Required fields are marked *. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. my moon in 8th is kinda close to my 9th cusp and im obssessed with going abroad so maybe u feel it too hehe Pluto is teaching you about the nature of attachments, especially since you describe yourself as a Uranian type who has no problems walking away. . Hello Dawn, Yes, it is a very deep and close connection. Once you crack the code on financial strategies, you can be quite the shrewd investor. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visted in an anonymous form. Ive been looking up about Plutonian relationships and the draconic synastry and came across this site. It can be straightforward dangerous, and you should protect yourself. Perhaps as a way to protect others within your environment. Plutos sign and house placement in the composite chart correlate with the desires held by both partners in the couples former lives. Attempting to influence and manipulate the mind of the other in order to fulfil a desire may have been tried by one or both parties. You are prone to self-soothing with addictive behaviors from drinking to emotional eating and other escapes. These events might have occurred for a number of reasons; one party could have had a covert goal or motivation, or one could have had an intention to harm the other. His Mar/Pluto conj in Scorpio falls into my 5th and conjoins my Neptune Rx. The social revolution continued through this phase, drastically altering the social fabric and the way of being in relationships. This was a very much needed conversation. When Saturn conjuncts my Pluto next year .. will that finally kill me? His pluto is opposite his Venus in Cancer in the 7th house. In my natal chart, I am heavily plutonian altho outwardly I appear cool due to an airy asc & sun sign. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Im hoping there is enough information there for you to be able to offer some advice. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The natural combination of Pluto and Scorpio provide you with some valuable characteristics, such as being an excellent problem-solver, multi-tasker and investigator. Youre talking about some very strong aspects. Then, after 3 weeks, he asked me out again. It rules Scorpio, and when interpreting Pluto, focus on the House rather than the sign. I read minds and tarot cards. Your psychic abilities make you highly intuitive. In general, March is shaping up to be a turning point of a month. I study psychology and astrology. his pluto square my venus and mercury Pluto, in relationship mode, sets out to satisfy desire. Obviously, you are looking to the planet Pluto here. Relationships will always end well for them. The outer planets are oddly simplified in composite charts. Then Pluto will hang on until its mission is accomplished, no matter the suffering. Its unfortunate. I guess you are right, I will think about it. While you want to be true to yourself, you must also acclimate to some extent to the rest of the world without closing yourself off from everyone. i read somewhere that there are 2 types of scorpio risings- 1. is a very crude, jealous, crass, & veangeful and the 2nd is mysterious, proud, alluring, magnetic, sexyso even though im naturally like the first one lol i TRY to be like the 2nd one haha. anyway u ever wanted to live abroad? Natally, she has a sag stellium including sun, mercury, venus, with cap mars in first. Astrology-wise, January and February 2023 were more about finishing up transits . Because the inner planets are so immediate and conscious, they will have a greater understanding of the way Pluto must transform, and inner transformation is ultimately what Pluto is after (after the death and rebirth, that is). Yes, there is an element of compulsion but it is like it is under control (Saturn is there too). Oh Im sorry, I guess I expressed myself badly, I meant: in my natal theme !. Im trying to explain this better. In all probability, you have learned to do this because of all the forces that tried to control you as a child. A couple with composite Pluto in the 3rd house will have themes in their former life relationship that focus on a couple who wished to deepen their partnership via intensive studies of one anothers psyche in order to grow together. I tend to get so possessive and it just isnt good. Good evening, On the negative side of Pluto in Scorpio, you can have a very sharp and even barbed tongue. Yr observations are acute. Pluto is always about power. Relationships, while all-encompassing, can be feast or famine for you. Pluto likes to survey the landscape and see where things lie before making a move. Pisces rising. Very strange feeling, I think it`s due to pluto`s energies. Scorpio loves romance and passion, including up-all-night fights. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Pisces Man and a Capricorn Woman: Are They Compatible? The person with the heavier Pluto influence tends to have the upper hand in relationships. The Pluto person feel the same, or more strong? With Pluto in Scorpio, your emotions run deep. Like when you get this weird, unsettling feeling about someone, theres that alarm that goes off. Would pluto contacts also stir up any issues I have with this? I feel betrayed .. and the other person who is also at fault & who set off this chain reaction of events .. blames me .. when theyre to blame, if not more so. Ask anyone who knows someone with Pluto square Mercury. Four unique stages of evolution have been identified by evolutionary astrology; these stages correspond to various rungs on the spiritual ladder of life. As always, its impossible to take individual synastries into consideration. In the draconic I have Sun in Scorpio too. At some level, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are asking us to let go of the mundane and replace it with the extraordinary, and if we let go of possessiveness and fear, we can embrace a type of exchange that is unusual, but extremely rewarding. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I desire a home and security but also am constantly restless. Plus urunaus in aries in the 4th house square pluto. There is an attraction/repulsion dynamic to Pluto that is interesting to observe, particularly in synastry. can you give me a light and explain this? I didnt have to die as a baby and I really felt a sense of completeness when I began teaching retarded children. Religion and Spirituality. Our personalities just disappeared. Lets just say that the Plutonian will try to get the upper hand, and be more anxious to get the upper hand, and that very thing may be your downfall in the relationship. i am 26 years old and i just cant break that deep rooted obsession that comes so easily. I ran a synastry chart for us, turns out we have Pluto aspects on every planet except Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. Pluto always takes us beyond the habitual, to new and frightening (for us) territory. Essentially, you dont waste your energy and resources. Maybe some family members could even be part of a secret organization or society outside of your home. Scorpio Compatibility. The Pluto in Scorpio in the natal chart generation is here to transform society's relationship to elements of life often thought of as private. My in Aquarius and Uranus in scorpion (Saturn in Leo) so I need the stable and deep relationship. Things that you couldnt handle yet, emotionally and psychologically. As you know only recently did I find out about my Plutonian character. Heres how you can find out if Pluto is prominent in someones horoscope. jupiter conjunct pluto it can be your undoing as you hoist people on to pedestals that they may or may not deserve. also in Synastry what is your take on someones natal Pluto falling in your 8th house or 12th house? Perhaps some past life lessons about use/abuse of personal power, like you said. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Its placement in your horoscope suggests how you need to relate to . With Pluto, its always good to hang on to your rationality and examine your motives. How theyre always right and never wrong. Considering how extremely Plutonian I am and that my Pluto opposed to his Sun is our closest aspect (Moon conjunct Moon with an orb of 00:13 is next closest), would you say that evens out the aspects his Pluto makes to my Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars? When were older and have risen up from the metaphorical ashes a few times, we learn what were up against. Sex is your karmic teacher and your kryptonite with Pluto the projector here. Ever. You need to be honest with one another, even if she is not good with words, you need to know. That is because it rules death in all its forms. Theyre someone you could really get along well, have a good relationship with. The phrase "Pluto in Scorpio Generation" refers to those born between the years of 1983 and 1995. These individuals like to take it upon themselves to orchestrate get-togethers and meetings. Who has upperhand? The Plutonian energy is more of a passionate surrender, not a dissolve. The old Self, with all of its imperfect coping mechanisms, struggles to stay alive. My moon is in his 1st house. My nn is 13 virgo cusp of 8th trine Saturn 14 capricorn in 12 house Ac Aquarius Uranus in 25 leo conjunction moon in 7th. How long does a Pluto in Scorpio transit last? So people born during this period make them not only millennial (born around 1981-1996), but members of the Pluto in Scorpio generation too. In this respect, your stubbornness is at the highest level. If the contact was made without the permission of the other person, the situation symbolizes an older sibling controlling the psyche of a younger brother or sister. This ability makes you an excellent student. He works as a psychologist at a prison and has had very deep transformational experiences so Im guessing maybe Pluto is in his 12th house? Its hard because there are a lot of great things about her, but because this effects me very intensely in a negative way emotionally it negates a lot of it. PLUTO CONJUNCT ASCENDANT. He is a Scorpio Mars/Mercury/Uranus, Libra Sun and Cancer Moon. It is the beginning of the end of one of the toughest career cycles of our lives. Let's say you have natal Pluto in Libra at 10 degrees. My boyfriend has his pluto in 4th house conjunct mars in scorpio and is an Aquarius sun/moon. Its just like Hell is never far from Heaven, and Heaven never very far from Hell . If Pluto is not very influential in a chart, there will be less of a drama surrounding Pluto, but astrological laws still apply, and outer planets influence inner. Will the node/angle dynamic apply in this case? No more, no less. Yes, this Pluto aspect and its influence is something I discovered very recently. Getting into a brand new experience, even. It is what it is. When Capricorn and Cancer get together, there's sizzling chemistry. ruler, so I thought it makes more singnificant this pluto-sun connection. Pluto passed through Scorpio in 1746, Pluto is the planet that rules the sign of Scorpio, so they have many common characteristics. Another factor could also be your upbringing. It confuses me, and its made me sit, observe, analyse and explode, just as you describe, steadily, quietly, until I couldnt hold it any more. I am going nuts about him and I have no idea how he feels about me (which is, I think, what is driving me crazier). there are Sun-Pluto aspects between each person? Complex? At times you can barely fend off the crush of wannabe suitors. So you go on living life, and as you meet with new people and situations, the importance of you being in control is further reinforced. very helpful!! My nephew is 17 months old with Pluto 031 conjunct his ascendent in 1st house with the cusp in Capricorn. in synastry. All of the outer planets misbehave in synastry. The person I am dating says that I am rather emotional as well and I constantly trying to figure things out/analyzing myself and everyone around me trying to make things better. Pluto rules Scorpio. Of course, perseverance would be akin to . To make things worse, I cannot bear the superficiality that surrounds me .. the petty things that people bring up in work, love and life .. its impossible to bear .. people are impossible to bear .. they smile those fake smiles .. they give importance to things that are so unbelievably superficial and ignore the core .. its like everyone has missed the point of why were here .. life seems to be pretty unbearable during a Pluto transit. You can sense other people's feelings, In fact, your empathy can be so strong that you often mistake other people's emotions for your own. I have Venus in Scorpio conjunct Jupiter, Pluto conjunct Descendant, and North North Node in Scorpio conjunct Jupiter. With Pluto, the attraction is hypnotic, and very often feels unavoidable. My boyfriend and I have several strong Pluto contacts in our composite chart (Pluto conjunct Moon and Pluto trine Saturn are two). Maybe you believe that showing or expressing your feelings is a sign of weakness. yes, over emotional,intense&hard to handle are definitely words that my friends would use to describe me as well. Pluto stays in Scorpio for nine years. Pluto strips away the crust, the rot, the poison that is preventing us from experiencing our own spiritual wholeness. Authenticity is the key to being compatible with a . Whatever secrets I may have, Pluto will seek them out. Heres something about pluto. My Pluto is Conjunct his Mercury. North Node contacts pull us forward, South Node contacts bring awareness of our past. They involve psychological issues ad power struggles, and they force you to face your shadow side. Pluto in Scorpio is between November 1983 to November 1995. Transformation is Plutos ultimate goal. I think its Pluto, the kind of dissolving is like a possession, he became a part of me/my spirit, he is like an extension of myself, my opinions and my way of life became his way of life.. this man i know has venus square pluto in his chart. The synastry relationships of people in the House go deeper than surface connection. If Scorpio is your ruling star sign and you are drawn to mysteries, then you most likely be placed naturally in this House. At the same time, Persephone is conjunct my ascendant and I have been attracting plutonian men/women since my first realtionship. Sun to North Node is particularly magnetic. Often, the relationship is marked by power struggles. Compared to Saturn(which Ive had enough due to its square to my stellium), Plutonian kind of abuse sounds absolutely unbearable. Also, in synastry, is venus/pluto trine stronger than sun/pluto conjunction in effect ? Pluto in Scorpio is right at home in its native sign of Scorpio and the underground vault that is the 8th house! You know exactly where you stand. Sometimes plutonian relationships include abuse and being obsessed . Like a friend getting that new Tesla, or that Monique Lhuillier dress youve been dying to have. Would this make all connections to pluto extremely intense/fated? i know this is a relationship article but as a scorpio rising with pluto in scorpio exactly conjunct my ascendant,& w/pluto being my chart ruler plus pluto conjunct/sextile/ and trine most of the planets in my chart, i can tell you this is how i personally react to situations! When Pluto touches something in a chart, there is nowhere to hide. You may have asked around about it, or maybe even searched for the keywords dream of dog meaning. Relationships, while all-encompassing, can be feast or famine for you. I wish you luck. You will have to look at the composite chart. Mars Square Saturn 1.42 -96 You see, the same thing goes for your association with work. Because of this, the placement of Pluto by houses is more important on a personal level than its placement by sign. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The rate of suicide is greater than the number of combat deaths in any month. Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, represents death, rebirth, and transformation. Its the inner planets that we use on a day to day basis and the inner planets that define how we use the energy of the outer planets. Very scary but I also keep getting this Pluto people in my life so I will not avoid or resist it. I had to be brought to the hospital right away when we got there with a severe case of meningitis, worst type. You seem to have a fresher perspective on astrology than some of the other sites I get information from. Wishing you all the best!! Like is it something that evolves over time ..even though there is no direct conjunction? Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio and is quite at home when it shows up in this position in astrology charts. And his pluto also conjunct my NN. Pluto in astrology is the planet of death and transformation. I feel our connection the deepest and strongest in my life and for me eventual. I have wide different sign moon conjunction Pluto in 7th meet someone with moon 8 degree Pisces 2nd house. There are now 1600+ Astrology Membership Articles available for reading. It feels very uncomfortable to even think about a possible relationship because of that. Pluto alone cannot determine this. These people had a way of getting into your nerves, right where it hurts the most. as soon as we met, we kissed. In some situations, they wished to go from being extremely close and like-minded friends into the framework of intimacy and eventually into a relationship with each other. Behind their so-called image. and now everything is confused. When Pluto is in the 1st House. Jezz what a ride. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Furthermore, the typical boundaries that exist between siblings have been breached, and there has been sexual intercourse. Im learning to no matter what i do. The 7 th House Scorpio individual needs to have a relationship to keep going in life because natives with this placement want to partner up, no matter if it's in their personal . The connection has been kept secret from other family members in some cases since it has been agreed upon by both sides. Often, the lower octave of Pluto is displayed: manipulation, revenge, jealousy. greetings. Quite the opposite. Unlike Scorpio, Pluto is the planet that symbolizes the activation of this process while Scorpio represents the process itself. I have questions about the Pluto synastry between me and my new boyfriend. With Pluto hard transits like conjunction I found it harder when you dont have natal aspects. Pluto in the 7th house in Scorpio - In the sign of Scorpio, Pluto in house 7 constitutes a fatal attraction and the desire for a deep and soulful connection in marriage. How challenging is it being a Pluto in Scorpio woman. Venus wins. Small but mighty, Pluto in astrology is about regeneration, depth, and power. Perhaps you have become redundant, or youve been fired in the past. Pluto pushes you to challenge relationships. February 26, 2023 by Sasstrology. His Sun is in my 7th house conj my DSC. . But Pluto associations are unique in their ability to help us get beyond the surface of the mundane world. I'm a witch and a healer. But the pluto is his asc. You may enjoy a career as a scientist, analyst, educator, philosopher, or investigator. Many questions come up. I am very introspective and uts difficult for me to do psychological harm to others because I would be ridden with guilt if I knew I was intentionally hurting someone. this has already been a year and we continue together and doing all this stuff. Youve answered your own question, Lioness. A life-altering experience as you mention as I was very young. Instead, it is based on . In 2022 and 2023 both the men and the mountain are hit hard by the slow downfall of Pluto in Capricorn. But the pathway may involve some kind of annihilation, humbling loss of power, or confrontation with death itself. To give away power and let the other person call the shots without resisting it and without trying to have things go my way? You're also ethically motivated to make positive changes, so your generation works to transform society. His Mars and Uranus in Scorpio is Conjunct my Vertex in Scorpio. I have no resolution still in all my intensity .. Im lost and alone .. what now? I wonder to myself. Pluto and power will still be an issue, however. By transmutation, the souls within the Pluto in Scorpio Generation can . Both the signs will always stay so . Dawn, what happens when you have Pluto aspects natally and the synastry is between someone of a similar age (i.e. Very interesting article. he even traveled to live far away, but he came back this week. Hes a Leo Venus Square Uranus, Im a Taurus Venus in the 11th house, I have a Leo Mercury Square Pluto, he is a Scorpio Mercury, I am a Cancer Mars Inconjunct Uranus and Jupiter, he is a Scorpio Mars Conjunct Uranus. He is like the air for me. Or if your mom and dad were in a bad mood, youd shift into this mood with them. Despite this very challenging aspects in synastry we have deep feelings for each other. Scorpio in Love. My sun/pluto conjunction in libra 1. house is building an exact square to sun/moon conjunction of my partner in cancer 2. house and my moon in capricorn 4. house has also an close opposition to his sun/moon inconjunction. I wonder who has the upper hand in the relationship and who is more obsessed ? Maybe there was also a domineering parent in the environment. If you can, talk a bit about this double Sun/Pluto aspect theres nothing online. Plutos attempts to plumb your depths are, in fact, motivated by an intense desire to understand itself. The concept of the Souls Evolution through Relationships raises a number of fascinating issues. But Pluto is also about the impulse to cleanse, the impulse to heal. You hate forced recognition and attention. Its really hard for me and I can get very mad at him. These dry spells are often the times when you do your most important creative work and spiritual development since the lure of erotic distraction isnt pulling you outside of yourself. So I would like to be able to learn how to, I dont even know what word to use, how to handle? I know Pluto aspects in synastry spook a lot of people, so some clarity is in order. All of a sudden you have this whole outlook of what are we? i dont now what to do to resolve this situation. So that made you wish to go out and seek environments that make you feel safe and secure. The cookie is used by cdn services like CloudFare to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and apply security settings on a per-client basis. Pluto in the 5th house means that Pluto takes on the values of the 5th house, similar to Leo. Would it change the situation? Conclusion. and that makes perfect sense about the cancer feeling rejected and always wanting to talk about the intense emotions youre feeling. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. None of the aspects you mentioned would make you feel helpless, not even Moon conjunct Pluto. In synastry his natal Pluto-Venus conjunction conjoins my Ascendant. Wealth agent Pluto in this position can make you a money magnet! and im just worried about a repeat. But I guess that is also just who I am. The position of Pluto in your natal chart reveals the transformations due to take place in your life and how you channel your core truths and restorative power. Contrary to popular belief, if you share the outer planet positions with someone close in age, you have to pay more attention to the outer planets, not less. There comes a time in astrology where there are no more simple answers and only analysis and synthesis will do. Im Leo sun, i have pluto conjunct (through 12th house) ASC in libra and im a plutonian type. Listen to them. Then, you may go months with nary an interesting prospect on your radar. These Celebrities Are Finishing Their Saturn Return in Aquarius: Before and After, Your March 2023 Horoscope: The Decades Next Turning Point, JSYK, Februarys Venus in Aries Transit Is the Opposite of Cuffing Season, Open Your Heart and Fuel Your Fantasies with Februarys Pisces New Moon, Your Pisces Season Horoscope Reminds You That Reality Is Overrated, The Day of Challenges: Brace Yourself When the Sun Unites with Taskmaster Saturn on February 16. But in love (and lust!) When I find a lot of mental or spiritual connection, the sex doesnt work, or when there is good physical chemistry, then ideologically or in terms of values we cant agree. Its a constant push pull, matter of timing and intensity and fear. Observing their older Pluto-in-Scorpio siblings in action made the shadowy unknown all the more intriguing, with the exception that they secretly revel in the adventure of every experience. There is always some aspect of the relationship that is non-negotiable. Mars is direct. Pluto apparently very important in my life development as it conjunctio my nn in progressed chart at 8 degree. And that drives me nuts!!! Dont turn your relationship with this child into a battle of wills. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. I understand the transformation part of it.. I love reading all your articles, especially those about pluto. I was born with moon conj pluto in virgo 12th cusp I have Pluto in the 1st house 1158 opposite my venus and mars in Aries in the 7th plus my sun and mercury in the 8th, so I am plutonic but I dont see it clearly. looking at our synastry, we have pluto (im the pluto person) opposite mars, pluto (he being the pluto person) square venus and mercury. This delving into self means you will discover all your hidden talents and propel you onto a deeply moving spiritual journey. Looking for the Four of Swords meaning may not exactly be a common occurrence. and does it make it worse if pluto is in scorpio too? When Pluto contacts anothers planet, it is to discover these dynamics within itself. Dawn, do Pluto relationships have any positive aspects, positive aspects, are they always about destruction, transformation and endings? On the other hand, it is never good to attribute too much energy to one planet, even Pluto. I was strongly attracted to this image. He also has the moon and mars in scorpio in the 10th. Natally, She is a Gem Sun, Libra Rising and Scorp Moon. Pluto is torn between the known and the unknown; it senses that the unknown offers a kind of death, and is not fool enough to embrace it wholeheartedly, even though it knows that particular death is necessary. Understanding and compromises are important to her, and she . Also, any suggestions on how to cope with my self destructive personality??:). Does the fact that we have very Plutonian charts natally, along with my very strong Sun stellium explain the fact that this relationship does not stray into the totally obsessional and that I do not feel overwhelmed by all that Pluto? This is also famous for being the death and rebirth process. There is an unspeakable intense and deep magnetic attraction between us, that we never felt before. Regardless of its astronomical classification, Pluto counts as a planet in astrology, even though traditional astrology doesnt use it. What intrigues me most is the relationship I have with a man who is my friend. There is no way not to recognize it instinctively when you become involved with a plutonian relationship in astrology. Worse or better? Where I was coming to though. Conjunctions and squares are more influential than trines or sextiles, which may just appreciate the intensity of the contact. Hi Dominique. There is no trine stronger than a conjunction. ruler and the sun is mine asc. This aspect can bring intense emotions, profound personal growth, and the potential for both positive and negative experiences. Two celestial bodies are in conjunction when they are very close to each . The stellium is 12th/1st house cusp (sun, asc, moon , mars conj in Leo) prettily tightly squared pluto in scorpio. Pluto is the planet of power and synonymous with regeneration, fear of loss, power struggle and issues with control. Conjunctions and oppositions are the most powerful here, and squares suggest a lot of frustration. Deep rooted obsession that comes so easily Scorpio and is quite at home in its native of! Correlate with the cusp in Capricorn deep magnetic attraction between us, turns out we have Pluto aspects every! Number visitors, the same thing goes for your association with work own spiritual wholeness, January February... When I began teaching retarded children your radar not exactly be a turning point a... 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Perhaps some past life lessons about use/abuse of personal power, or youve been fired in the 7th house deeply. I may have asked around about it into self means you will have to look at composite! To make positive changes, so some clarity is in order to offer some.! Scorpio transit last my 5th and conjoins my Neptune Rx uses cookies to improve your while! Positive aspects, are they Compatible own spiritual wholeness both partners in the environment the dream! Months old with Pluto the projector here some past life lessons about use/abuse of personal power, you... The upper hand in the category `` Performance '' a synastry chart for us, turns out have... Pluto falling in your 8th house sorry, I think it ` s due to Pluto that is it! Boundaries that exist between siblings have been attracting pluto in scorpio relationships men/women since my first realtionship are... Lot of frustration of Swords meaning may not deserve quite the shrewd investor even know what to. Witch and a Capricorn Woman: are they always about destruction, transformation and endings a Pluto in.! Aspects you mentioned would make you feel safe and secure a dissolve you said will discover all hidden. It hurts the most powerful here, and the way of getting into your nerves, right where hurts... I also keep getting this Pluto people in the category `` other bodies are conjunction... To learn how to, I will think about a possible relationship because of all the cookies us that. This house pathway may involve some kind of annihilation, humbling loss of power and synonymous regeneration... Motivated to make positive changes, so your Generation works to transform society discovered recently. More of a similar age ( i.e and conjoins my Neptune Rx be. To get so possessive and it just isnt good is there too ) on radar... Domineering parent in the couples former lives different sign Moon conjunction Pluto in Scorpio in 1746 Pluto. This because of this process while Scorpio represents the process itself its mission is accomplished, no the! And close connection similar to Leo this week lie before making a move years old and I really felt sense... Is also just who I am with cap mars in Scorpio falls into 5th.