The bloated carcasses sometimes floated for quite some time, and were often seen by other ships. Loadtoad (1) (aviation) See REDSHIRT. Participants run toward the table and dive onto it face-first. Also seen as 'J.S. in that painting is generally used to denote detection and tracking, while illumination is generally for targeting and/or guidance of weapons. Navy MWR provides excellent customer service, convenient program availability, modern facilities and amenities, a safe program environment, and low or competitive pricing. in ACM, or a PQS signature obtained from a friend. Once the ceremony is completed, the POLLYWOG is now a SHELLBACK. Also seen as 'splash', 'float check', 'float test'. A boom operator ("boomer") aboard the tanker aligns the boom via control surfaces and plugs it into a receptacle on the receiving aircraft. Refinements such as the need to engage "arresting gear" with ones toes, "crash and smash" teams using pitchers of beer to extinguish post-crash fires, etc., are common. See TITS UP.. As a verb, the act of returning to base or a tanker because of low fuel state. Amateur Night The day after payday, when nothing seems to go right, especially shipboard evolutions. Bomb (The) - (submarines) The oxygen generator system. Essentially the commander of all US Navy operations afloat in the harbor and is responsible to civilian authorities for the action of the ship's and the behavior of crews under his/her command. Clobbered - Weathered in, as in "We made a good approach, but the field was clobbered and we had to divert," similar to WOXOF. Non-specific training on military matters, often assigned as NJP. Down to the Short Strokes - Nearly done; almost finished. Airy-fairy (1) (RN) Fleet Air Arm personnel. Pronounced 'gee-lock'. Charlie Time - Assigned time for carrier aircraft to land, generally meant as the time that an aircraft crosses the RAMP. Material Condition Circle William - A material condition involving ventilation fittings and machinery marked with a 'W' inside a circle. Can be either a normal or emergency evolution, the difference being simply how quickly the various actions are accomplished. See CAPTAIN'S MAST. In common usage today, synonymous with the luminous yellow display of the FRESNEL LENS system which replaced it. Holystone An abrasive stone, used with water (and, originally, sand), to scrub a ships wooden decks. Mustang (USN) An officer who has 'come up through the ranks', i.e. FANG Fucking Air National Guard, or Florida Air National Guard. "Brownshoe - Member of the aviation community. Banca is literally translated from the Tagalog as boat.. High Order In general usage, performing calibration on someone by yelling or other attention-getting activity. Goat Rope An evolution which is going not at all well; disorganized; chaotic. HSL Helicopter anti-submarine squadron (light). Can be used as noun or verb. Benny Sugg (USN) Beneficial Suggestion program, a program where personnel were rewarded for making suggestions to improve some aspect of military life, usually living conditions. A. J. Squared-Away The mythical sailor who always has his stuff together. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY 121 BLAKE ROAD ANNAPOLIS MARYLAND 21402-1300 USNA INSTRUCTION 1050.lA USNAINST 1050.lA 28/Pers Off 26 Jan 2016 From: Superintendent, United States Naval Academy Subj: LEAVE AND LIBERTY FOR NAVY MILITARY PERSONNEL Ref: (a) MILPERSMAN 1050 (b) DOD Instruction 1327.06 (c) NAVADMIN 252/10 (d . Commonly thought to consist of a fire involving flammable metals, which is one example of a Class Delta fire; another type of Class Delta fire involves deep fat fryer equipment. Refers to the size of the sterns of some (usually female) navy personnel. Typically consists of SIDE NUMBER, aircraft type (to ensure proper ARRESTING GEAR settings), and amount of fuel onboard in thousands of pounds, e.g. It could be something as small as a light tap on their chevrons or full blown meritorious a** beating. Sometimes seen as CAW for Carrier or Commander Air Wing. Bullpen - Term for the large antenna arrays associated with a shore HFDF (High Frequency Direction Finding) station. (3) Blowjob. '205 Tomcat ball, 3.5'. To be avoided in tactical situations, as they make for easy visual detection. There is no commercial or military port there. In a ship with a large deck department, especially where it is key to the ship's mission, such as a carrier or amphib, generally the deck department head. BOHICA - Acronym for "Bend Over, Here It Comes Again.". Contact Coordinator - (submarine) Senior Enlisted/Junior Officer that mans the submarine periscope during surface operations in order to help track and assess surface contacts. This reduces the drag of the stopped propeller by a tremendous amount. USN usage, 'Jack o' the Dust.' Often involves the barter of coffee or other food items. CIVLANT (CIVPAC) - Facetious description of ones next duty station when he or she is leaving the service; CIV = CIVilian, LANT = atLANTic coat, PAC = PACific coast. Brow The proper term for what is often called the gangway, the temporary bridge connecting the ships quarterdeck to the pier. Create. Someone is going to pop. VIRGINIA BEACH - Leaders of the Military Resale Joint Buying Alliance announced $140 million in savings for its customers. Grog (UK) Pussers rum mixed with two parts water. Never got more than a month, maybe two months of shore time and only one port call an underway if we got any at all. Balls (or Four Balls) Midnight, which in the militarys 24-hour timekeeping system may be written as "0000," although writing midnight as "2400" is perhaps more common. Boarding Rate - The percentage of carrier approaches that result in successful arrestments. Kevlar (1) A synthetic Aramid fiber used for body and splinter armor. Corpen (1) A maneuver of a formation of ships. Can also indicate a radio frequency that is over-used: "The tactical frequency was clobbered.". (2) Pancakes. while the pilot is pulling Gs. Makee-Learnee Also seen as make-ye learnee. The signature is traditionally in purple ink, and the practice is frowned upon. Hatch covers were separate pieces which were laid over the hatch opening, then made fast with battens (pieces of timber). (2) Shoulder boards (rank markings). 'Fox Four' is sometimes used derisively to refer to a midair collision. Space from which engineering spaces are controlled. See also SOFT DECK. Honestly, there shouldnt be any excuse for not incorporating morale because officers have better opportunities to access the internet on a Navy ship than enlisted. In common usage, to lose SITUATIONAL AWARENESS. Not making way (q.v.). (3) To name a classmate or shipmate involved in wrongdoing, or to identify a mistake made by someone else. Together. (2) Euphemism for throwing something overboard. However, an officers rank is on their shoulders to symbolize the burden of leadership. See also BOSNIA. Cutting one's fellow sailor's grass. Messcrank - aka CRANK. Navy Liberty in Olongapo City, Manila & the greater Metro Manila area are the very best Navy Liberty in the entire world. "Your Signal Charlie" means 'commence approach immediately, and land upon arrival.'. Bow Array (Submarine) That part of the subs sonar suite which is located in the bow. Kenneth L Burroughs says: October 16, 2020 at 5:55 pm. Also serves to alternate the daily watch routine so sailors with the midwatch one night will not have it the next time. Birds - (1) Term for the rank markings of a USN/USCGS Captain or USMC/USAF/USA Colonel (silver eagle, O-6 paygrade). Heaving Deck - Call from the LSO to a pilot on approach to the carrier that the vertical movement of the deck due to the action of wind and wave is sufficient to be a factor in the approach. Bumboat A supply boat, usually of an unofficial nature. Bosun The phonetic spelling of boatswain.. The first earthquake, of around magnitude 7.8, hit on Feb. 6 . Liberty Call teddies in the navy collection. (2) Excessive concentration on one situation in a time of plenty, i.e. Also controls the BCP (ballast control panel) while underway. Fresh Air Snipe - Rates which spend at least some of their time in the engineering spaces, and are members of the Engineering Dept., but do not work solely with engineering machinery. Henceforth, the strongest drink to be had was coffee. Grab-Assing Horsing around, skylarking, etc. Most common use today is to acknowledge that the LSO has heard the approaching pilot call the ball. Sidewinder (AIM-9). Incorporates hearing protection and impact protection. Boot Rookie or newbie, as in boot Ensign. Originated in the habit of referring to a new man as bootcamp, rather than by name. Similarly, it may be used to refer to getting out of someones way. Mess Mother - (RN) Senior hand of the mess, responsible to the COX'N for the cleanliness and good order of the mess decks. (2) Time check, though this usage is more common to USAF than USN. Derived from the practice of tying a line off (making it fast) using a belaying pin. Clear Datum - (1) (Submarine) To leave the area where you have been detected (see DATUM). If one of these seams worked open in rough weather, a great deal of water could be shipped before it was repaired. On 8 June 1967, the USS Liberty was about 12 miles off the the Sinai coast went an Israeli torpedo hit the ship and was further attacked by Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats. The reports usually consist of equipment reports and position reports, significant events of the day or of the day to come, etc. Keelung Harbor. Call the Boatswain's Mates: The boatswain's gang to report. (2) Marine Aviation Detachment. (2) In radio parlance, cans are a set of headphones. FBM Fleet Ballistic Missile submarine; an earlier term for a Ballistic Missile Submarine, i.e. someone who doesnt hold up his end, or doesnt do his (or her) share of the work. Liberty cams. Also seen as DACM. He always presides, with his court, at the LINE-CROSSING CEREMONY. PLEASE CALL (DSN) 252-3328 OR 252-2904 / (COMM) 0956-50-3328 OR 0956-50-2904 First Cut-Off: 6/07/2019 . See also SAGGING. Always keep Navy Operations Security in mind. Chop (1) Supply Officer. I&I Intercourse and Intoxication. for SAR operations). Bull Ensign - Senior ensign aboard. Cheng - CHief ENGineer. Gundeck - To mark a maintenance or PMS check as complete without doing the work. --Terms in ALL-CAPS have a separate listing. IMC - Instrument Meteorological Conditions. Has a tremendous import in the handling and behavior of the aircraft. Bumfuck Egypt A (fictitious) bad place to be stationed, or the figurative ends of the earth. Gig Line On a sailors uniform, a line formed by the buttoned shirt, a crease on the belt buckle, and the trousers fly. Junior in authority to the COB. Huffer - A cart used to provide start air to an aircraft. When comparing another objects (ship, aircraft, missile, etc.) Leadsman One who heaves the lead (q.v.). ones spouse. MAD - (1) Magnetic Anomaly Detector; as in MAD boom, MAD bird. Gunny - Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant (E-7). Fall of Shot Point of impact of a shell or salvo of shells. Once the CO was back onboard, the Topside Watch announced on the 1MC, "Key. AOW - Auxiliaryman Of (the) Watch. Reaches all spaces on a ship. May also be used to lock the shaft. DILLIGAF Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck? Gin Pennant (UK) An unofficial flag flown to signify that a ships wardroom has free drinks or a celebration underway. Crow - The rate insignia of a USN Petty Officer (E-4 through E-6), so-called because of the eagle surmounting the rate chevrons. See BOOMER. A sail which is being backed is said to be aback. A sailing ship which accidentally goes aback when tacking loses its momentum and is said to be in irons. A person is said to be all aback when he is confused or surprised. pressure altitude). FIGMO - Fuck It, (I) Got My Orders. Grape Sig - An easy signature on your qual card, generally given in return for a favor. Similar to CANDYASS. 19 LIBERTY CALL NP I11338RB Bugle: Liberty Cull. The money you spend using MWR programs and services is reinvested into the overall program. Also used as a phrase in flag or Morse comms. Dip - To lower a sonar transducer into the water from a hovering helicopter. (1) (General Usage) When an officer announces "I have the conn," he or she is then legally responsible to give proper steering and engine orders for the safe navigation of the ship. The call for all hands to man battle stations. This page was last edited on 23 June 2022, at 12:52. The Side or Away Galley: Descends from the tradition of hoisting officers aboard ship in a chair. An installation which pairs an AFFF-dispensing system with a PKP-dispensing system. Similar to the COB of a submarine. (2) Someone who repeatedly tells uninteresting sea stories. (2) Short for cat onine tails, a form of whip used to administer a flogging. Back in my day it was free beer. Any participant (or an observer) may make the call. Usually green with a wine or cocktail glass on it. The more modern, safer "STRAIGHT BOARD" report came into use because when a sub was "RIGGED FOR RED", red unsafe indications were not readily visible on the monitor panel. With the increasing usage of gas turbines, this is less of an issuea gas turbine ship can get underway within minutes if the lube oil systems are warm. AGI - Auxiliary, Intelligence Gathering, aka 'Tattletale'. Unlike blood-based protein foam, AFFF is self-healing, in that holes in the foam blanket will close by themselves, preventing reflash. (Under the Direction of Anne Baker), National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections Vol, Marine Investigation Report M06f0024 Crew Member Lost, Quarterdeck Log \ ~~.E-GiaoI~"""""""-' --",__.~ Fa, The Structures of English Wooden Ships: William Sutherland's Ship, Circa 17101. 'Hanging out of their arses.'. A 'no grade pass' is worth 2 points; A 'bolter pass' (which grade can be assigned whether the aircraft traps successfully or not) is worth 1 point. Anti-Smash Light - The rotating or flashing anti-collision beacon on an aircraft. (4) Missiles, especially in the surface community. According to legend, some ships have had such spaces which do not show up on the official blueprints at all. Direct Fire Gunnery and fire control where the fall of shot can be directly observed by the firing unit. Deck What the civilian calls a floor. Buddy Store A self-contained unit which makes it possible for aircraft not originally designed as tankers to deliver a limited amount of fuel to other aircraft. Navy Liberty Liberty provides high-energy recreation programs, superior entertainment experiences and development of personal leisure skills, leading to extraordinary and unique opportunities for enjoyment, activity and adventure in an alcohol and tobacco-free environment. Her ) share of the aircraft to signify that a ships wooden decks navy liberty call announcement this is. Run the result of a formation of ships tactical frequency was clobbered. `` range... Cut-Off: 6/07/2019 Gathering, aka `` flag Officer '' because such officers are entitled to fly a denoting. Hearing the phrase or newbie, as in boot Ensign lowest prices with fast & ;! Open in rough weather, a great online selection at the LINE-CROSSING...., usually of an unofficial flag flown to signify that a ships moorings in a sailing ship which accidentally aback... 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