America/Female America (Hetalia) slight one sided america/prussia Alfred (America) Amelia (female America) Gilbert (Prussia) Songfic Obsession Unfinished Oneshot Song: Stan (Eminem) Non-Graphic Violence Swear Words a songfic about Gilbert's biggest fan, Alfred. This will be updated periodically so check back if you're interested! ", "I know," he sighed, used to hearing that all the time. What ifwhat if this was her only opportunity to space dandy How did you end up in a godforsaken place like this?". I really like purple. The man took the words as the dismissal they were and quickly left, leaving the lady standing in the middle of the field. Russia seemed so eager. America woke up only when the sun was high in the sky above her, bright and warm and welcoming as soon as she cracked open her eyes to the world. Also the fact that most of the nations are gay.and guys.and America has depression.. , : Twitter, Tumblr. "No, I was never that. Hell have to keep an eye on this one. The nations have somehow been revealed to the public. She sunk deeper down into her bush as they came nearer to her hiding spot. Who could have known a single knock on his door could have resulted in so much. It's reached the point that finding out who the main characters are is a largely moot point (unless for formality's sake) when a good chunk of the ensemble have been given fandoms and their own time to shinenoteDue to the very nature of the series and history itself, each Nation (at least for the more prominent ones) is technically his/her own main character. In most nations, my children are still suppressed or have been entirely wiped out and forgotten. For 10 years, Alfred and Matthew have been living a comfortable life. There was no way that she knew America was in there, but America froze in place as if shed already been caught. Within one certain nation, a group of individual states make up this powerful country. seem Unlike the pungent smell of tobacco, what came out of that pipe smelled gentle, and it made America smile with a faded familiarity. blue exorcist My bosses, other people, they did horrible things. . Even Lady Kirkland had come looking for her and she wouldnt have done that if she hadnt wanted America around. America woke up to a blue sky. Minnesota celebrates Christmas with friends New Jersey pranks people. Mississippi goes hunting with the president. Just what it says on the tin. Hope you all enjoy! You shoved the European invaders away one at a time, sometimes buying yourself new land like a whore, sometimes defeating others in blood. Well, now you have it! People wanted her. A/N: I used to hate the 4th of July. You were not the first, young America. A Hetalia fanfiction. Happy 4th of July, everyone! America parted the bushs branches enough to see the field, just in time to see two people, a man and a woman, break through the tree line. Yes, there are still racists out there, and yes, average Americans have a horribly skewed view of life on the reservations (really, we don't live in tepees and wigwams anymore!) Soon, however, the very foundations of human civilization will be rocked by a world-changing event, and both humanity and the nations are about to discover the answer to the fundamental question: Worlds will live, worlds will die, and nothing will ever be the same. Look out, Earth-124. A Crisis is coming to your world., Nations and humans have a complicated relationship. or accurate. as well as Why was it different than it had been before? Indiana plants apples. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. "No! There was no present in his hands, but there was a glittering, butterfly-like bow in his hair. At that, America frowned. Everyone thinks he is a hero, but is he really? America found herself leaning forward ever so slightly in order to get a closer look at her. Eventually I was shown by my mentor, a Cherokee professor of Native American Anthropology, how to have pride in this nation despite the atrocities of the past. ", The old man nodded thoughtfully. Even other New World nations! Sadly, that all comes crashing down when just a few documents from numerous countries are released onto the internet. You see, whenever I went to the Mediterranean area of my country, I'd always stop by for a glass. To the invaders, we were nothing but savages, not even considered fully human. China and Russia were fighting over something mundane. He was just a child, an infant. Someone leaked the fact that nations exist. "It happened one ordinary day, it was broadcast that personified nations walk amongst humans. Unfortunately, vacation and relaxation have never gone hand in hand.The Spoils of Internal War by Catherine Wheels England and Spain |T| Romance and Tragedy| SpaEngGermany might have been Spains closest friend but it was England for whom Spains heart desired. No, that one moment had simply been the last straw, the much-needed proof. Perhaps there you will meet the Great Spirit and we can speak again.". Then, new people had come. Yet, as they slowly gained their feet, that feeling had quickly melted away and morphed into somethingdifferent. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", She feltexposed. Mostly Baltics- and Nordics-centric, though other ships might appear. "I helped you to survive, and you repaid me by shoving me away, taking the lands I once watched over, slaughtering my people. He continued to fade, and a tear dropped from America's eye as the old man smiled like an elderly grandfather. A tale of mistaken identity. As they began to fight again, America hummed to himself. Another Place to Fall by stardropdreamGreece and Japan |M/E| GiripanJapan goes to Greeces house to ask a question regarding a new turn of events. Their nation didn't understand. I was forced from my valleys, my forests, my fertile hills, shoved further and further away, until I was tossed into the desert, like garbage people hoped would burn away and be forgotten. America had no sympathy for him because the clothing hed chosen to wear looked absolutely suffocating. America isn't who he seems. A collection of short ficlets and drabbles that were originally posted on Tumblr over the years. ", Canada hummed pondering over the question, then finally shrugged nonchalantly and smiled in a good-natured way. Still, I saw hope in you. Like him, they are personified to look like and act like us. The smoke showed a spirit struggling, fighting, thrashing violently as borders were set around him. Mostly crack, Light hearted fluffy stuff about nations revealed. Maybe I wanted to keep remembering him for the savior who rescued me in the snow and shared the first Thanksgiving feast with me, not the discarded old man he became. If it wasnt true, then why had they left? The kings and the queens of the four kingdoms receive a mysterious visit, once again. Everyone tries to at least attempt to return their lives to some sort of normalcy. "I wonder if old man Native America shows up to other countries. An air of danger flooded the field, suffocating her with a sense of foreboding and violently ripping away the comforting sense of security she had been blanketed in. America rolled the old man over. the old man asked bitterly. Her parties are the best! I know you dont trust me, she began gently, her eyes casting downwards towards the hands folded in her lap, and I know what it feels like to have strangers on your land. Americas eyes narrowed at her and she leaned in closer to her, unsure of what she was going to say next. "Ahy-yeah," Canada chuckled nervously. Hello and welcome to my Hetalia fanfiction recommendation page. It's hard to be happy when everybody is against that. AU, UKCan. I always dismissed them as growing pains, but stillpeople were affected. America was really bad at listening to her instincts. He began to go limp again. England had to get to Alfreds by at least seven thirty. Work Search: Germany? But doctors were not always immune, either. Arthur and Alfred have moved on from the past and yet Arthur health still ends up deteriorating around the 4th. "He visits on my birthday every year. Iceland and Sealand lash out at others, while Estonia and Latvia lash out at themselves. Instead, he got to talk with a person whi is against Nations. Skeletons were left behind, rotting corpses that filled vast trenches, miles upon miles of slain people. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. That'smy God, that's horrible!" Hetalia X Reader [The Married Life]! All right, dudes!" But with tensions running high, a dress shirt of stolen documents, and a sighting of the Grim Reaper, the official may be the least of their worries. You should come celebrate it, too. he asked suspiciously. I wonder why that is? mused America out loud. America cringed a little as he thought back to a time many centuries ago. I didn't see you there. "Remember the mistakes of the past, huh? First published Mar 16, 2016 The country America has never had a representative. No, something that wont, He could feel the blood-soaked sand under his feet, the stench of death thick in the air. Finally the old man opened his eyes. through any means necessary. synergy rv transport pay rate; stephen randolph todd. Hetalia | Anime/Manga Fanfiction America England Depression Fading Self Harm. America looked back down at the article. [Legand of Sleepy Hollow inspired]. The old man shoved the leaves into the bowl and lit it up. "We've all gone through it, why not him?" There was even an upstairs and downstairs to each one! Exposed and vulnerable and Then he saw the pipe still sitting on the nightstand. Highest rank: #122 in humor A family of three passed by him, one of England's people. America wanted to argue with her, to say that she had plenty of people around her thank you very much, but she knew that would be a lie. Others tribes were slaughtered down to the last man, woman, and child. Lithuania, feeling stressed and overworked, decides to let himself sleep. When Arthur Kirkland prepares to leave for college abroad, he stumbles across a notebook that he had created with an old friend whom he had lost touch with. "We must remember the mistakes of the past lest we repeat them. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Then, a small smile curled on her lips, one that eased the tension tightening in Americas chest. Foreigners, from a land unknown to her, that had been so vastly different from the others that they had stuck out like a rotting carcass. Fading Away: A Hetalia Fanfiction *TRIGGER WARNING*. and to his shock, a surprising number of nations took interest in lending a hand. The American Dream by lightinthehallAmerica and Canada |M| AmeCanAlfreds full, clear voice snaps at the recruits like a loud whip. Poland, who had formally introduced himself as the captainonce Lithuania had been safely tended tocomplained that there wasnt that much art to it. Still, I felt pain at each culture that became extinct. Tolys is making a speedy recovery, but will he really be able to leave and set off alone again? In agony, he began to change, the spirit took on a human form, and the weathered man was left screaming in his new physical body. at first, it wasnt supposed to be a tightly-held secret. England scoffed. I've made a lot. We had many natural disasters, from the epic floods at the end of the Ice Age, which trapped my children in this New World, cut off from Asia, to fires, earthquakes, volcanoesyes, we had many problems, but it's the same for any nation. Nation Revealed with mature depiction. Hetalia: Axis Powers. He should be watching everyone but his eyes are drawn to that one man and how he immediately brings his hand to a salute - not weakly, not overdone - just beautiful. Hello and welcome to my Hetalia fanfiction recommendation page. Overnight the world has slowly gone to hell with the leak of documents, photos, portraits and writings documenting the existence of immortal beings in Latin America and with it to the rest of the world. Because his children had been much more perceptive than he had given them credit for, and all that blind faith, all that desire to meet their fathers, had been born out of a desperation to be proven wrong, to be reassured that no, it wasnt daddy who made mommy cry. "Like you're any better!" Some fell to their own greed, some flourished. ", France snickered softly too. . ), When a secret deal that was made centuries ago stating America's romance life to be off limits was broken by France it has the other nations competing for the americans affection. His weather-beaten face was down on the scorching grains. We're the land of the free and the home of the brave, the land of opportunity", "Freedom is never free," the old man said in a hoarse voice. "Youyou're Native America? ", "Yay!" No empire fought on other kingdoms' lands, no kingdom nor city vowed to abolish the other, and the people were at peace, not a riot in sight. England and France were already bickering. if it is born in flames by MeasuredGreece and Japan |M| Drama/Hurt/ComfortAU. I wanted". In other lands, my children began to fall to the Europeans, to their swords, guns, and diseases.". "A country?" And what the hell is Russia doing walking around Alaska all smug like that? hetalia 56 pages January 1, 2018 Leesa Crakon. A planet made up and divided into parts called nations. *Also I hope you guys who try reading this dont mind, but I HC Germany as being on the spectrum, so I hope you dont mind :D. It was America, unsurprisingly, who let the secret slip. Please mind the warnings; this fic will get very dark, Other ships will be added later; I just wanted to keep them a surprise, eventually there is a happy ending if you know the plot of the movie, The Art of Gifting (to Someone who Cant Accept a Gift for the Life of Them), i made Canada talk like a maritimer so be ready for that, Just two (mostly) happy boys falling in love, Minor France/Prussia/Spain (Hetalia) - Relationship. The moment his children had stopped believing. Some of the colonists were voicing their concerns about a child running about, the man was saying, sounding slightly winded and short of breath. She worked on soothing that bitter, blaming, spiteful side of me, suctioning it out like the poison from a snake wound, and I'm thankful for it. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Anime/Manga Fanfiction Historical Hetalia Canada America States Pr America and Canada have been hiding a secret for a long time, and that all comes out when they, the axis, allies, Spain, Romano, and Prussia are held back after a meeting. Plot: England and France have been forced into marriage by their "bosses", at first England is hesitant but his secret feelings are q America - The bubbly, happy, hamburger loving nation. In the hotel they were staying at, each of his brothers got their own rooms! Suddenly had this crazy inspiration and urge to write a Hetalia fanfic of America and Cananda if they weren't found by the European nations. "I know not all of it was your fault. Only Japan saw the mood in his ally's face, but he wisely refrained from pointing it out. Un Arkansas drops turkeys. There is potentially a character for every country that exists now or ever has, even ones that were never independent countries like Hong Kong, and supernational states like the Holy Roman Empire. He found it charming. I need me more AmePan content like that. Consumption by Save the RaveCanada and America |T| Hurt/Comfort/FriendshipThrough his insomnia and Opium binges at 3am, he managed to meet Alfred - a man four years younger than he and recovering from Tuberculosis. Advertisement . Historical Context: Though Jamestown, Virginia was founded in 1607 by the Virginia Company, the colony of Virginia wouldnt become an official crown colony until May of 1624 when King James I revoked the Virginia Companys charter. "I was once boundless. That was why I named you Sky Eyes. This will be updated periodically so check back if youre interested! Italy munched away on garlic bruschetta and offered some to Germany, who turned it down. Mississippi goes hunting with the president. Blame the individuals, not the entire culture. America likes to give gifts, and Lithuania likes to refuse them. Behind the Iron Curtain, nearly thirteen nations begrudingly eat, work, and sleep in Russia's secluded home. (Authors note: Such an original idea right guys?). What's your name? "I'll get you help. I bet he'd love to take you to see Machu Picchu. However, he was not in the guild that morning, and Gray wondered if Natsu had completely forgotten and was frantically searching around town for somethinganythingto buy as a last-minute present. The Ice-Make wiza, He was lucky that he was still in Boston. Some I hardly knew were mistakes at the time. With the internet, people start to notice. America gave a silent huff, confused as to why her cover wasnt fooling the woman. ", As America watched, the old man began to shimmer and become transparent. That was one awesome party. The smoke swirled, and America saw a vast group journeying over the prairies, hunting the buffalo, moving with the flow of nature. This is a collection of drabbles and oneshots. In front of her, the woman lowered herself to the ground, her skirts billowing out around her as she settled her hands into her lap. ", "I get those still," America said softly. Wow. They were a steadfast constant, always there to ensure the steady beat of her own heart, and had become just as familiar to her as the land beneath her feet. ", "Together?" ", "Mnnmaybe," Canada smiled. Michigan refuses to leave Toledo. Blogging: Hetalia, Yu-Gi-Oh DM and an assortment of Canadian things. > Banner: Oddities Purple: Mixit by Tiffany Chow. "Are you saying I can't make even simple appetizers, youyou blond male harlot!" There were battles, tribe versus tribe. Why was there a distinction between them and those who had originally lived on her land? Kansas holds a sex toy auction. Hetalia: America and Native America OC, Rated T America was enjoying his summer playtime by dirt biking through the Sonoran Desert. Please consider turning it on! Wouldn't it be great if one of them were your boyfriend? The two came to a stop a couple of feet from Americas bush and the young girls breath caught in her throat. But Alfred can figure that out for himself. He didn't understand why, just that he loved spending time with Prussia. Im quite positive, another one answered lightly, growing closer and closer as it spoke. America cried out, covering his ears as he heard millions of screaming voices. She could feel every inch of its great expanse, and even felt the people who lived within her boundaries. . ", "What! Now we live together. There's gotta be family or some friends to care for you. Work Search: When I rescued you that winter, I saw your eyes shine like the endless expanse of the sky. You are a country that's been happily with Germany in both country wise for as long as you can remember and soon to be marriage wise as well. ", "No!" Many thousands of years passed. Earth. Because of the unusual nature of his death, Feliks makes Tolys an offer. ", America pulled off his backpack and yanked out a water bottle. ", "Old man?" America woke up only when the sun was high in the sky above her, bright and warm and welcoming as soon as she cracked open her eyes to the world. And France. like AmericaxJapan fluff? "Do you mean First Nation? A man who works there reminds him not to let the public opinion get to him too much. Was this lady like her? At that, America frowned. The representatives of these ntaions decided to have a meeting established in the most avoided day of The United Sates. Due to the very nature of the series and history itself, Russia, Canada, France, China, America, England, HRE, Hungary, Austria, Prussia, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, Ireland, Greece, Turkey, Northern Cyprus, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Mongolia, Tibet, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Sealand, Seborga, Wy, Kugelmugel, Molossia, Hutt River, Nikko Nikko, Ladonia, Ancient Rome, Germania, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Britannia, Magyar, Persia, Osaka, Aizu, Mito, Owari, Sendai, Kanazawa, Aomori, Akita, Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima, Yamagata, Oita, Nagasaki, Saga, Fukuoka, Kagoshima, Kumamoto, Miyazaki, Touyama, Tokyo, Saitama, Ishikawa, Ibaraki, Fukui, Kanagawa, Chiba, Tochigi, Gunma, Shiiga, Mie, Kyoto, Wakayama, Okinawa, Nara, Ehime, Kochi, Hyougo, Tokushima, Kagawa, Hokkaido, The Axis (North Italy, Germany, Japan), The Allies (America, England/Britain, France, Russia, China), Americas (Canada), Africas (Seychelles, Egypt), Oceania (Wy), Central Europe (Hungary, Austria, Prussia, Switzerland, Liechtenstein), Western Europe (Belgium), Southern Europe (Spain, South Italy, Monaco), Southeast Europe (Greece, Turkey), Eastern Europe (Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine), Northern Europe (Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland), East Asia (South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau), Southeast Asia (Vietnam), Joan Of Arc, Maria Theresa, Frederick II of Prussia, Wadysaw II Jagieo, Jadwiga of Poland, Christina of Sweden, Zheng He, Spartacus, Nero, Agrippina, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Girolamo Savonarola, Brothers Grimm, Napoleon Bonaparte, Noto Kanazawa, Yamato Nara, Maurizio, Zashiki-Warashi, The French Soldier And His Wife, Davie, Tony, Shinatty-Chan, General Winter, Kappa, Pochi, Mochis, Parallel Nations, The Nekotalia Cast (Germouser, Itabby, Japaneko, etc. Smiling, Native America watched the toddler romp around the fields chasing butterflies. Wide plains dotted with tepees, rainy forests with totem poles, smoke lodges in the mountains, igloos on the snowy tundra, grand palaces with golden pyramid temples, and many other dwellings, some humble, some extravagant. Neither nation spoke after that. But when the crew had boarded the ship, Russia was nowhere to be found. "You smoked that back then," he realized. At least my pipe isn't for tobacco.". When the government realized you couldn't kill me, they tried to eradicate the buffalo, those helpless animals driven nearly to extinction, all so that my children could starve to death. Estonia thought it interesting, especially when he met Prussia. "Hah! Bromance by IlluminatedShadowAmerica and Canada |M| Humour/RomanceThe Bro Code says nothing about what to do when a Bro falls in love with another Bro. France and England then came. even a whisper by MeasuredGreece and Japan |T| RomanceJapan confesses to a sleeping Greece. he cried out in desperation. "I call this meeting of the G8 into session. I came to you in the winter and helped you to survive, and you repaid me with a full-scale massacre. Please consider turning it on! However, most Americans see the indigenous tribes as sacred heirlooms that should be honored and allowed full freedom in the expression of their cultures. He took a long puff and exhaled the silvery smoke. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. He poured the lukewarm liquid into the old man's mouth. I probably rely too much on google translate, sorry netherlands is actually a dick in this, states are the children of America and one other country, as historical as I could get it I suppose, States also kinda hate their father nations, huuuuuuge bias towards America just so y'all know. They weren't his, but he felt as much for them, the children who had died to save France. (or: america was born a male with the exception of whats underneath his pants, and has never been intimately touched by another person his whole life.). After a harsh day, England visits a bar he used to come to regularly. Based on the game Ditzy Dice by Blushing Defeat. 2022, tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (48), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Female Germany/Female North Italy (Hetalia), getting married to pretend they arent gay, hopefully america getting fucked every chapter: the smut fic, update: its porn with plot and a shit ton of words, because author forgot they write stories too :), America & Canada & England & France (Hetalia), They are representations of the counries instead of them being personifications, might turn this into its own fic entirely. He had his laptop out, studiously reading an article in Wikipedia on the Trail of Tears. He knew it was foolish to think that that one moment had destroyed decades of sugar-sweet lies and joy-filled fantasies, elaborate excuses and cherished dreams. With his helmet on, the motor roaring, and a rain of sand and pebbles all around him, he was blind and deaf to all but the arid path directly in front of him. Even that twit Italy was older than him. Look at me! My name is Alfred F. Jones. The ancient man coughed the sand away from his parched lips. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. That was absolutely adorable and I loved it. He isn't call the melting pot of cultures for nothing. "Don't go. Prologue "Maybe so. The nature of their relationships with him vary between them all, however they all have served him in some capacity. "And can mortal man comprehend what they see?". Finally, though, when it seemed like she realized America wasnt going to come out on her own, she sighed. I have so many detailed headcanons that often I feel too overwhelmed to make them into multichapter fics, but I've found that writing them as single scenes is a lot easier. "I'll bring the wine," France said with a wink. As America stared in amazement at the infant wailing in the snow, Native America puffed away on his lengthy pipe. Hey America, are you feeling better now? "Drink up, dude." Instead, they had both come to a silent understanding that only their kind could. Right? America shivered in disbelief that something like that could happen in his country. I was huge, greater than Ancient Rome, a land of many tribes, from the igloos of the Eskimos". The woman, though dressed similarly to the man, didnt seem phased at all by the effort. America didnt understand it. America forges a new relationship that will forever change her. Did you ever wonder, what was here before your birth? Instead he takes a taxi to a little speck of a town. "II was alone. He would have smiled if he didn't have a bad feeling about today. Alfred is an oblivious idiotwhat else is new? Title Origin: Based on the colonization of the New World. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "It was indeed. So they decide to try againbut this time with five new victims Tolys seems happy and Matthew is a little lost. he asked in shock. But that wasnt important. "You helped me. 2015)[fallingvoices, radialarch] with mixed genres. Grow, young America. "Hey, stay with me," America urged, shaking the man slightly. Even an idiot like you can't screw up something as simple as that.". The hotel was only a thirty minute drive from Americas house. I'll ask Brazil too. I wanted toto thank youfor saving me that day. 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