That too after flirting with my own friends? Even though Gemini men and Scorpio women love a good mystery, they love them for different reasons. So whatever happens in relationships, Scorpio men will always come back at least most of them. He will chat with some of his friends, and I usually sit there and draw. That I matter to him, and that Ive helped him with so much. And when he hugs me, omg, he reaches my soul, his touch with one finger touches parts of me that I never knew could be touched and when we make love it is the most cosmic epxerience I have ever felt. I am a Pisces. Mostly Geminis are not ready to be togheter with a Scorpio in the beginning, but the main reason for that is that we dont like to be confronted with our weak spots. They take their time to find love and understand what that means. When I fell for him, I told him straight up. So he doesnt attach himself to any of that. Unfortunately he passed away suddenly, unexpectedly and my world crashed. Thanks for this. The Scorpio guy longs for a profound emotional bond with his partner, and a Gemini woman is very resistant to this type of connection. i lovee my scorpio man even though he is ah jealous person i never ahd ah boifriend tht cared so much 4 me hell do anything 4 me thts y i love em sumtimes he has ah sort of ah temper but wen we are together its freaking amazing i love yu hunnie bunz!! He asks me all the time what am I doing where am I going who is this person who is that person, as wonderfully communicative as Geminis are we do have a knack for soothing the trust issues and calm down our Scorpios because he stops and moves on from his initial self-inflicting wounds of jealousy. Plant a seed, water it, give it sun, watch it grow to something beautiful. Are you and your partner the best SunSign match? Im sorry if my opinion hurt u. I didnt even say anything bad about Geminis, but is it really SMART for u to still feel offended for something thats *general* as fuck. Just a bunch of lies! I fell in love with a Scorpio as a teenager and we stayed together on and off for about 3 years. We tryed to break up many times but i am scared to let go of him so i always try to work it out. He is intense, suspicious and quite a jealous creature in any relationship. There was a msg i had sent her on fb before this blocking, which never reached her, fb server errors. I really dont know why almost every article I read says that Geminis and Scorpios arent such a good match b/c overall I feel like we really are. Gemini woman is and will always be a complete mystery to them and the tragedy is that although its nearly impossible for us to ever love deeply any other Sign, the Scorpio is the Sign we couldnt stop loving if we tried. They are serious and dedicated, but they are also flexible and open-minded, a quality that makes them great readers and natural communicators. Ive given her my account info for Facebook emails etc. They feel as if no one understands them, and they are so extremely private they appear to be living vaults with their thoughts and feelings locked eternally inside themselves. he semeed really nice he invited me for dinner ..dinner went on well .. we decided to goclubbing afterthat he got really pissed at me for stepping on his feet . His stability, his firmness and self-discipline is irresistible for her. We need to know that you care about it just as much as we do, and you are willing to put energy into it. The problem is that Scorpio needs to solve the puzzle. Left nothing to discover for him. Though, they may not be very expressive, the Earth Signs can be really warm beings from within, but it may take long. When i confronted him about it he answered i fell out of love with you a long time ago (a gemini trait). Nevertheless, they are willing to make things work between them; fortunately they got a strong bond from the beginning that can help them get through all misunderstandings. Ive definitely tried to work on myself for our relationship and hes done the same. At the moment Im not very secure with my scorpio man but he is my first love (im 21) and i cant not picture myself being with someone else. I am also a gemini woman and I felt everything you said.. Never has anyone understood.. Since then, we became close friends. Even with my natal Mars in Scorpio descending in the 7th House, I cant stay there love them as I do. Scorpio already feels like no one gets them, which is true, the last thing they wud want is a partner with whom they wudve to adjust on THIS topic, to whom they understand but the partner dsnt. Hes burning but has no way out (its a painful self inflicted phase that is necessary for us to grow. She came back to me the next day. He may very well choose to make that choice at some point in the relationship for obvious reasons. Your email address will not be published. She will be more open minded for all kinds of knowledge & consistent, comparatively, that would also be attractive to scorp guy. She would rather endure pain of unrequited feelings than totally loss you as a friend too. This is a trait that all Scorpio men share. What I tried in my relationships is to ask my partner for help in better communication. The sex, omg. She most likely needs time to solve a problem. Emma Stone, good example of evolved stage, a she-wolf. It also makes us susceptible to emotional contagion which sucks at times, but it just comes with the territory. Onetime she was drunk & said something like left him coz he made me fall in love with him. Trust me Gemini ,sex is too good ,you will have a good happy time with scorpions but please stay away they will break you heart and you wont be able to move on because they are good at munipulating. They complete each other. Its been almOst 6years with scorpio man& Im so done with him. I could feel it. I see the despair it cause him to turn me down. This scorpio man I love, says he loves me back. Theres a reason why this sign is most popular on all platforms. Scorpios know that you can tell a lot about someone by their book cover, and they tend to like to get right to the good stuff. They dated & even became a kind of couple for a while, but she ended it for no apparent reason. @Scorpio-Man your comments are from 2011 but they sound very similar to my past with my ex Scorpio He is my soulmate and we are planning our future together and I love it and I couldnt be happier. All those people my Scorpio talked badly about me to came to me and told me what he had said and that I should exact revenge. I felt heartbroken. Im super intense and serious and thats too much for a light Gemini. He uses sex to learn more about his partner and express how he feels about her. Required fields are marked *. We fight a lot, but there is such a deep connection and bond that its worth it. I cant even listen to his voice or see his eyes ..not that I just loved him purely but I also always helped him with money I looked after him like a baby. He even said he knew when I would leave him during the night because he would tell me in the morning that I left him. Most of my closest friends are either Geminis, Scorpios or Sagittarius. I believe its alk in your upbringing, beliefs, cultures, environments, and lifestyles. Wow I couldnt have said it any better. Hi @Scorpphi. Ive defused situations with my words of loyalty to him and we can only say such things to someone if we mean them. Never try to prove that you are very loyal person. I had since moved on from him and thought I let go but the past few months, I am not kidding when I say he is all I can think about. You . Ive come close with a Sag but he was involved with someone so I wasnt going to allow it to go further but the love of a Scorpio is without doubt the strongest Ive ever felt. 1. I honestly believe that all (or at least most) Astrology sites/books get it wrong when it comes to understanding Gemini women. Still cant get over him. There on, if you show more of such behaviour, then your stupidity bar increases in their minds. Finally got the courage to go up there and watch one night with a friend. She thinks with her head instead of her heart, and she struggles to recognize and process her feelings, especially negative emotions like grief and anger. Scorpios and Geminis, I like the idea. This is why they are such a catch, but it also means that youll want to be pretty sure about who youre with before you commit. When I found out I ran for dear life. For this reason, they make incredible partners. Im an aquarius with strong pisces, capricorn energy & scorpio rising. Trust me. I had his parents address. The arms and the holding is the best feeling in the world. They dont want to waste time in meaningless, passive relationships. My advice is to keep people out of your relationship at first because its gonna take a lot of your time and energy and having everyone in your ear can cloud things even more as you are trying to figure out if this is worth it for you. She will really admire the strength and the will power that he holds which makes him a successful person. Our sting/revenge is far more painful then pointless gossip. To be honest I am truely amazed at Scorpios depth of emotion and vulnerability. But that does not excuse that he is an immature, childish, arrogant(as all Scorps are) ass. I hope it does. I laughed a bit at this weirdly cute behaviour, but still, such behavior wudnt always look cute after a limit. It wasnt even a proper experience, but they say it right that scorpios definitely transform you as a stronger person. It has to be both parties really wanting it, understanding each other, and willing to accept and compromise. The Scorpio male has a quality of controlling himself, which may be needed to deal with a partner like her, who is quite moody and is ruled by her twin nature. Our relationship complemented by marriage is a tender and emotional person, I love my husband Scorpio. He is my first Scorpio and we love each other so deeply and its all happening so fast. The way he sees it, theres no such thing as destiny. So being a Gemini in generall i am like a butterfly who likes having intelligent conversations. Coz Im a scorpio,where can I search about this scorp evolved 7 stages? i am EVERYTHiNG it says iM and MORE!! Sag woman is much better for scorpio man, This is not true actually sounds like it suppose be other way sag women act and are h#&$&something a Scorpio will not tolerated but you guys will get confuse because there honest people and us Gemini are to but around a bush about telling whole truth and Scorpio dont like liers my personal experience my BD his ex was a sag he told me how she act and they not together no more and that was four years agoif you guys meet a gemini or Scorpio stick it out its worth it and powerful, Hmm, sag female scorp male definitely works better than the other way round. But we have been so very blessed with 3 wonderful children since. He in turn needs to understand more about his own emotional depths, which she can teach him. While you are dating or relationship pls girls never ever loose your dignity When i read the comments above Scorpio people said we want soul connection and we cannot find it at playful geminis My question until you meet your soulmate will you have affairs with other ladies??? Within a week or so the Scorpio messages me seeing about meeting up for a drink and getting my number so we can catch up. Cancer . He knows the relationship is over, she said she didn't want to be with him romantically, after all, but . However Im shallow as well, just not often. When they do make those decisions, they know what needs to be done for their life or relationship to work out properly. They want a serious relationship. Gemini: Communicate Clearly And Respectfully. Im a gemini woman and Im dating a scorpio man for three years now also were long distance relationship. Blocked for herself has one too good to be true interpretation. 10 reasons why Scorpio men are such a catch. Im just here to learn what or who I may have in my hands so thank you. He was in love with her, and now he needs comforting. But I do know my father. With a little effort, this combo DOES work. I scared her. Aries March 21 - April 19; Taurus April 20 - May 20; Gemini May 21 - June 20; Cancer June 21 - July 22; Leo July 23 - Aug 22; This is insanely accurate! I need a honest balanced relationship with No secrets (Id rather know the painful truth) .. Im definitely not. Usually, the Serpent & wolf stages are the popular stages Scorps tend to be or the kind of Scorps people commonly encounter. In fact, its exactly why we remain eternally in a state of imagination and fantasy daydreams, because its the only way we can handle the depth of what we feel. im a gemini womanand ive been married for 5 years with a scorpion manthe thing that said how we see each other for the first time is sooo trueit freaks me out.And it is true that we are so differentbut i dont know at the end of the day we always make it work. They. I absolutely agree. When with them, you should be prepared for. Recently stated talking to a Scorpio which is a first for me and oh my he was intense in how he already wants to be my boyfriend and seem serious about it. DUMB PPL ARE A BIG NO (with exceptions). I have been with my Scorpio man going on 6 years and we have been married going on 3 years in October. For him, sex is a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual experience. I was in a similar situation with my gemeni girl. It showed him you are willing to reciprocate his effort. Believe it or not, being a friend will eventually lead her to look at you in a different light down the road. But I think a Gemini should accept that they need too adapt, both ways. If youre wondering, Will a Scorpio man always come back to a Gemini woman? The answer is yes, thanks to his stubborn and devoted nature. But is dependent on him, while in the other one, the female is stronger. This pair will also likely struggle with trust issues because they are both so duplicitous. When it comes to the longevity of a Scorpio and Gemini relationship, this is not a match that is destined for success, according to astrology. This is why Scorpio loves Gemini woman and he doesnt even know why. Scorpios are the type who will do anything they can to keep their partners happy and make them feel secure. A quote that comes to mind is when thinking of Scorpio guys and gemeni girls is: Spiteful words can hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart. What happened?? Given their decision-making habits, Scorpios dont get into relationships as quickly as others. But for a Gemini woman, sex is just about having a physical and mental connection. He also comes back because you make him feel good about himself. The air sign is also one of the few in the zodiac who can successfully uncover a Scorpio's surreptitious demeanor. But this is simply the painful irony of a heart that loves so few. More quickly than I even expected. Well, geminis are really chatty, right? Wow, this made me cry because I know exactly how you feel as a Gemini woman. Fuck you. And they never understood that I never even tried to turn the key, I *was* the key, so never needed try. She finds her Gemini Man exciting and unpredictable. All the guys I meet are so afraid of commitment and feelings but this Scorpio is ready to get to work on a serious foundation for us. What matters instead is the individual and how he or she thinks and feels. I guess when I saw your comment I saw an opportunity. With finally having the deep, intimate connection Ive always wanted, in the bedroom as well, yeah, no way in hell would i want anyone else. If Gemini woman genuinely loves him, there is a possibility with some teaching and charm that he can show her what it is that he so desires in his lover and can even put flame to her passion. I guess thats why people think we (Scorpios) are psychic or get in their heads and others think we make grand assumptions. Geminis are knocked for being superficial, I get that, but because weve never been around a sign that we can replicate. They are both so good at outwitting others that they will have no choice but to respect one anothers intelligence. She said she DID THAT BLOCK FOR HERSELF & NOT FOR ME, plus she didnt want anymore drama at her home,. The Scorpio Woman can handle change and adventure. You might not like what we say about our past. She is also very charming and can sweet-talk anyone to get her way. Sure, hes intense and possessive to some degree, but its not unbearable. i am not in love with him guess i m gullible we gemini girls are for the moment. A Scorpio man tends to be deeply intuitive and can see through a Gemini woman's mask of innocence to the complex and fascinating person underneath. And as a Gemini I am more of a butterfly in the wind and I do enjoy my freedom. We want the long haul and Scorpios are willing to give that. No one else has drawn my attention at all. If you hurt me hundred times It will hurt you thousand times , Geminis pls never trust and loose your virginity to someone useless. This simple secret about Scorpio men puts you first in his mind and makes him fall deeply in love with you. It has definitely been an interesting ride for us. My last Scorpio has recently come back begging to be back together, he hadnt shown me as much passion when we dated before, and now he has seen me date someone else he cant bare to see me with anyone else. Scorpios know they have found something special, and they wont easily let go. We will not hesitate to tell it how it is but we slso love hard. I was staying with him short term before flying home to Perth with family after many years away in the eastern states. Im like a hermit and need lots of solidtude. I finally have a partner, not an unbalanced power relationship, we both support each other, we both take care of the house. Once you gain a deeper understanding of both of their zodiac signs typical characteristics and behaviors, you will know the Scorpio man and Gemini womans relationship compatibility. Its a trait that makes them all the more attractive to potential partners. Start to love deep when you are married. After 6months I started to be jelous because I really loved him (like a very sweet baby). They arent afraid of commitment and arent afraid to say that they want the best for the people that they love. She was too scared to face her problems and ran away. Too good. I was at at a friends house hanging out when he texted me to meet up at a bar with him and some friends (all guys). Didnt make it to highschool. Im scorpio to the bone and she has my heart and soul.and my loyalty.. Could their differences help them balance each other, or are they more likely to tear this couple apart? I think they are called narcissists and Im glad youre out of it! Then it was to see if I really loved her she even did a psychological intake on me (shes getting a PhD in psych) I have NEVER needed or wanted to listen to or be controlled by a man of any sign except for a Scorpio. Yes it is true that most Scorpios can be more intense and have a serious nature. 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